just arrived a few days ago.
fender tweed deluxe 5e3 in all its tweed goodness. loaded with a weber 30w 12a125, light dope.
built by michael marsh.
replaced the stock EH tubes with old NOS 12ay7s, even the V2 12ax7, i replaced with an old sylvania 12ay7.
and good NOS billington 6v6s.
add a good reverb tank and i'm in tone heaven
My Epiphone Casino is backkkk! And here's a bit of update. XD
Yes is fitted with a right handed bigsby, changed those gold knobs to black, and restrung to lefty, also shifted the strap button from the middle to the right horn of the guitar.
And yes, my Hofner bass was a previous right handed. KC from Maestro Guitar, helped me in shifting those control knobs. Although is cruel, but hey! I can play better now. XD