Please stop it with the selling of tickets to perform. Just stop it.

Totally agree with you. Time for those organisers to realise that the money their taking isn't suppose to be theirs. They just sit back and see the show end. Only booking the place is their job

I will see how you can succeed in making a gig by just booking the place , kid.

And one more thing , stop putting all the blames on the organisers. Everything also organisers and then the bands who agree to the terms become victims just like that ? Who would wanna go through all the hassle for free anyway ? I'm an organiser too . I used to get bands to sell tickets , but i made f9ckin sure that i work as hard as the bands to make the gig a success , and it was indeed . Though i've stopped this ticket selling thing , i still do think that this 'tradition' will not end for now . This topic has been brought up too many times and i've repeated myself alot of times too . Stop blaming the organisers for what they're doing . IF YOU DON'T LIKE THE IDEA , THEN JUST DON'T PLAY FOR THEM ! whats so difficult ?
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props iskandar.

in regards to iskandars post, i totally agree, if your good, should not be selling yourself to that level. should be 50-50.
this type of threads are seriously pointless.
whining and all talk, in the end? nothing changes.

on a side note, those who agree with TS arent using their brains much. read Jaarvis's post again and again til you get something in
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got demand = got supply
got bands who are willing to pay = got organisers that are willing to profit from them

bands donwant to play, look for free gigs
takes two hands to clap.
i think bands should organise their own gigs

and then how are the bands gonna come up with money?

by... selling tickets.
A couple of years ago, my friends and I who were in bands pretty much just got sick and tired of not getting any shows (I think it has a lot do with the kind of music we play, metal, hardcore, noisy stuff). So we decided that enough was enough and decided to organize one on our own. We had no idea what we were doing from the get go but learnt the ropes pretty fast. We needed a name for this organizing committee of ours and decided to call it the Rockstar Collective, just for fun and it included the guys from I Am David Sparkle, Castles, Marchtwelve, Plain Sunset, Unvisual, Dyfectra, 59 Minutes and a couple more bands.

After organizing our first show we realized that it was pretty easy to do one so we decided to keep doing it and before anyone could say “holy cow, batman”, we were doing shows for our friends from Malaysia, Nepal and Japan and then went on to do many other shows which include co-producing the first 6 years of Baybeats.

My point is that bands should be willing to get their hands dirty if they want to play more shows. Desperate people are willing to desperate things, like pay to play, but they should also be desperate enough to learn how to organize shows by themselves. It’s not impossible and it’s not hard. The coolest thing about bands doing shows on their own is that you are totally cutting the middle person out, who in this case is the organizer, and whatever profits you make will directly go towards the bands. But with that said, do know that we didn’t start doing this for the money. We did it because we just wanted to have fun and to give our selves more opportunity to play, which I believe, should be the main goal anyway. And if any band is too lazy to do it themselves, and would rather just wait for opportunities to come to them, should really rethink on staying as a band.

All you need is a group of bands that has the same goal and vision and you. If you have 5-6 bands in this collective of yours, which I figured would be around 30 people, each member only has to fork out $16 to book a place like Crawlspace for 4 hours with each band getting a half an hour slot with one more hour as a “filler”. And whatever money you earn from the door could either go to the bands or into a “show fund” in which you can use in the future to make more shows with the bands that are in your collective.

So go ahead and D.I.Y and have fun doing it.
pointless indeed.

ok everybody remain calm.


Exactly. I would like bands to not play for them. I want bands to start organizing their own gigs, and do all the "hard" work. bring back the spirit of DIY! do it yourself!

Apparently everyone who agrees with me arent using their brains. Maybe, its the other way around. i dunno, i just believe that anyone can organize a gig. so whats the big deal.

"But with that said, do know that we didn’t start doing this for the money. We did it because we just wanted to have fun and to give our selves more opportunity to play, which I believe, should be the main goal anyway."

My thoughts exactly.

So bands, get other bands together, organize your own gigs and do all the "hard" work.

You can message me for details on how to organize your own gig.
trust me, its not THAT hard.
To soft, no offense, you say studio 79 is not really doing enough. Do you think you are doing enough to help the local scene?? no offense.just my opinion.


ahh.. you are right! Maybe I should sponsor monthly gig where I invite bands/musicians to perform and produce a live video webcast like SOFT TV?

ohh... I should also sponsor educational stuff like SOFT Gatherings and SOFT Drum Xchange?

uhh.. I wonder if there are any "SOFT" outside Singapore?

I am a simple person. I don't like to complain. I get things done by doing it.

