My Honest Opinions of the recordings heard recently

yar, so the trick i sto think positive, even if you get bad remarks or feedback, just turn the tide and make it seem positive, it's also a matter of perception of the comments that makes a difference
ChanMin said:
i think everyone should just be true to themselves..
listen to your own work and judge yourself... if you want to hear opinions of other people... post it on soft and ask for comments etc... keeping in mind that " pat on the back " you expecting.... could turn out to be a knee in the groin.

if you post your work for people to listen definitely gonna be judged... so we should accept the good comments with humility and bad/critical ones with grace. Dun just glow in the praise and brush off the bad comments.

" the more you hold us down , the more we press on. "

True. Brings you down to earth, in a way. If everybody gives you good comments like "Oh it rocks" blah blah blah, no way you're gonna improve.

However, if they give constructive comments, like "It's good but..." then we can work on and improve those areas. Life ain't a bed of roses.

Keep rocking. :rock:
no wad i meant by turn the tide as in, dun take it so bad, take the negative comments in a positive way, and work on the shittiness and try to improve

Seriously speaking, I agree with one of the earliest post about being such a kid to create several accounts just to attack someone online. In_Your_Face: I_See_Shit_On_Your_Face

What is so wrong about the showcase of anybody's music. Okay. No.1 It is apparently an attack against Satch and from all the 6 pages of posts...I could barely read on anymore and stopped at 4. Really got to speak up.

It ain't my business but I still will say something of justice. Right, 'butchered' is a very very strong word. Check out what that means in your oxford dictionary. 2ndly, if you really didn't mean to attack someone online, in this case, Satch, you would not need to explain non stop about your very i-want-to-put-him-down actions.

This is serious because I think its defamation you are doing. What would you do if everyone does that to you? To me, I have heard Satch's works. He is pretty good for his age and we all know he is talented in his own ways. If you are that superb in your gear, you prolly need to showcase yours here online and we'll judge. EVEN THEN, be it good or otherwise, we would really appreciate what we call music and not give you any harsh remarks like what you've done to anybody here. (Maybe you aren't talking about Satch but whatever it is, YOU ARE STILL TALKING ABOUT SOMEBODY WHO POSTS HIS MUSIC HERE AND IT IRKS ME)

Ultimately, you are just caught up in a strong level of jealousy and hatred for him/her. I accepted critisicisms about my singing and songs whatever but I don't appreciate these underhand sort of 'critisicisms' if your intellectual skills are good enough to tell you what that means.

Just be practical and realistic, you think you are good. There are better out there. Sometimes I think i'm good too BUT I BELIEVE WE ALL HAVE ALOT TO LEARN COZ WE CAN'T SEE IT OUR OWN. So you are not who to judge if he butchered music anot. He knows it. I know he didn't. So use your self-proclaimed ghandhi philosophy here: SPREAD LOVE AND PEACE. NOT OTHERWISE :)
and also, it'd be a good chance and lesson for satch to learn and buck up. so i thank him on your behalf...BY THE WAY I'M IN HIS BAND. SO I KNOW IF HE BUTCHERED THOSE WORK ANOT. so too bad dude :) just cool it off...thanks for those comments so my friend here can improve on his flaws.

look at this then

Isn't it sad that a forum tread on personal attacks and criticism gets the most attention and page views compared to other postings? I just think it's sad how every grovels at a scandal and conspiracy. GET OVER IT already. There are postings about upcoming gigs and bands that nobody pays attention too. Suddenly when someone is criticized, everyone goes GA GA.

To the topic started; whatever.
To the guy waiting for his response; get over it. practice your guitar harder instead of sitting around for somebody who obviously doesn't like you to comment on you again.

GET OVER IT already. SHEESH, peeps.
that's the problem and whatever that is. just hope this thread would close down ASAP. it is not wise for anybody to do anyway and get his name in if possible just close it down ASAP...:)
hailtothetrickster said:
look at this then

Isn't it sad that a forum tread on personal attacks and criticism gets the most attention and page views compared to other postings? I just think it's sad how every grovels at a scandal and conspiracy. GET OVER IT already. There are postings about upcoming gigs and bands that nobody pays attention too. Suddenly when someone is criticized, everyone goes GA GA.

To the topic started; whatever.
To the guy waiting for his response; get over it. practice your guitar harder instead of sitting around for somebody who obviously doesn't like you to comment on you again.

GET OVER IT already. SHEESH, peeps.

bro, i aint sitting arnd doing nothing waiting for his reply.

i jst wanna see what he has to say. if u were being attacked, i believe ur words would be different.

anyway, i doubt he will reply anyway.
hailtothetrickster said:
look at this then

Isn't it sad that a forum tread on personal attacks and criticism gets the most attention and page views compared to other postings? I just think it's sad how every grovels at a scandal and conspiracy. GET OVER IT already. There are postings about upcoming gigs and bands that nobody pays attention too. Suddenly when someone is criticized, everyone goes GA GA.

To the topic started; whatever.
To the guy waiting for his response; get over it. practice your guitar harder instead of sitting around for somebody who obviously doesn't like you to comment on you again.

GET OVER IT already. SHEESH, peeps.

Quite the joker. So if youre so above such things, why are you posting?
Yea so lemme start. I'm irritating. haha? Anyone like to give it a shot? For the sake of societal growth! Cmon you music junkies!