been playing with me 7th for some time since collecting it. Came to some conclusion(
in my humblest opinion and no kopi money involved
). Its best suited for jamming volume it seem(amp pushed and louder volume. For bedroom volume, the pedal wont reach the peak of whats capable of, thus sounding slightly thin, imho) and amp dependent.
Thru goose amp, it sounded really
responsive thru playing dynamics, massive, spongy, distinctively unpedal like and crunchy sounding. Thru my 2x12 "halfway gone case aging toob way to heaven amp, it make me wanna destroy the amp and use the wreakage of my amp with the audible frequencies for soundart purposes instead
(the probem is with my geetar amp, not the pedal).
Through my bass amp with guitar.. heh, thats where the magik start. Need some tweaking on the eq, but once in the right zone, can push to sludgy chuggah in the stoner vein..
Try with bass amp! Huat ah!
Try with small practice amp, die the amp, the pedal wont be utilised at whats capable of,
Try with wrong tube amp, join me, we make soundart with frying chicken tone as lead and variable filtered frying fish cake sound as rhythm for tribute to merzbow
anyway, imho, anyone getting the 7th, do try it through various amps, theres magic in different amps and harsh soundart moment in some. But when the finger hit the right spot(pedal meet the right amp). MMMM, to quote my hokkien bro bros, it wound be "nabey, sibey tan jiak lah, boh beh zhao ah"! (aka, "*#!%?!!#^*, really can earn living ah, no horse run)