Pre-Swee Lee sale (Dec 2005) guitar talk...

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THANKS EVERYONE, for the kind words! :smt038

but actually i just need some feedback for this thread, like:

*is it timely enough?
*were your queries answered?
*how could it have been improved upon?

if you have other inputs, feel free to add.

PS: thanks shredcow for putting things in perspective- kudos!
No he's just a guitarist who's providing a free service to us answering our queries and whatnot because he has extensive experience with gear. And for that we should recognise his efforts and thank him, because he does not profit from this.
detroit_red said:
Why do we have to feedback about this thread? Im kinda lost here .... Are you a swee lee worker or something ...

Dude, I wish you would give Sub a benefit of a doubt, for the sake of him spending the time to log on and answer so many questions FOC. Plus. so many questions were pointless/repeated/lazy.

Even you have posted and asked how much an RG350 would cost at the sale.

Seriously, just say thanks and be done with it. :roll:
subversion said:
*is it timely enough?
*were your queries answered?
*how could it have been improved upon?

if you have other inputs, feel free to add.

I thought it was in good time.. but maybe 1 wk earlier might be better.

Quries answered? You kidding me? :)

Hmmm.... There's only so much 1 man can do Sub. Perhaps, the next sale, the thread should not be 1 thread on EVERYTHING but rather somethign one Gibsons/Epi, Ibanez. Fenders. Pedals and so on. Then SOFTies who are familiar can come chip in or even take charge of the Q&A happening there? What say you? I volunteer to handle Ibanez! :lol:
ShredCow said:
Oh yah, Sub, free this 1st wk of January 2006? Wanna meet up and go down to Swee Lee or Penni to jam guitars and talk?

Count me in . . . I jus went G77 to check out 1 spot adaptor & Mr Beez :lol: Man its sold out!! Argh!!

Feels happy . . . Just bought Boss DS-1 & Ibanez PM-7 todae . . .

Will post in the SHARE thread soon agn :wink:
I dont post often in SOFT anymore, but id like to make use of this thread to thank sub for helping me get in my RG3120 from the Sims drive branch. Spent time with me the day before too in sweelee testing out the guitars and discussing.

In case you have not met him in person, please do not be quick to jump to the conclusion that he works for SweeLee. In any case, he deserves to be paid for the work that he is doing. Please give him the due credit he deserves and if you have not spoken to him personally, please try to be less judgemental in your sayings.

Thanks sub once again, shes a beauty and a player! :)
friends- thanks again for your valued responses.

i started this thread on 14th Dec in anticipation of the 29th SALE so there was ample time IMO for lots of Q&A. along the way, the warehouse sale took place & there were overlapping queries but they remain relevant nevertheless.

perhaps in time to come, this discussion will be broken up into 3 subjects: Guitar/ FX/ Amp for a thorough coverage (of course, if there are any more such SALE)

it would be great to have a meet-up session in swee lee & have a 'live' discussion of some of the products there; actually it happened with selected individuals who bumped into me on the days before the SALE, gargemelesp/ xspace were the few to have benefitted from this.

i'd like to thank the Swee Lee Bras Basah gang too, for permitting me to show some stuff to friends.
hey subby,

thanks for all the helps/reviews u provided for me :wink: haven't realli got a chance to thank u man . . . anywae, let me noe wen u free, i'm most honored to 'date' u out for lunch/dinner :lol:
well, i've seen subversion helping alot of people with gears, clearing their doubts and such. giving intricate details about the gears they are enquiring. well, we appreciate every bit of it and it's beyond the word 'thank you' that we can extend our gratitude to subversion. he have indeed helping alot in this forum.

the time of the help extended out is just nice. when the news of the swee lee sale came in. and immediately, subversion went out to help the people around who have enquiries and doubts. it's a very good work there.

anything that needs to improve? maybe subversion, you can have an apprentice or a disciple whom you can teach everything you know. so he can share the burden helping out the community rather than you handling them alone.

and shredcow, you have also done a marvellous job at helping out some of the misguided souls. i would sincerely thank you for that.
subversion is really da man... His knowledge is reallyreally huge! I really benefited from his knowledge and have gotten a good friend here...

P/S: Well, I add on later.. I feel bery giddy nows...
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