Need suggestions! Which Chorus/Flanger/Tremelo pedal?


New member
Yo folks, I currently own a BF-2 Flanger and a TR-2 Tremolo and recently sold off my CH-1 Super Chorus. I'm thinking of getting rid of both my BF-2 and TR-2 as well and get something that can fulfil the roles of these 3 pedals (preferably in one pedal...or at least any 2 of these functions in one pedal)...any suggestions? It's highly preferred that there are at least 2 stomp switches for the functions so that I can combine them. Muchos thanks in advance! :)
TC Electronics chorus comes with a flanger if im not wrong. Line6 MM4 has all the modulations you need, but you cant only 2-3 at the same time.
I don't think there's any of such pedals that can fit the bill.

Flanger/Chorus yes but not flanger AND chorus

maybe.... you'll have to.... go........

ZOOM. :lol:
Thanks Leecs, but I forgot to mention I'm looking more towards analogue pedals...maybe something like EHX's Stereo Electric Mistress, etc... :lol:
Heh! Hey Edder, surprisingly, I was impressed by Zoom's entry level multi efx 505 pedal's modulation patches when I had it last time :lol:

But on the serious side, I think the other solution is (if I didn't get it wrong) to do a huge makeover by combining the individual pedals into one one of blueark's self-pimped EHX pedal? :twisted: Now that's wicked!
Elias: Thanks Leecs, but I forgot to mention I'm looking more towards analogue pedals...maybe something like EHX's Stereo Electric Mistress, etc...

In fact, You can try digital for modulations. They could give more. No joke. Try the Yamaha Magicstomp if you can.
Yo bro ...i got all three in seperate pedals which i love to bits !

> vintage (revived) MXR flanger
> Arion SCH-1 , closet and modded chorus
> Gworx Tremo - uber cool tremolo

If i were to go for three in one ...i would reco this fella !!


or if you can find this...pretty cheap but big and heavy and don't be fooled by the digital factor ...
imo the BF-2 sounds bad. too "boxed" and "metallic" sounding. I even owned the earliest of the earliest BF-2 before. thought it would be better sounding as compared to the black and green label versions but naw, it still sounded the same.

BF-3 sounds more pleasing to the ear though. however, it is strange that more people own a BF-2 rather than a BF-3. in terms of MIJ and MIT, the BF-2 is just plain mojo and nothing else.

as for the TR-2, well... its not that bad. however, its elder brother is in a different league. if you manage to find a PN-2, I say use it. it has stereo out 8) .
Wooooo....Gsonique, thanks for the recommendations :P Will do more research on them online!

relinquish69...The BF-2 is my first flanger I've purchased...think I got it from ebay ultra cheap (and back then when I was pretty ignorant :lol: ) Yup, that's exactly what I feel about the BF-2 now, but was kinda too lazy to consider/upgrade, etc. I think one of the main issues about the TR-2 is the drop in volume when engaged. Though I know there are mods around it, but just wanna consider other brands/makes as well :) Stereo output isn't really important to me cos it's hard to maintain the stereo feature in my chain...
whats that 'zero flange' everyone talks about??

and on topic, an EHX worm maybe? getting 2 separate pedal would be much easier though. maybe you could get those BYOC pcbs and put them in 1 enclosure.
Hey Blueark! That was exactly what I was referring to! :P Well, I'll do a bit more research and see how it goes...perhaps one day might need your expertise in combining the efxs into a frankenpedal like yours ;)
Elias, u gotta note, the placement of the effects matter...

Ark prefers his after his drive and stuff, so... that's one kind of sound.

I prefer chorus after drive, phasers/flangers & tremolo before drive...

So in this case, YMMV.
shreddy, i've always noticed that most people will use their modulations after the drive. think yours is a bit unique. :wink: