hey im a jew y not come spit in my face biatches

idiot..skinheads in singapore are anti facists..

read ur textbooks bfore shouting aloud here..

ppl tend to regard skinheads in singapore as hitler's slave..
here the skinheads are anti nazi... SHARP skins...


this thread was in 2005!


anyway, the situation of punks nowadays, are cliched upon what they believe in..

claiming to be anti-capitalism.. but when asked what capitalism is, they dunno.. or they either say that capitalism is oppressive, but dunno how to go against capitalism..

hah! punk ping pongs!

anyway, cheers to a good ol' thread!
Punk is about thinking for yourself ^^ and not doing something you don't want to do to fit into society's 'standards'.

Of course you don't have to be 'punk' to think for yourself and stuff like that. But its just one of those 'groups' la.

The metalheads, the punks, the skins, the emos, the indie kids, scene kids, posers, cheenas, mat reps, jazzy people, rude boys, b-boys, rappers, pimps, skaters, bladers, bmx-ers, yo-yoers, wankers, gamers, ravers, nu ravers, pornstars, fishballers.. @_@ huh?

All are just a typical way to label someone, i'm sure not all punks like the same punk bands, and im sure not every metalhead enjoys listening to every genre of metal =/

having a certain ideologocial state of mind doesnt define how you dress. it shouldnt. the music should always be about the music, political or not. yeah man antiflag doesnt dress the part of the dr martens steel toecap oi oi punk, but their music is certainly anti-establishment. NOFX (excuse me if you think they're not punk enough) writes alot of anti-government/religion/etc etc haha songs and yeah they live the part.

punk kinda started out as a group of people who shared the same ideologies and whatnot. but now, it starts when people think its cool to dress up and then start being anti-establishment. its kinda sad when you think of it, not just for punk but for alot of other genres, that fashion dictates what you play, what you believe in and who you are.

who you are, what you believe in should dictate the music. and not the other way around. are punks dead? no. never. and a little bit of punk lives in each and every single one of us, punkrocker, metalhead, emokid or whatever it is.
i suggest all of you 'punks' or even those that wanna know more about the scene read this book : The Philosophy of Punk by Craig O' Hara. Its a pretty damn good book that sums up all of the many punk philosophies of all the different movements.

Punks do not seek to overthrow the government by brute force, although there are those within the movement that believe this is necessary. Many of the 'true' punks are actually very peaceful people. They believe that by using force to overthrow the government and force their ideas on the people of the country, it goes against what they're fighting for, which is essentially a country without government, police, or any form of ruling body. Which is anarchy in a nutshell. Anarchy is not about overthrowing the goverment resulting in mass chaos. Anarchy can only be achieved when we as people respect each other and our surroudings enough that there is no need for people to tell us what to do. Hence anarchy can(and should) only be spread through ideas. By word of mouth, by magazines, speeches. Not forcing it on people.

Punks that vandalise and cause harm to property do so only to government property, or property that they feel is against their cause. For example, in like with the punk philosophy of not hurting living things, many punk are in fact vegetarian and have caused damage to many farms and animal killing fields.

It is true that today and even say 10 years ago, punk culture has been exploited for monetary gain by the mass media and other corporations. Dressing like a punk is trendy and cool and i bet most of these people dont know what being punk is about. The punks started wearing clothes like that in attempt to gain attention for their movement, and of course to give a big middle finger to all the current trends(at that time). You dont have to dress like a punk or listen to punk music to be a punk.

The punk movement now definitely isnt what it used to be. It still lives on throughout the many fanzines that are still in circulation, spreading ideas and serving as a place for discussion. Though i think that there never was, and never will be a movement as vibrant as the punk.


PS: i do not claim to be punk. i dont think im worhty of that title. i have an ipod.
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i suggest all of you 'punks' or even those that wanna know more about the scene read this book : The Philosophy of Punk by Craig O' Hara. Its a pretty damn good book that sums up all of the many punk philosophies of all the different movements.

Punks do not seek to overthrow the government by brute force, although there are those within the movement that believe this is necessary. Many of the 'true' punks are actually very peaceful people. They believe that by using force to overthrow the government and force their ideas on the people of the country, it goes against what they're fighting for, which is essentially a country without government, police, or any form of ruling body. Which is anarchy in a nutshell. Anarchy is not about overthrowing the goverment resulting in mass chaos. Anarchy can only be achieved when we as people respect each other and our surroudings enough that there is no need for people to tell us what to do. Hence anarchy can(and should) only be spread through ideas. By word of mouth, by magazines, speeches. Not forcing it on people.

i tink u're talking abt the anarcho and anarchy movement.. which i believe everything that u say is true.. anarchy believes in chaos.. chaos itself is already a system, so why be part of a system, when they say they wana live in a "no system" community..

haiyaa singapore punks all "punk ping pong" nuff said.. ahahahah!
but there are a few punks who fight for a cause...:wink:

and i've read the book by Craig O' Hara.. the way he examines the ideals in punk(especially diy and "why punk") is simply mind blowing... his approach to the punk philosophy is goooood.....
well, punk is not very easy to understand, there's a lot of background and stuff, also their beliefs and practices. some stuff i heard was that true punks dont support the government, therefore they cycle/walk instead of taking the public transport like the MRT. and that they don't eat Macdonald's. is it true? dont scold me ah, i dont know whether im correct anot but it's just some stuff that my friends told me over the years.
i tink u're talking abt the anarcho and anarchy movement.. which i believe everything that u say is true.. anarchy believes in chaos.. chaos itself is already a system, so why be part of a system, when they say they wana live in a "no system" community..

