Pre-Swee Lee sale (Dec 2005) guitar talk...

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xklusivly4u said:
Thanks for the answer Sub. You are the man!

Yeah…. Essentially JEM is a Prestige RG with Dimazio and extra routing. I don’t want to side track, we will discuss about it some other time.


no probs.

the signature Ibanez models (Japanese) are actually slightly beyond the Prestige offerings...

ok, next time then.
Heavenscloud said:
One other thing SUB, is the Limited Edition Epiphone "Nicke LP Custom" the same as an Epi LP Custom, that has the special design together with Gibson USA 490R and 498T Pickups. Looks aside, i'm struggling between the Custom and this due to the Gibson pickups.. naturally (IMO) it would be better than Epi stock pups..

you are refering to this one, yes?


you can say that the Gibson pickups will differentiate a good sounding Epi from a non-performer but you have to factor in the graphics in the above model as well. the above guitar will not have a strong re-sale value by virtue of those pics there. this however, is a consideration to be dealt with only if you intend to sell the guitar away in time to come, if it's for keeps, do value the guitar for its pickups as oppossed to the artist association.

coming back to the Boneyard/ Zakk Wylde models i adore- i certainly value the pickups in these guitars, the Burstbuckers & the EMG HZ respectively. the 490R & 498T on the other hand, aren't the best in terms of clarity, but they do give off the typical rounded treble Gibson tone, which you might like.
strats said:
hey subby bro RGT42DX vs RG350 which is more suited for heavy chugging ala metallica? and which is more versatile and worth the kaching $$$? the H-H RGT42DX or H-S-H RG350?

hi there my friend 8)

for lots of bottom end thumping, both are suitable but for metallica emulation, the pickups have to go. if you plan to have EMGs in there, the RGT42 is HH configured so it's one pickup less in terms of $$$, compared to the HSH RG350.

if you frequent the upper frets more often, the RGT42 is more rewarding, the access is nothing short of superb, but the trade off here will be the finished neck, which gets sticky & affects playing if you are unaccustomed to it. however, this is a question of adaptability.

for tonal versatility, nothing beats having a real single coil in there (RG350). if you can make do with average single coil tone, the RGT42 has a 5-way switching option for you to consider.

Lifehouse said:
They however are not strictly Jap market. That is untrue. Why would it be domestic if they advertise the Elitist in US Guitar mags? The domestic ones should be like Orville which is currently not in production.

Sorry, my bad. I forgot about the Elitist series. They're the ones that feature USA electronics in them. :oops:
bro sub, thinking of the RG1527 as it has an edge 7 and the 7321 has a badly warped neck. What do u think..? or not i would consider an SA series, hoping to get a little close to Andy Timmons guitar haha..thanks bro!
Jem007 said:
bro sub, thinking of the RG1527 as it has an edge 7 and the 7321 has a badly warped neck. What do u think..? or not i would consider an SA series, hoping to get a little close to Andy Timmons guitar haha..thanks bro!

i prefer the 7321 to the 1527 actually, for the former's simplicity & outright good tones. ibanez should have retained the Dimarzio humbuckers when they superseded the 7620 with the 1527 but that didn't happen of course...

the 1527 has a great neck, even the wider profile is a joy to play. the Prestige treatment certainly adds a nice feel to it, many would think that the 1527 has an overwhelming neck- nope. the other plus point for the 1527 is the Edge Pro 7 vibrato bridge, which is reliable tuning-wise. the default V humbuckers in there are decent but they could have been better. it you are attracted to this guitar, the tone factor is the last reason to account for it.


on the issue of warped necks...
from an initial glance, what seems to be a warped neck might be just a necessary neck relief for the guitar. majority of neck warps are user rectifiable but this isn't an assurance for you to tinker with the truss rod- please don't. in any case, we should be more wary of a neck twist rather than a warp as the former isn't as easily rectifiable & may prove costly. you should keep in mind that wood is temperature sensitive & reacts readily to fluctuations, the reason truss rods are incorporated in them.

neck twist- ouch!

please note that many of the guitars on display @ guitar shops are not well set-up. if these are addressed, they will be more attractive when you try them out before parting with cash. 8)
Actually, if you guys noticed... the is a SHARE thread up there? If you ask me, NOW is the time to pm/call up those people to try out the guitars you want to buy.

So yeah... Please, make use of it.
hey guys, i decided to get a ibanez guitar during the swee lee sale.

budget abt 600-700 bucks
should i get a RG350EX, RG350DX, or a S520EX
or there are other ones to recommend?
forget abt JEM JR... read quite a lot of bad stuff abt it...
i play hard rock and a little bit of metal.. prefer the heavier stuff

all three seems good 2 me.... what do you guys think
o i also would prefer a reasonably good double locking bridge. the floyd rose kind of thing. thx in advance

pai seh i got start another topic :(

Actually, RG350DX & RG350EX are just different in terms of color & pickguard.

As for the S520EX, you can check it out with ShredCow :wink:

All 3 guitars are build to play a variety of stuffs, incl. those genre you mentioned. However, due to biasness, I would recommend the RG350DX bec I own 1. I'm so in love with the Wizard II neck, the sound (cuz I chg the pickups) & the feel of the guitar. Great for rock-ish tone & shred stuffs.
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