Singapore Idols 2006 Season 2

Paul being in the bottom 3 just shows that even popularity don't give you that much votes... Perhaps his fans are to over-confident of his chance... But anyway, his performance was horrible and that should give him a wake up call...
the fella with the hair and braces freaks the hell outta me...
can't even concentrate on his singing when i see him..
not saying he's ugly or something,
just very................ distracting.
don't know what his name is.
is he still in the game?

i think you guys can sing better than them....
donno lah standard like drop already

just what i think lah don't bash me k i'm just a herb
i think this batch of idol beats the previous.

and i actually do like paul twohill.

only thing that irks the hell outta me is JAC...

she should just shut the hell up.
Spot on observations, satch.

Might I also add that Gurmit should take a bow and leave next season (or immediately if possible). His engrish is simply too jarring for my ears.
gurmit's fine with me.

this is afterall SINGAPORE idol. cant expect a superb english speaker to host the show.

but JAC.

jst bloody shut up and leave. seriously. i cant believe watching a person on tv can make me angry...
jac sounds like she's high on helium all the time.
but i do tink the previous batch were better in terms of singing and charisma.
Matilda rocks as a jazz siren .... Twohill CMI as jazzman, jasmine totally CMI in jazz...the rest ... :? :x

Somehow or other the judges seem to give damm "duhhhh" comments esp Ja - "blabber balbber...err yeah".....

Hady seemed ok...

Getai singer wt the cane??? - she shud have watched "The FabulousBaker Boys" movie - Michele Pfifer (wats her name?) in a sexy red dress croonin "makin whoopie"...yeah...

Ken seems to tell it like it is...rightly agree on his comments esp about Jon's disasterous jazz attempt

Ya. Exactly!
Why did they get Ja to be a JUDGE?!

let's wait and watch who Singapore decides to vote out this time.

i can't stand it when they keep saying, "Vote for your favourite idol." If your idol isn't ALL THAT, but in all you still like your idol cause he/she's your favourite, you'll surely vote for them right?

Anyone read 8 days?
Getai singer choot liao? I tot Jasmine wud get the red card - coz her jazz performance (to quote Simon - American Idol): horrid, just simply HORRID

i would always be mighty turned off when JA make comments.
she makes useless and unheard/unsound comments that dont make any sense.

other than that, i think joakim should be out instead of emilee
cos too me , he just cant sing
haha Ja's comments...I get the feeling she's holding back on us the most of all. I've been following so I can laugh at people man, honestly. I'm so mean. I'm sorry but some singers (shan't say which ones, you all can hear for yourself) sound really off. I think we compare our top 12 to American Idol's top 12 and they'll lose really badly. maybe it's the smaller population size means smaller talent pool?
haha true. but you gotta admit sometimes Ja really sounds weird. maybe we don't really need the judges? goodness.
This competition definitely need the judges if not no one will probably watch...but they also need to have a say in the voting process...

What would Spaniards say when they see Ja commenting? Jajajajajajaja...

Ok, that sounds so wrong...

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