Pedalboard Pictures!

it's absolutely retarded man... if someone had a tri a.c., a boost pedal and a DL-4, like i will have soon, i'd be able to select up to 12 sounds at any one time.... imagine how many sounds he can select up to!!!! i'm thinking the number of sounds he could choose from and explore would boder on millions... it's absolutely GASsiful!!!!
u can have a million tones, but 1 great tone is better than the sum of a million other generic tones... :p
thor666 said:
u can have a million tones, but 1 great tone is better than the sum of a million other generic tones... :p

+1 one special tone that's unique and great to u is better than a million... just too many to choose from! u'll become spoilt :twisted:
yeah, that's what i'm having now... i was initially very very skeptical of the classic stacks on my guitar... thought i'd hate it cos it's not a true single coil.

but after it's there... it was basically jaw dropping once i got to dial in the tone properly on the amp... very clean, shimmery glassy sounds... cleans are absolutely wonderful to my ears.

i'll really keep these pickups until i really get sick of them. :)
Newbie said:
Lifehouse said:
I just got myself a pedal board. But then, don't seem to have enough pedals. Lol.

Lol same. Any plans to get more pedals? =D

Up for thread.

Yup. Getting more pedals. I just got the EH English Muffin which is really one of the best sounding OD/Distortion pedal I had, impressed me more than Fulltone OCD. Now aiming the Small stone and small clone. Heh.
my 2cents pedal board.

hey all.. pretty new here... just finished my "pedal board" today well its really nothing much and im glad to say it did not cost much too..

here's the price list:

wooden board: $2 daiso("the always $2 store" @ IMM, i swear they have everything under the sun and beneath the moon.)

velcro: bought 4 ft worth but still have lots of left over from home fix @ IMM too $4.5/ft


got a

vox v810 > ts9dx > marshall supervibe > super phaser.

really nothing much but yeah.. i dont think deserve much anyway haha not that gd at all..

BTW: rad setup marcus. envy ur gear. rock on.. big fan of your music..
milkmesto, the link you posted is from this guy called grooveking off the forum. he has a shitload of pedals hah read his thread its insane.
ShredCow said:
You should get better quality patch cables.... yours look like the $6 for 6 kind...

yeah it is actually.. dose "better quality" ones really make a diff? cuz like thier REALLY much more expensive then these.. and m not very rich too.. i was thinking of getting those mrmisse ones at like 5 for $25 or something.. any recommendations?
They do make a difference... I can hear it... but the thing is... you gotta be rational...

A Patch cable is 1 foot long.

You can good quality so you don't lose any facet of tone along that 1 foot.

But you don't need THAT good a quality IMO because its still only 1 foot.

My ears can't tell the difference btw a $6 luther patch cable and a $14 boutique patch cable. Then you read of some that cost even more!

But my ear can tell the diff btw a $1 patch cable and the $6 luther patch cable. Plus, you would find that you have less noise as the more expensive cables have better insulating properties.

So yeah... take this upgrading to better cables with a pinch of salt. :)
dame ... Electrico's Daniel Sasson's rig looked so tempting to take and runaway ... hope i own a rig like his one day :oops:

Heres mine. Still looking for an Effect selector though...To select between the analogs and v-amp.
tany said:
how come it's not on the pedal board? :lol:

hey name ur gear!

LoL. Im selling it away. Dosent really suit my style. Still prefer the Jim Dunlop GCB 95. :oops:

Anyway heres my gears...nothing much really

Guitar--->Dunlop Original Crybaby--->Zoom Tri-Metal--->Boss GE7 Equalizer--->Unknown Analog Delay pedal---Behringer V-amp2
hey Jr-V, how do u find your trimetal?

i have a hyper lead, the more toned down version... distortion is great but now i'm starting to find the distortion sounds the same with any pickup selected... lol
does anyone have more than a dist/od pedal? do u use different tones while soloing? do u use boosters?