Please stop it with the selling of tickets to perform. Just stop it.


ok i dont tink u get the point. even if they break even. the bands are paying for the gig right? not the organiser.

hence, the revenue from the gig, if not all at least some should be given back to the bands. coz i feel they deserve a share of it.

ok everyone, lets just end this thread here.

i know i might have offended some organisers here but thats just the way how you guys work. u want to make money off the bands. go ahead.

and bands, u are willing to come up with a 100 bucks of ur own money or thru selling tickets to play and not getting any share of the revenue.go ahead as well.

as long as everyones happy.

I'll just keep doing things my way.

Thank you for your time.
Oh man I dunno about this but I feel that it takes two hands to clap.

For me, as the band that plays, I mean this my chance to play in a gig by selling the tickets. I mean there's a saying ' NO pain NO gain'. So as a band, I think this is more to an expressway to perform, rather than you yourself gathering bands and come out with your own money. I mean seriously, sometimes if you gig, you can see some organiser do look stress up due to money issue and bands backing out last minute. Therefore not many people wanna take the risk or share the risk with other bands to organise a gig. Its quite BIG RISK! I mean its BUsiness!

I think it is still better to have this selling of tickets coz If bands that do not know how to organise or lazy to organise and they r not a famous or good bands, I doubt they will be able to play in any gig. I mean I also an organiser, I wouldn't want to let bands that can't cover up for the money I need to play. Right??

If you guys are angry about all this organiser taking $400 bucks away from u, I just wanna say , bring your bandmates together, and look at the mirror together. If you guys think you guys don't deserve this, why don't you guys look n think? how many views your myspace have? how many fans(Don't count your myspace friends as fans, COZ THERE ARE NOT!)? How good are you ? How famous are you? How many people actually like ur music? Coz usually, I feel bands that not good are the ones that complaining. Coz why?? They can't sell the tickets coz they got not much friends that like their music, support their music, No fans all friends.... So yeah man. If you guys not good , you guys think you guys can play in the good gigs?? gigs that you do not need to pay? gigs that organiser will find for u instead of u finding them? the ans is NO! Unless you have contacts........yeahh.

Peace NO WAR!!:D
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i know i might have offended some organisers here but thats just the way how you guys work. u want to make money off the bands. go ahead.

actually most if not all the people who reply in here, aint organisers thats doing the pay to play kinda gig.

The few organisers who did that, doing that, prolly wont bother to say much anymore as theres lotsa threads in the past that talked bout the same thing and nothing much has changed/lil changes

Infact, theres a forumite, shyamraj, who started his own organisation to stamp out these kinda pay to play gig(do a search and check if you like to find out more). Anyway, its been a while and i do wonder how have things been on his front.
Performing for free for charity is perfectly fine but to fork out money in order to perform is ridiculous. It's like paying a company to work there and not the other way round.

Studio+79, keep up with the good work and hopefully will inspire more organisers like you.
Ok my turn now :)

This topic has been here for years. I started off doing gigs like 2 years ago, asking bands to contribute first. Like share cost. I give them more tickets to sell at any amount they want. The more they sell, the better. The profit from the tix sale goes 100 percent to them.

But when I think back, Organizers made the effort, make the call , and in the end, organizers like me , gets nothing in return.

Well, as times goes by , making profit from doing shows is nothing wrong really. Everyone needs money to survive. As you know currently, everything costs higher and higher. People needs money to makan. So 400 bucks earned can go straight to their pockets or to their funds for more shows. Seriously, its nothing wrong.

Maybe your thoughts is only Crawlspace. Try doing a show at Arts House / Scape / etc. The rental is more, we can't expect the bands to share cost and split revenue. And organizers just do this for the sake of passion. We need to think far, Music is business now.

I know i used to hate P2P gigs/shows. Of cause those are the rip offs.

Seriously, making money is nothing wrong to cover up your phonebills/transport/ and 1 or 2 mths of organizing the gig so that it will turn up good. And what is 400 bucks for 2mths? like 200 a mth of working you a&& off.

This is why, i hate to do shows, as everytime, someone like me, pocket in some cash from the gig, people will talk. and 400 bucks from organizing is nothing wrong.

Also, we , organizers are not local scene slave, we give bands platform, and we get nothing in return, maybe the ROCKSTAR attitude from these bands.

Oh ya, the share cost thing only applies for small shows. :)

So to make the local scene/music better, think of another solution. Get a bigger venue / use marketting strategy / get people heard / etc. Not just 'hey all u 10 bands , share cost , profit we split' , trust me, you won't go anywhere. People will treat you like a jamming room. :)
well said,raman.

When it comes to organising, balancing p2p and non-p2p is the key. now seriously,if all your gigs is p2p,then there is ultimately one motive and we all know that.

on the p2p point, which organiser seriously asked the bands to replace the unsold tickets with their own money. and when doing p2p,which organiser had the right of mind to think that oh!all band confirm sell 10 confirm confirm i earn that extra 400.

being an organiser has its ups and down, there will be even times when u'd fork out almost 1k pocket money to cover gig fees.and times when you earn a few hundered all is how you look at it.if you dont like it,keep your points to urself.

this has been discussed numerous times.and everyone noes that p2p has their own motives and reasons.
And oh, from my above post, I may sound contradicting, but im looking at bigger venues/gigs/concerts.
For crawlspace kinds, yes, 60bucks per bands is okay :)

In other words, if no money, how to sustain. Thanks to a friend who advised me on this.
Why not think about this in this way,

Organiser and Bands split the cost of the avenue equally, at the same time selling, eveyone sells the tickets together. At the end of the show, do a discussion on the percentage of the money earned from the tickets and split the money accordingly. Maybe the organiser takes a bit more than band due to organising and arranging everything else. Ain't this better? Win - Win situation
The more we debate about it, the more its going to be fruitless. There are many ways to go about organising a gig and paying bands/organisers at the same time.

