Parties interested: (just put your name down, need to check response)
1. SeekZ
2. gordonzz
3. shred5 (I'll try and bring my drumset!!! )
4. BlackMoo (I'll bring cowbells.)
5. Pooo
6. satch
7. dric (as long as i'm free ...sch sucks u see)
8. soft
9. Vaiyen
10. dhalif
11. metalella_eh
wow.. if this is going to happen. the chalet may collapse because of us. and the security will be like screaming and yelling, trying to get to us but we're still on our guitars and drums. anyway, if really everyone bring their axe and amps. i think the whole chalet, not only ours, will black out due to the power overloading of our chalet with everyone using the amps.