Shredcow's Early Morning Jam (New take taken)

ShredCow said:
Its very hard to just conjure somethign beautiful on 1st take but well, it can be done. Vai;s For the Love of God was a one take according to him. Lots of fasting and stuff, then bam!

FTLOG is not *improvised* in one take. Like most Vai solos he is very meticuolous about pre-planning every note of every solo - he did not come up with this solo 'off the cuff'. However, after rehearsing the solo n times, he did record it in one take, or so the story goes. I read this in guitar player magazine when P&W came out. :) Apparently his fingers were bleeding from all the rehearsing prior to recording it.
ShredCow said:
Haha... finally eh KX? ;)

Strangely, I never heard Zappa before... whats good?

I love the 'Guitar' albums - a double album of nothing but guitar solos played by Frank. His playing is an acquired taste - personally I love it - he often plays over some harmonically wide open vamps and does some ridiculous stuff which can elicit the odd laugh now and again with his sheer daring. :) He's not a technical guitarist such as Vai, Malmsteen etc. but he does have his own unique way of playing and distinctive voice.

His 'regular' albums are less accessible than those 'guitar' platters for the guitarist, but his music is very very interesting. Check out:

Ship arriving too late to save a drowning witch (feat. Vai on 'stunt guitar')
Joes' Garage
Strictly Comercial (a best of compendium for the Zappa newbie).
Fwah cow!! u r amazing!! 2 thumbs up siah!!!!!

really like the "screamin" sound u do with the whammy bar... reminds me alot of satch and vai!!
Hey Vern, thanks for sharing. I'll try to search it out. Zappa is something indeed! "often plays over some harmonically wide open vamps and does some ridiculous stuff which can elicit the odd laugh now and again with his sheer daring." INDEED!

hey william, glad you like it. The whammy thing is a technique stolen from Mattias Elkundh of Freak Kitchen. Check him out. or Vai and Satch aren't the only one who do that. ;)

Well, as i mentioned earlier in the thread (hint hint), its from Guitar Techniques magazine. Its already posted in the 1st post.