Who turns on the Noise Suppressor....the audience ? :mrgreen:
Ahha stereo or not i still dig the chrome finish more, ultimate BLING! Honestly i think stereo is pretty redundant if u r using ur efx board into the front of the amp.....moreafter ur DD20 already has a stereo output so it doesnt matter especially since u got ur moonphase for much cheaper hehehe!
Initially i did see a few post on soft selling their chrome moonphase, i was really tempted but i stuck to my guns and got the 74' script phase as originally planned........
Here's me line up as of yesterday.
Peterson Strobo v2> Lovepedal Eternity> Tonefreak Abunai 2> Hermida Mosferatu> TC Electronics Nova Modulator> Eventide Timefactor> Boss DD-20. Foot controller's for my Mesa Nomad 45 2x12 Combo. Custom dual tap-tempo switch by TYMC to tap for the Timefactor and DD-20. Powered by a Voodoo Labs PP2+
Patch cables used are Evidence Audio Monorails.
KeithC: Darn, my dream pedal combination - Seventhheaven and a Barber Tone Press. GAH!!
That's a Timefactor thoughBut yes your board is VERY nice, I can only dream of my board being that neat one day.
kurisuaki : nice board. any problems powering the Timefactor with the PP2+?
ObscurePhionix: How does the Blackstar compare to the EHX Metal Muff and Hardwire TL-2?. How much did you get yours for?.