I feel that everyone's got their own rights to post whatever they want as its their own views/thoughts. Just because 1 person thinks that way doesnt mean 1000 others do. Thats the best thing abt music, everyone has their own interpretation of it. Just like the saying goes, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, which in this case this saying can be use for music as well..
Just think of it that our new member here as a critique and what do critiques do? They just give honest opinions and be critical of every little detail on a particular subject. Though sometimes lets say for a example a music critique, he/she may not be able to actually play music but if he/she has some considerable knowledge he/she can still be a music critique. Same goes for a film critique, that person may not know how to act, direct, edit, etc... but can still give opinions on it. So challenging him to post his own music or tryin to come out something better is just lame and childish.
Even if he says that I suck, I will just take it in my stride and just continue doing what I'm doing. Unless he's got some valid points, I will digest them and try to do one better. Just as long as the comments dont get into ur head cause afterall music comes from your heart. Cherish it.. Be it bad or gd music...
So let us take our basses, guitars, drums, keyboard amps, efxs or whatever instrument u play... And unite to make Singapore a better place for all musicians...
:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: