my 1st guitar purchase for 09, 1975 mij ibanez talman....all stock parts and pickups...
really wish the Talmans are still in production...
my 1st guitar purchase for 09, 1975 mij ibanez talman....all stock parts and pickups...
nothing fantastic here, just a new amp i got...
vox ac1 minicombo...![]()
That AC1 is super cool! I'm curious as to whether it can be modded for a speaker out jack so that you can run it into a cab.
dont think it can be modded...and since its only a 1 watt miniamp..
Whether it can be modded or not probably depends on where you can sturdily mount the speaker out jack. Don't underestimate how loud one watt is. Through a cab with an efficient speaker, it is loud enough for home practice. FWIW, the Zvex Nano amp is only 1/2 watt.
Ibanez TS7 (ltd ed)
Haha. Yea.
Why did you choose the TS7 over the 808 or 9? Any reasons?
because i got from a softie as a super super great price and at pristine condish!
The Thick creamy-ness of the neck pick-up and the high mids it gives for the bridge. Overall the hotness of sound it produces.