Live Looping (Are you acting or really Playing!!??)
Thot I'd share this here...
i dont quite get the gig tho? what has experimental looping got to do with WORLD Of MUSIC & DANCE? unless u are looping world elements and dancing with those Gibson guitars?

Hehehe ok, that's an gud question hopefully tongue in cheek.
Live Looping is often misunderstood as mostly perceived as associated with experimental music when it's actually a technique of performance that isn't necessarily genre specific. Looping is also a compositional and improvisation technique used anywhere from African call & answer tribal beats and chants into classical music, blues, jazz, rock and yes also dance music including many of the modern electronica. Weird huh?
Sheila Chandra a featured Womad performer this year for example performs entire tunes with loops with her voice by creating drones and layering it further to create a sonic, rhythmic bed before she improvs over it with her unique blend of Indian, Persian and Celtic vocal lines. Womad started by Peter Gabriel uses loop techniques in many of his compositions and the musicians who all play and record at Real World Studios are all masters of looping be it solo, with an ensemble, live or with technology. Imogene Heap, Bjork and Enya are other vocalists amongst many others in the Pop world who create their own sound with vocal loops too. Many of the minimalist works of Erik Satie's and Philip Glass's piano compositions are loops if you think about it...
Guitar wise, Robert Fripp, David Torn, Bill Frisell, Andy Summers, The Edge, David Gilmour, Michael Brook are among many who employ looping techniques for their music be it experimental or commercial hits
So what does Womad got to do with Live Lopping and Gibson guitars?
Lots, I feel and it's gonna be fun if one listens to and plays music with an open heart.
Come by if you can. Admission is free tonight at UCC. Cya