my new toy...has anyone got any good recommendation for settings on this bugger?
the hog is a wonderful piece of toy for modulating. Gotten it when it was first released.
Best be going thru the manual, play with the presets, manaul adjust the various slider to change the sound, listen to it after playing one note, 2 notes, chords etc to see how it react to the playing. The pedal is not meant to cramp in as many notes as possible to get effected. Letting the processed sound breath and the playing fingers on the guitar to react with it be great
i like it with delays, reverb etc. Expression pedal usage with it will open another side of playing. Essential imho.
Other than getting the pseudo b3 organ sound, theres some settings which can get bell chime, synth vol swell and sustaining drone sound. With delay or reverb after it, will expand the "space/dimension" of the effect a great deal.
heres a review which i did for the pedal 2 years back in a local webzine. Theres some settings which i mentioned in it. You might like to check it out. If not enough, theres some threads in harmony central on hog and pog round 2 years back as well. There might be some useful info in it. It was one pedal that gotten lotsa talking back then round effect forum. gawk/gear_23.htm
and heres 2 clips which i did for the hog round that period as well. Guitar was the main instrument in it, but for vol swell and lotsa drone, attackless geetar sound
above done with the folowing