punk is beyond music. there is actually an active (counter)culture here (loosely given the monicker 'the DIY punks'), where they do non-commercial gigs, live a subjectively non-normal lifestyle and also feature the best musicians and artists you could ever find.
these punks are all individuals who can agree to disagree, and some of them have broadened their spectrum into social activism, vegetarianism, etc. true there are pointless fashion types but they exist in any 'scene', but do not forget that most fashion punks are young and are very much unexposed to the real culture.
these fashion punks are probably the reason why the whole lot of you generate them as idiots and imitators, but there are the few 'underground' real deal types here.
these punks shy away from mainstream coverage and because they are 'more-than-music', you hardly find anyone of them talking about music related issues on soft.com.sg
there are practically no leads on what these folks are up to, unless you have some luck on google. thus those wanting to find out more should surf
www.LIONCITYDIY.com and check out those gigs!
i've been to a few and they are fun as hell. totally non-professional but warm underground atmosphere!