Pedalboard Pictures!

milkmesto said:
hey echoist... your pedalboard is very very familiar.. hmm are you jumat?
hahahahahhha! apa deyy...

yesterday i "met" Edwin, today i "met" u! hahahahahhha!
hmmmmm... funny u recognised my pedals...
is ur "whole gang" here? i bet they are rite?
haha deyy

no la only me and edwin from our side i think. but edwin also hang tight with the mrmisse/agingyouth geng also...

so you still working at *you know where* ?
no man, i left in april to do Graphic Design.
then i left the firm recently. so in the search again...

how's ur place? any new "old" stuff? i must visit some day...
saw ur 2 beatiful gibsons. and the tele... hmmmmm...
Hahaha.. now I know.. You're the guy that is thin and small in size right?? You are using Ibanez 7 String guitar while performing at the arts festival in TP right?? :D :D
Yup that's me! :D

Man, we gotta meet someday, since we're in the same school and stuff.
erm... err.... erm... *shhh* not so loud la. thks anyways

wow, i saw you guys at baybeats, it was awesome.... and i also saw you guys perform one other time earlier this year at the esplanade outdoor stadium.... great.
erm...heres the pedals without the board, my board too small to fit everything...


juz got the tremonti wah, really easy to use compared to my old 535q...but still prefer the range of the wonderin' which to keep... :?
wow, some nice pedalboards here man... but keep 'em coming people!

wow, my pedals... its not even a 'board' cant even come near most of these people's pedalboards... haha... oh man...
I just got myself a Korg DT-10 and an EHX Small Clone. Board's rapidly running out of space already :(

Apart from Sweelee, where else can we get pedalboards?
hmmm... pedal boards are just like signatures, there is no such thing as the best, there is only you. :D

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