Randolf Arriola (embryo) Guitar Gear 101

randolf man, you got me thinking about the direction i wanna take in my life.
The talk with you after the show was amazing. The 4 of us( the 3 NUS student) continued till 12! The show was a real eye opener, exposed me to alot of element of music i'm not aware of.The explaination ....top notch.Licks from led zepplin , guns and roses..Nice! Might pay you a visit to try out your stuff soon..since your home is pretty darn near my workplace lol :twisted:
3rd Stone! So ur the one who wants to be the other man competing for ahem...Miss Mr335's attention. :) Nice! You got some nice moves there btw keep it up and may the best man win I say Hehehehe.

Alchemist, it was a pleasure to engage in conversation with you guys. To hear and learn about what you guys are passionate about and hoping to somehow participate, contribute and serve the multi function of music here is highly commendable and will always have my support and encouragement.

Keep up the spirit I say. :)
WOMAD Gibson Guitars Presentation at NUS UCC

Hey Randy!

As I told you I, a bassist, was tempted into buying a 335 myself just watching you play on it. I love the tone of that guitar! =)

I think the performance was really well done that night, even my little cousin was gushing about it non-stop into the night to her bro. =)

Honestly, I'm really awed by your tone control, Randolf! Haha it's been really cool to know that there's a person like you who takes such care with the tone of your music... =) It's inspiring.

And I'm really glad to hear some of the jammers that night having quite a bit of skill as they came up! I'm pretty sure those guys were softies(I'm a newbie here, sorry >_<). But I think you guys were pretty darn cool.

Darn... I want to get a Gibson now. =P Spreading the word to my friends. Hehez =) Too bad they don't make basses...

Seow Yi Zhe
Gibson Basses
Hey Randy!

As I told you I, a bassist, was tempted into buying a 335 myself just watching you play on it. I love the tone of that guitar! =) I think the performance was really well done that night, even my little cousin was gushing about it non-stop into the night to her bro. =)

Darn... I want to get a Gibson now. =P Spreading the word to my friends. Hehez =) Too bad they don't make basses...

Tanx. Glad to know you and your buds found inspiration in tone that I was coaxing from the fine instruments...especially the Custom Mr.335 Hehehe :)

Bassists shouldn't feel excluded tho as you should note that there are more than few iconic basses in the Gibson range including the Tobias and Steinbergers. Check out their website to explore further what's in store for you bassists @ http://www.gibson.com/

Gibson with Locking Nut and Bridge Systems

A popular query about Gibsons is why they do not include a Floyd Rose type of tremolo system. Actually there's a Custom Neal Schon (of Journey) Signature Les Paul Standard that is also equipped with the Fernandes Sustainer pup system. To my knowlege Neal Schon was one of the 1st in the early 80's to explore the idea of routing out a Les Paul to fit in a Floyd Rose system.

He also did some interesting things to his pickups like cutting off the extensions of the pole pieces at the bottom of the pickup to get a different response to his liking.

Other popular choices for Locking Bridge and Nut systems for the LP include the Kahler system which Robert Fripp uses. The Kahler does not require a route to the body.

Though not as famous and popular the most interesting Locking Nut System to me is also under the Gibson brand. It's the Steinberger's TransTrem. I've been meaning to get a hold of this for Embryo's recordings and future performances. :)
Ok so C y'all at Womad 2007 at Fort Canning later this evening.

Come by if you can for a great evening of electic music and cultures from around the world. Cheers!

Back from WOMAD 2007 Fort Canning last night, tanx to all who swung by. It was real fun meeting and bumpin' into fellows from all over :). The musicians were sweet in exchanging smiles and hellos. Schedule was obviously tighter so more of the Live Looping improv was done with the ever sexy Goldtop Les Paul which caught on quite a bit of attention from the attendees last night. :) The Larry Carlton Mr.335 yet again was also another recurring favourite!

Please do feel free to post here or email me @ randolf@embryosongs.com your thoughts or further enquiries about any of the fine Gibson guitars and floor pedals used.

Do check out WOMAD 2007 going on today till tomorrow while you can! Cheers. :)
will Gibson ever bring that steinberger synapse into SG? ever? ever? everrrr???

spend $$$ on developing a product and make it so unavailable... macam killing the product from birth like that. :x
I believe Gibson does carry but some of the Steinberger range as the brand is also under Gibson. Whether the retailer whats to stock it really depends on demand and apprently for a long time since the 80's there's not enough.

The Oberheim Echoplex Digital Pro Live Looping Rack Mount device with externalFootswitch is another fantastic piece of equipment under the Gibson brand but apparently because there is no demand, the retailer does not stock it here.

O Well.
the synapse series was sold exclusively only thro music123 or musician's friend or something like that and that particular company does not entertain overseas orders.
O well...

I've come across some folks here who've been determined enough to fork out what's necessary just to be able to get a piece of equipment from US even when the retailer or company refuses to sell direct.

Anyway I'll get the word around about the Steinberger range and see Gibson has to say ya. :)
If they could only include all of the Synapse's Baritone Neck range with Shifting built in slide capo, with a GK type Hex Pickup and the Transtrem system...wooohooo! :)
I'm not sure but what Epiphone amps are available here? There's a coupla Vale Junior owners here if I'm not mistaken. Were those acquired here?
Les Paul Tailpiece Ideal Height Issue

An interesting topic discussed of late here which I feel usually leaves many debating without a clear resolve is about What's the best height for the tailpiece for the Les Paul?

Me, I have a certain preferences but generally like my tailpiece raised higher than most stock Les Pauls. How high? Well for me it depends on the string gauge which is usually 11s if I'm intending to play more chords and arpeggios and 10s when I'm going to do more riffing and classic blues rock style soloing.

I was observing very carefully the Gibson Guitars last used at WOMAD 2007. The SG's tailpice was factory set lower than the Slash. I also noticed that the HD6XPro Les Paul had the tailpice set slightly higher. As an experiment I took the calipers and took measurements of each guitar's tailpiece height and swapped these settings on each of the guitars. Yes there is a difference in the feel, and resonance. What's best? Again I feel that this is unique for each individual. Les Pauls already feel slinkier and so seem easier to bend but only because you have to bend further to get to the bent pitch. This is because the scale lenght of the LP is shorter than Fenders. The scale lenght also affects the overal snappiness and resonance as is evident when comparing the snappiness and resonance of the Low E String between a Strat and Les Paul ya. :)

I did note that with a flushed to the body tailpiece resulting in steeper angle of the strings over the saddles that more of the string vibration was at the bridge whereas raising the bridge to create a less steep angle at the saddles seem to create a more even overall resonance from neck to body. The tailpiece height does seem to affect the feel and resonance. Subtly tho. I'm not so convinced that the steeper angle will improve sustain though.

Another very interesting finding about the difference between the BBKing Lucille and Larry Carlton although both are based on the 335 was the distance between the bridge and tailpiece. The BBKing is really wonderful but do find myself prefering the Larry Carlton which has a wider distance between the bridge and tailpiece. :)

Interesting huh?