Tube Amp Biasing
A popular enquiry about Tube Amp Biasing. What's good and what's not so good and why?
Regarding Tube Amp Biasing do's and dont's there are of course documented safe and recommended ranges for each manufacturers' Power Tubes model to operate optimally but what exactly is optimum? Well in
HiFi Speak and
Guitar Speak we can be poles apart as both camps have different ideals and opinions and quite understandably so because HiFi enthusiasts usually go for as much
clean headroom as possible whereas us weirdo buncho Geetar players usually want things
a little furrier...if you get my drift. hehe :lol:
Because, if it's the cleanest, loudest and most transient as possible that one need's from a guitar amp then we'll might as well go all out solid state...right? But that's not what we want, we want tone, we want mojo! Well Mojo isn't exactly rocket science 'cause it's Voodoo! (If I'm making any sense of it far)
Caution Ahead: Controversial statement about Amp manufacturers...well most, not all though.
I do believe it's in most "major" amp manufacturers interests to control the rate of after sales returned amps coming back in for servicing within a said warranty period and so taking that into account it's quite expected that they would usually bias the amps in the factory lines to operate within the "Safe Bias" range for the amp to sound...quite ok.
Unfortunately, this also means the amps are biased kinda cold. Not all amps....but most amps. :roll:
Interesting so far? Read on then if you're sorta interested or are determined to get the best out of your beauiful much hard earned, painfully paid for amber glowing toneful all tube amp.
It's important to note that when amps are
biased too cold you will lose volume and get a kinda "strange overdrive" happening from the Power Tubes which is kinda interesting (if you're into that kinda)but not ideal in most musical situations but the intended "noise rock situations". Why? Well because the amp will sound like it's lacking "Vitamins" hehehe, the low notes of the guitar will also get quite a bit too uncontrollably furry.
Now if the Power Tubes were
biased kinda too hot or too much you'll get a very different kinda behaviour in that the 1st thing you'll notice is that the amp seems much louder and harder dynamically. Kinda harsh (not plush)Also because of the higher heat generated at the Power Tube's plates the lifespan of tubes will also run kinda short. How short? Based on my own experience anywhere from a instantaneous "Pffft!" to a coupla months at most.
So what's
Good Biasing? Really it depends on each unique player's tonal intention from the amp. How's to then? Well every manufacturer's tube design has it's own recommended biasing specs. Ok so here comes the "
Voodoo" part about biasing for guitar amps... I know this is gonna sound kinda "Mumbo Jumbo" especially if you're a HiFi Nutcase/Purist (which I can be btw now and zen when I'm in the mood)...Watever! Ok, anyway... To achieve or approach "Ideal Tone" with Full Tube Amps, Power Tubes have to biased not just within specs... BUT! also
With the EARtoo.
As Dylan says; That's
3 chords and the truth.