Just out of curiosity, how many gigs has Studio 79 organised? Cos I may be wrong when I said 'not enough'.
ok soft,

i dont think you get the point here. its not about how many gigs i have organised.

its about me, coming up with an alternative method of organizing a gig.

thats it.
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to you, you are doing it for the sake of the music scene (volunteer)

but to the rest, they are doing for money (businessman)

you can forsake profit and give out free food,
but u cannot stop hawker from selling food and earning a living.

the only way to stop it is to stop their source of incoming
no business = close shop

this is getting very weird, before anyone else start pointing their fingers at all direction blaming who's not pulling their weight to support the music scene, let me give my two cents worth;

- the local underground scene as a whole -

first and foremost, i think soft has done a lot to support the music scene. without soft, i don't think we'll even have this discussion in this forum. period. but coming from just one man, people shouldn't expect too much either.

i think soft has done a great job, even encourage musical talents to part-take in (i got the email some months back). does it cost the talents a dime to participate? i think not, they might only need to bring their own instruments.

- the gigging scene -

studio+79, i like your views on being independent and make DIY gigs. but please understand that your stand on indie DIY gigs brings an alternative choice to the bands out there who's dying to perform.

note that some will like your idea and some might be against it. regardless, there's always organizers who will exploit desperate kids into performing. we cannot run away from it and we cannot do anything about it. we can try and change their minds but we cannot fight the demand.

i'll suggest what you can do is rally up a group of tight, established indie bands who don't mind splitting cost, effort and profits and constantly do gigs around these bands. it's a start, however small it is.
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ahh.. you are right! Maybe I should sponsor monthly gig where I invite bands/musicians to perform and produce a live video webcast like SOFT TV?

ohh... I should also sponsor educational stuff like SOFT Gatherings and SOFT Drum Xchange?

uhh.. I wonder if there are any "SOFT" outside Singapore?

I am a simple person. I don't like to complain. I get things done by doing it.

Just out of curiosity, how many gigs has Studio 79 organised? Cos I may be wrong when I said 'not enough'.

and what makes u so sure that you are doing enough? who are you to say that studio 79 is not doing enough? you say that even though studio 79 organise some gigs, he is still not doing enough.My opinion is, other than your SOFT TV thing which i have never heard about only untill today, you are still not doing enough too.ive heard this saying somewhere. 'the pot calling the kettle black' ;)
hmm,i thinks its more like:

you buy ingredients, you cook the food yourself, you eat.


you buy ingredients, you pay someone else to cook for you, but they give you just half the plate. or nothing at all.

In order to know if your method is sustainable, we have to know how many gigs you have organised.

If I win 1 Toto, it doesn't mean I can make a living by wining Toto.

You realise the 'gigs' I organised are all paid for by me? I think that is even 'cooler' than asking the bands/musicians to share the cost. You know how I do it? I work hard everyday to make some income, minus all my expenses, put the extra money to execute these ideas I have.

I have 1 pair of shoes, my last pair was 7 years old. Most of my t-shirts are free (sports events, music events). 1 pair of Lee jeans + 2 pair of pants.

I am not putting you down but I want you to understand how we can achieve what we want. There will be a lot of sacrifice but DON'T make others sacrifice. Sacrifice to our own limitation.
hmm,i think its more like:
you buy ingredients, you cook the food yourself, you eat.
you buy ingredients, you pay someone else to cook for you, but they give you just half the plate. or nothing at all.

precisely. it's always different stroke for different folk, some like it raw some like it well-done.
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please close this thread

Dear Soft,
and the rest whom might have been offended.

This is all just my opinion,and yours as well.
We are just sharing our ideas.

Fine, if you want to make the bands sell tickets, and if the bands want to sell tickets, go ahead. make a little money on the side, or a lot of money who knows.

If you want to organise your own gigs, share cost share profit, even better.

Lets just end this before it gets out of hand.

So Soft, please close this thread.

For the good of mankind.

So please stop hating and start loving and stop eating before 7pm today and stop competing with one another and stop playing covers and start writing originals and stop wearing tapered jeans and for gods sake, buy a tuner.

and what makes u so sure that you are doing enough? who are you to say that studio 79 is not doing enough? you say that even though studio 79 organise some gigs, he is still not doing enough.

I am a nobody.

I am using simple logic to derive my statement.

1000 bands looking for gigs to play. They are split between P2P and Studio79.

If Studio79 can organise enough gigs to satisfy 1000 bands, then there won't be anymore P2P.

The question is, are there enough Studio79 gigs?

* Pls note that "Studio79" is used as an expression for collective of non-P2P gigs.
Hi, How can I contact crawlspace?
I cant seem to get the right contact numbers.. pm pls

Iskandar, we are solving a right solution to organise gigs too..
Thanx for the informations and opinions..

Sudio+79, continue to do this differently from others! Changes just need to start from somewhere and somebody. Keep it up. :)

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