SOFT. Gathering..(sign up here)

ok, back to the original topic.

1. SeekZ
2. gordonzz
3. shred5 (I'll try and bring my drumset!!! )
4. BlackMoo (I'll bring cowbells.)
5. Pooo
6. satch
7. dric (as long as i'm free ...sch sucks u see)
8. soft
9. Vaiyen
10. dhalif
11. metalella_eh
12. Grain ... (if its sumtime in mid June, maybe i can hv a place for us all)
13. Pulse_ironica
14. The VP - Vernplum!
15. khai stereotype
16. nitrovo
1. SeekZ
2. gordonzz
3. shred5 (I'll try and bring my drumset!!! )
4. BlackMoo (I'll bring cowbells.)
5. Pooo
6. satch
7. dric (as long as i'm free ...sch sucks u see)
8. soft
9. Vaiyen
10. dhalif
11. metalella_eh
12. Grain ... (if its sumtime in mid June, maybe i can hv a place for us all)
13. Pulse_ironica
14. The VP - Vernplum!
15. khai stereotype
16. nitrovo
17. fored
mercy said:
so sad.u guys go have all the fun while poor,sweet innocent gals like me stay at home with fair..I HATE MY MUM!!!!life sux.....sobz.....i'll bring lotsa merci choc if i could go......oh it was sad,oh it was sad....lalala....oh so sad....sobz....(uncontrollable weeping) :(

why not bring your mum along? :D u make me laugh dude...anyway old are u? i understand man...curfew sucks..

anyway count me in for e gathering ya!

1. SeekZ
2. gordonzz
3. shred5 (I'll try and bring my drumset!!! )
4. BlackMoo (I'll bring cowbells.)
5. Pooo
6. satch
7. dric (as long as i'm free ...sch sucks u see)
8. soft
9. Vaiyen
10. dhalif
11. metalella_eh
12. Grain ... (if its sumtime in mid June, maybe i can hv a place for us all)
13. Pulse_ironica
14. The VP - Vernplum!
15. khai stereotype
16. nitrovo
17. fored
18. one
1. SeekZ
2. gordonzz
3. shred5 (I'll try and bring my drumset!!! )
4. BlackMoo (I'll bring cowbells.)
5. Pooo
6. satch
7. dric (as long as i'm free ...sch sucks u see)
8. soft
9. Vaiyen
10. dhalif
11. metalella_eh
12. Grain ... (if its sumtime in mid June, maybe i can hv a place for us all)
13. Pulse_ironica
14. The VP - Vernplum!
15. khai stereotype
16. nitrovo
17. fored
18. one
19. Fluzzeee :smt098
well.. it seems like its getting to become quite a crowd.
i guess Weekend dates had become a must.

if got more ppl, like got 30 or something.
there can be the option of having 2 chalets. (since you guys wana bring drumsets and all that kinda stuff, i figure one chalet wont be enuf.)

well... also need feedback how many ppl staying over.

haha, i think need some bassist to come grace this event ah... got drums and guitars not enuf eh without the bottom end.

but you guys be prepared to chip in a lil, i dont think will be much maybe like 5 to 10 bucks, depends on the crowd one lah, more ppl less cost. that kinda thing.

Nothing finalise, still checking response. Plz indicate if staying over.
1. SeekZ
2. gordonzz
3. shred5 (I'll try and bring my drumset!!! )
4. BlackMoo (I'll bring cowbells.)
5. Pooo
6. satch
7. dric (as long as i'm free ...sch sucks u see)
8. soft
9. Vaiyen
10. dhalif
11. metalella_eh
12. Grain ... (if its sumtime in mid June, maybe i can hv a place for us all)
13. Pulse_ironica
14. The VP - Vernplum!
15. khai stereotype
16. nitrovo
17. fored
18. one
19. Fluzzeee
20. jeremyrozario(ill leave my ego at home)

1. SeekZ
2. gordonzz
3. shred5 (I'll try and bring my drumset!!! )
4. BlackMoo (I'll bring cowbells.)
5. Pooo
6. satch
7. dric (as long as i'm free ...sch sucks u see)
8. soft
9. Vaiyen
10. dhalif
11. metalella_eh
12. Grain ... (if its sumtime in mid June, maybe i can hv a place for us all)
13. Pulse_ironica
14. The VP - Vernplum!
15. khai stereotype(in peace, i will come..)
16. nitrovo
17. fored
18. one
19. Fluzzeee
20. jeremyrozario(ill leave my ego at home)

Its best if evryone chips in some cash..
Pls dont bring your other frens along..
Its only for SOFTies
PUt Down YOur Emails at the side of your names...

keep em coming guys..

wah if this much, we can hv a 4 band gig...heheeee

i see drummers guitaris bassist vocalist keybordist
1. SeekZ
2. gordonzz
3. shred5 (I'll try and bring my drumset!!! )
4. BlackMoo (I'll bring cowbells.)
5. Pooo
6. satch
7. dric (as long as i'm free ...sch sucks u see)
8. soft
9. Vaiyen
10. dhalif
11. metalella_eh
12. Grain ... (if its sumtime in mid June, maybe i can hv a place for us all)
13. Pulse_ironica
14. The VP - Vernplum!
15. khai stereotype(in peace, i will come..)
16. nitrovo
17. fored
18. one
19. Fluzzeee
20. jeremyrozario(ill leave my ego at home)
21. wangdexian (super n00by bassist)
1. SeekZ
2. gordonzz
3. shred5 (I'll try and bring my drumset!!! )
4. BlackMoo (I'll bring cowbells.)
5. Pooo
6. satch
7. dric (as long as i'm free ...sch sucks u see)
8. soft
9. Vaiyen
10. dhalif
11. metalella_eh
12. Grain ... (if its sumtime in mid June, maybe i can hv a place for us all)
13. Pulse_ironica
14. The VP - Vernplum!
15. khai stereotype(in peace, i will come..)
16. nitrovo
17. fored
18. one
19. Fluzzeee
20. jeremyrozario(ill leave my ego at home)
21. wangdexian (super n00by bassist)
1. SeekZ
2. gordonzz
3. shred5 (I'll try and bring my drumset!!! )
4. BlackMoo (I'll bring cowbells.)
5. Pooo
6. satch
7. dric (as long as i'm free ...sch sucks u see)
8. soft
9. Vaiyen
10. dhalif -
11. metalella_eh
12. Grain ... (if its sumtime in mid June, maybe i can hv a place for us all)
13. Pulse_ironica
14. The VP - Vernplum!
15. khai stereotype(in peace, i will come..)
16. nitrovo
17. fored
18. one
19. Fluzzeee
20. jeremyrozario(ill leave my ego at home)
21. wangdexian (super n00by bassist)
1. SeekZ
2. gordonzz
3. shred5 (I'll try and bring my drumset!!! )
4. BlackMoo (I'll bring cowbells.)
5. Pooo
6. satch
7. dric (as long as i'm free ...sch sucks u see)
8. soft
9. Vaiyen
10. dhalif -
11. metalella_eh
12. Grain ... (if its sumtime in mid June, maybe i can hv a place for us all)
13. Pulse_ironica
14. The VP - Vernplum!
15. khai stereotype(in peace, i will come..)
16. nitrovo
17. fored
18. one
19. Fluzzeee
20. jeremyrozario(ill leave my ego at home)
21. wangdexian (super n00by bassist)
22. Fraggot
23. 3NotesAbar

Fraggot, I took the liberty of putting your name on the list as well. Siow here btw :)