Pedalboard Pictures!

i hardly eat fast food and i only spend cash on recess , ezlink and very rarely , magazines. yet i can hardly buy anything.

i need a financial advisor!
bring food from home. if you spend more than 27.50 on ezlink a month consider getting the concession. some ways to help you.
i guess ill try bringing food to school.
but i only spend about 20 on ezlink so yeah no concession for me.
well, its always save save save.

part time jobs to fuel your gassing needs also work quite well. unless youre in jc or sec school, then it'll be a smal problem, unless you work just fri sat and sun
Actually extreme measures for saving money quite good for students...

Bring food from home so that during recess can eat in class and catch up on work...

Walk home so that you can a good workout too

Stay home and don't leave the house saves money... (dun you guys find that the moment you leave the house, you WILL spend money? Don't count going downstairs to play footie or shoot some hoops lar - even then, the tendency to buy drinks after a game)

Anyway staying at home all day besides school will have time for you to do homework and revision and also time to jam on the axe!


Ok I'm being mean!
lol, i actually agree with you dude. when i was in sec 4 i came home straight after sch everyday (although i hardly studied). i just came home and sleep my way thru.

and i managed to save for a handphone and a new bass :D :D :D

ah but hell, i didnt like mugging, so i didnt do too well for Os. hahaha
hmmm anyone realise tt getting better grades = getting higher paid job = getting more money to buy more gear?

Commit to your tone musicians - its your staple. I can't understand any less. But of course, feel free to disagree agreed?
Hmm..seems like more and more people are using MI Audio Tube Zone...didn't even chance upon anyone using it when I first used it 2-3 years more trade secret argh haha..
with more dealers bringing in the wide range of pedals, i think theres hardly anymore secret or seldom seen pedals gain pedals locally.

Djungdjung DJUNG DJUNG!!!