My Honest Opinions of the recordings heard recently

Secretly, everybody loves a flame war. :D

The only other threads that get more replies are the ones entitled "Hey, I'm a chick! I'm sooo lonely..."
vernplum said:
Secretly, everybody loves a flame war. :D

The only other threads that get more replies are the ones entitled "Hey, I'm a chick! I'm sooo lonely..."

:smt074 :smt075
vernplum said:
Sure, everyone has a right to a view, but is it right to create an anonymous account and then single out one other member of the forum and say their effort was (and I quote) "appaulling with a capital A , ghastly with a captial G and horrendous with a capital H" in front of the whole forum?

That's shitty and cowardly.

If he thinks in his own opinion that it does then I really dont see any problem with that.. Cause if a person is confident enough to post his/her materials in an internet forum than that person must be prepared to receive critism/backlashes from anonymous forumnites as well and also not expect to have everybody liking it.

Plus its up to the individual to take such critism in gd stride and be a man abt it... Its just like if every contestant in American Idol were so taken up by Simon Cowell's bad remarks, then all of them would have most prob quit the show halfway...
Cavett said:
If he thinks in his own opinion that it does then I really dont see any problem with that.. Cause if a person is confident enough to post his/her materials in an internet forum than that person must be prepared to receive critism/backlashes from anonymous forumnites as well and also not expect to have everybody liking it.

Plus its up to the individual to take such critism in gd stride and be a man abt it... Its just like if every contestant in American Idol were so taken up by Simon Cowell's bad remarks, then all of them would have most prob quit the show halfway...

I agree with the American Idol analogy. Totally.

But i believe the so-called crusade now is, why can't people say NICE THINGS in a forum if they wish to? haha. I mean, can't we tell a white lie to our wives if they ask us if they look slim? Even if most of us don't know each other in person, we are all musicians. Kindred Spirits. Hey man, I have SQUARE-TOP 90's crew cut too! Lets Hug!?!!! Sue me lah...Please come.
Ok before i resume my nightly routine, last thing i have to say abt this funny thread...I dont think many of us are arguing with one another. Not at all. Its all about the topic. Aite have fun!
3notesAbar said:
But i believe the so-called crusade now is, why can't people say NICE THINGS in a forum if they wish to? haha. I mean, can't we tell a white lie to our wives if they ask us if they look slim? Even if most of us don't know each other in person, we are all musicians. Kindred Spirits. Hey man, I have SQUARE-TOP 90's crew cut too! Lets Hug!?!!! Sue me lah...Please come.

LoL~ Though too much white lies can hurt sometimes... :wink:
Cavett said:
If he thinks in his own opinion that it does then I really dont see any problem with that.. Cause if a person is confident enough to post his/her materials in an internet forum than that person must be prepared to receive critism/backlashes from anonymous forumnites as well and also not expect to have everybody liking it.

I agree - in the correct context. In Open Mic, I'd have less problem with it, but there is no need to be so venemous. I know how I would feel if I were on the receiving end - I would be extremely crushed, embarrassed and demotivated.

Furthermore, this situation is different since this thread is outside OM, and is specifically about the overall quality and honesty of the recordings and the posting reviewers' comments. No problem with making general comments, but to go out of one's way to single out another person as an example so explicitly annoys me immensely.

And now In-Ya-Face has shit himself and fled because he realised that he was wrong to attack one person so directly and go against the spirit of the forum, especially when he knows that somebody already knows who he is.
haha you guys!

Cavett, you are right man! But at the risk of sounding irresponsible, only the big-egoed noobie has something to lose in this matter. People who get righteous feedback, and know how to learn from even dull comments stand to gain. For me, i always take things very negatively, thats how i learn fast!! :twisted:

Yo Vern,

Yeah la. I get what you mean. Sometimes people come here and do stupid things man, like ME. I guess its all up to James here. I think he very stressed sometimes hah. But anyway, i think we haven't seen the last of Mr.In-Our-Face.
dudes... seriously.. as much as in ur face has his points.. i still dun see the reason why u guys muz make a big fuss abt it.. in ur face has a reason of his own.. its his opinion.. but why care?u see.. if u see a positive criticism.. accept it.. learn from it.. move on... noe tht this will help u go on.. but if u see a neg one.. well its like a rotten egg.. jus throw them away.. everybody has his own point of views.. tht much i agree... but why fuss over this??? if his opinions really poke u.. it shows tht it hits u right on the dot.. but if its not.. why bother... being positive bout criticism is positive attitude.. and yes i can see tht satch did show tht... but also with a touch of insult.. but tht is understandable dude.. but yea move on.. in ur face.. u have ur rtes.. but put it in a nicer way u noe.. u could like phrase it in a diff manner but still get ur point across.. no need to be too hostile.. but i respect u dude.. cuz u have the balls to bring this up... and i think its worthy og all softies to learn from.. well be honest in the recordings.. yea it may sucked... but u noe wat?? failure is the mother of success.. help other musician in their walk.. by giving positive comments.. instead of putting them down.. and dudes.. and dudettes out there... u are whu u think u are.. dun act upon other pple's expectation of u.. but listen to wat they have to say... sometimes u nv noe.. u may jus learn something valuable.. well.. dudes... take out ur instruments and continue to flourish the scene here in s'pore.. meanwhile.. stay cool!!
Well, to be fair to him, he sure as hell got a lot of people thinking about issues that they wouldn't have otherwise.

How dull would it be if there weren't people like him around.

I'm gonna start a flame war for fun. :) Keep a look out for it.
ha ha .. a war like this might be good just for the kick :twisted:

But let's not get it too personal .. and keep on practising, improve and make good music.

I m sure all of us here are actually nice persons in real life

Lets keep the music rolling
Just something to add:
Like someone else said, it IS quite silly to demand someone to post his own clip, before he is 'worthy' of passing comments on others.

Let me use 2 analogies:
You don't need to be a good cook to know that a chef sucks.
You don't need to be a good soccer player to know that someone can't play for nuts.

inyourface DOES have a point, which is to value constructive criticism above mindless praise, but the manner he put it forth was jarring, definitely.
Mr_KeyboardMan said:
I m sure all of us here are actually nice persons in real life

Lets keep the music rolling

we have quite a family here! though dysfunctional at times :wink: , but nevertheless, a nice bunch of people! perhaps it is our passion for what we believe in, that remarks can become a little scathing, which is of course unwarranted! am new here, and i pick up good vibes most of the time from this softies family! :smt056
I think its okay, if youre not that good and post and ask for pointers to improve on, but i think its a total waste of webspace and very irritating, posting and posting and posting yer recordings online, when they are all meant for self gratification..
i think everyone should just be true to themselves..
listen to your own work and judge yourself... if you want to hear opinions of other people... post it on soft and ask for comments etc... keeping in mind that " pat on the back " you expecting.... could turn out to be a knee in the groin.

if you post your work for people to listen definitely gonna be judged... so we should accept the good comments with humility and bad/critical ones with grace. Dun just glow in the praise and brush off the bad comments.

" the more you hold us down , the more we press on. "

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