Bands would argue that they should be paid more than organisers, and vice versa. Its never going to end.
In my opinion, so long as the bands and the organisers reach a conclusive agreement about payment and if everyone is satisfied, there isn't any problem with that
Hey, I'm always up for new ideas. So kudos for you studio+79(Iskandar, whoever you are). Alot of naysayers here (can't believe Mr.Soft too), but I will take the encouraging side. So keep it up man, hope this marketing/gigging trend will catch up. Nothing's wrong with trying, but yeah, SOFTies are kinda jaded and bored with all these kinda loud mouthed organisers(not saying that you are one, no offence intended here) that talk alot.

But as I've said, keep up the good work and don't be discouraged. Just know that you can't just say what you want to do, you need to keep doing what you've already started to prove yourself. One or two gigs isn't anything. All the best, brah!
Everybody here has got a point.
My point is listen to what the bands have to say especially those young ones and understand them. And you'll get my point.

Ask those bands why they P2P?
Ask those bands why they DIY?
Ask those big bands why they play?

Understand their answers and you will get the whole point.
yeah i guess everyone is entitled to their own opinion,myself included.

we can go on and on and on.

Like u guys said,its business. and you have your reasons. and i have mine.

i know some organisers will never change their mindset about asking bands to sell tickets, and neither will I.

rojak king
i dont think i will have monetary issues pertaining to the gig.
I make the bands pay their share prior to the gig. So i wont come to a situation where i dont have money to pay for the venue. if they back out, i will get another band to pay and play. if a band backs out at the very last last last last last minute, it would be a hassle. but i havent had that so far so i wouldnt know. just make sure they are available on that particular date and dont change the date or venue.

i dont believe forking out money to perform is ridiculous.its a shared effort amongst all the bands and organizer. this was how it was done back then. the DIY way. share cost share profit.

"Seriously, making money is nothing wrong to cover up your phonebills/transport/ and 1 or 2 mths of organizing the gig so that it will turn up good. And what is 400 bucks for 2mths? like 200 a mth of working you a&& off."

so for 2 months straight, u use ur phone every single day to organise 1 gig? and transport, u travel everyday to meet up with the bands, again, for 1 gig? and i dont think theres much to do anyways. u make it sound like a full time job.

but hey,thats your say.

to bands:
think carefully before u engage urselves in the sell tickets to perform scheme.
big venue doesnt necessarily mean big crowds.

personally, i would rather perform in a packed small space rather than a big empty one or where everybody just sits down.

thanks everyone for the feedback, negative or positive.

some might hate the fact that im trying to bring down the sell tickets to play scheme, like UncleBob, and Raman. sorry then.

so the moral of the story is, if no money, dont organize "sell tickets to play
" gig. or any gig.

thanks everybody for your views. i really appreciate it.
i support studio 79..organisers tend to say that they are doing this cause they care about the scene..but why make bands sell 20 tix ( which is damn ridiculous) just to allow them to play? is that what you local organisers call caring about the scene? you can say whatever u want.i dont really give a rats a&&..because in my opinion, if u ask bands to sell the tix to play, please dont say you care for the scene. just admit you are in it for the money.

To soft, no offense, you say studio 79 is not really doing enough. Do you think you are doing enough to help the local scene?? no offense.just my opinion.

The scheme is too not bad. I have seem some of worse cases. Road is tough for musician locally. If you need to sell ticket, so be it. You are NOT in the rank where organiser are willing to pay you to play. That mean you are nobody and admit it. You have to find and fight your way through to gain fame and supporter. That how you make yourself valuable for organiser. All rookie must bite it through. Also rethink how your music is going to appeal the mass.Stop being ego. I can go on and on.......

If you could not endue this hardship then you are out of the industry.

I met some elite musician having less gig due to this crisis too.
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Hi Softies

Hi all,

Let's not argue about this topic. There are reasons behind every issue. Organisers tend to ask bands to sell tickets due to rental, equipments, manpower, promotion and profits. Mostly, these are small time organisers trying to help local bands.

Rising bands need to know there are other avenues they can choose to showcase their talents. They can choose to forgo such opportunities. We cannot complain because we are not forced to commit and join the gig. What bands can do is to work with these organisers and list reasonable expectations. Maybe they can provide refreshments, security or maybe bands that are popular in Singapore such as Zero Sequence etc. Organisers can also help and promote promising bands, recalling them for future gigs without such ticketing hassles. These suggestions goes a long way in helping out other bands and organisers set the bar in the local scene.

I understand that local bands are frustrated that they need to sell tickets to perform in various places but music in Singapore is never easy. These are some of the path you can choose to showcase your talents. Be it metal, rock, funk etc. We need to understand the market and where the band stands at the moment. We need to understand what people want. Once you have been through all these hardships, God's will, you will see success.

It is just part of the local scene here. I reckon it is better for us to work together between organisers and bands. As for bands, we can always pool some funds and hold a good gig together. Let this thread be a friendly one where we put in ideas and suggestions.

Music as one, brothers. Rock on.

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