haiyaa singapore punks all "punk ping pong" nuff said.. ahahahah!
but there are a few punks who fight for a cause...:wink:

and i've read the book by Craig O' Hara.. the way he examines the ideals in punk(especially diy and "why punk") is simply mind blowing... his approach to the punk philosophy is goooood.....

yeah i was talking about the anarchy moment. which is an essential, though not main, part of punk. i do agree that punk is not easy to understand. i dont think any movement is easy to understand. there are always a million OTHER interpretations that may or may not conflict with that you believe in.

i do really admire the true punks though. i think all other movements can only aspire to be as closely connected and 'adrenalised' as the punk one. not only that, non-conformity and not supporting corporations or establishments is much easier said that done. as for singaporeans, i dont know of any true punks that are actually willing to take steps and uphold the name of punk(i dont know that many punks though). and i dont mean just not taking the MRTs or not eating mcdonalds.

punks are just the rebellios offspring of hippies dudes.think about it both seek to overthrow the goverment in thier individual ways.ha.aniwes the only racist punks a are the nazis.and well true punks are anti goverment so they get to town every sat by thier own transport i meaan its like d'oh public trnasport equates to goverment transport.still ember thoses days punks as a whole were going to town by lorries.well ha when u say punks in singapore now its usually blink 182...and well no offense to all coz i do hung out with punks before even though i was a metalhead u see i doenst make nodiffrence all of us are the supporters of music.though yes of diffren genres but tihnk about it the only diffrnece is the arrangemtn and lyrics.ha.so well technically speaking...TRUE PUNK is dead in sinagspore...coz
1.they ride public transport
2.they all wear the same shirts ha imagine the horror last mtnh wen i and my mates saw a whole bunch of 'punks' ALL WEARING THE SAME VEST,BOOTS,RAMONES T SHIRT
3.they dont eat/drink from leftovers left by people(dis is part of the punk knowledge i cant elaborate coz i due to ex punk commmitments
4.bandwagon hoppers(either the punks bcome metalheads or mat reps)
5.hell even some of the OT'S hung up thier jacket due to too much yp's infesting the scene
simple to say the golden days of punk was a few years back..till youngsters can stop mindless self indulgence in waht they call 'punk' will the real punks return...like i said in this article i aint discrimintang no one.just believe that there was a liitle wrong turn made..
Check out "the decline of western civilization" 1 & 3. It shows there are scenesters everywhere. And not everyone has enough conviction to have an ideology deeper than just superficial.

well, having to eat leftovers or ride public transport doesn't equate "punk" IMO.. u see, punks rebel or refuse for a reason/cause.. they seek to overthrow the government because the govt is said to be abusing their rights as a citizen in that particular country.. and having a transport IS part of their rights as a common citizen.. eating leftovers is just plain stupid IMO, although i do that sometimes, (it's bcoz some people just like to waste food in restaurants ahahaha! not because i'm a punk)

and when u say true punks are dead because of the above-said reasons, then what about their political beliefs and ethics? isn't that supposed to be the main reason why true punks are dead? bcoz they don't practice what they preach?

And.. there's no such thing as OT in my opinion.. punks seeks for individualism.. and having an "authority" or someone of a higher "rank"(i hate to say this but no other words comes up in my mind) such as OT, isn't much wat they're seeking for, innit? bcoz everybody is equal.. no masters, no slaves.. :)

and regarding the previous post abt macdonalds, there's lots of issues why some punks are anti-Mcdonalds... u guys can check out this website if u'r interested to find out..


ps: i'm not a punk... :)
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yeah i agree with the above post by bleedsnomore. you dont have to eat leftovers or not take public transport to be a punk.

the punk ethics and beliefs are still very much alive. maybe not so much in singapore. or at least it doesnt seem so. and i do believe the punk ethics and beliefs are the most important part of being a punk. in other words, if you dont believe and live like a punk, you arent a punk. even if you wear leather jackets and badges. and most certainly even if you listen to blink 182.
Yes, It Is. And Perhaps You Should Start Sparring Your Caps Lock Tab A Bit More.

Punk started out as objection to political statements during those times. The image is not what defines a punk, it is simply part of the movement to show rebellion. The whole point is to be different.

In Singapore, there's no serious punks. I wouldn't say anything about the Singapore politics here however, if you think ( ).
wth. This thread is like 3 years old.
Anyway, my take on punks in singapore. It's what you wear. Have you seen 'punks' go around protesting? Fighting for their rights? Disturbing other people without giving a damn. What i see is mutts going around, making noise, thinking they're so damn cool with their ohsoawesome multi coloured mohawks, tight ass pants etc. What it was like back then is much more different that what it's like now. Reason? Simply cause the singapore government is so damn strict. Do this, do that, get fined/jailed. But hey! What's up with not taking action when someone is punched? No good~
Ye, agreed. Punk used to be a political statement and now punk is just a pathetic trend.

The Singapore Government works in horrifying ways. Have you ever wondered why PAP never really lose? Think.
definitely well said.and hey, who's to say this and who's to say that, everyone is entitled their own opinion speak your heart out!