My Honest Opinions of the recordings heard recently

if you think the recording sucks, then say it sucks.

if you think its good, then say its good.

lol this just happens when u play.. for years.. and u still suck.. so u create some account on a VERY BIG local music forum.. and then u post stuff like these just to make yourself feel good.. lol.. :D ur a sad sob ..
yea man, what's up with all the hostililty. we're all here to help each other out. there's no harm encouraging pple. what's the point in telling people they suck and all, and they end up really discouraged and end up quiting the instrument. i wouldn't want to see a fellow guitarist, or other instrumentalists quit playing forever just cos of 1 or 2 discouraging comments. i'd wanna see em spur on man! from encouragement and advice everyone has to give. we're all here to help each other improve, listen to each others recordings and cheer pple on to do more, to get better and better. if you don't like the recordings then post friendly comments on how to improve em maybe, or little advices here and there. i'm sure we'd appreciate that.
Face: You have a valid point about constructive criticism I don't usually read any of the rock/metal threads, but if you think their playing sucks, shouldn't you point it out at their respective threads? Usually if the recording boils down to just bad playing, just point out the bad playing, or if the recording is bad, just point it out, but with something constructive instead of the non helpful this bit blows chunks etc kind of statement, and why you think it's bad. What i find from around the internet is that people mistake great playing=great recording. They're 2 different things. So a critique on the recording is not the same as critique on playing technique or compositional skills.

I disagree with vernplum about a cosy atmosphere being the best environment for improving in whichever aspect of the music you're into. It's about constant improvement, and nobody gets that with sideswipes or one liner comments about how you rock or don't.
We're going off topic here?
I thought it's suppose be talking about our own local recorded albums.
Now it's become a bashing session.
Why not let's talk about our opinions of our own local band' albums like Electrio, Ronin etc.
Stop the bashing 8O
In_Ya_Face said:
tsk. This really irks me how you guys like to play heros. But, still you all totally avoided the question. Are the recordings worth the praise you all have thrown. You all know of whom i refer to. If post count, counts for weight, mike mann. Then you must be using your post count to make up for the lack of something.

First Gruel, then man_kidal, then you? Man this never ends does it. People who just love sowing the seeds of discord. I only have got to say one thing. These guys have the courage to post their works up, regardless of whether they're pros or not. And for that i RESPECT ALL of them.

Honestly i would like to hear what sort of music you have up for offer. Record something and post it here. Have you got that courage my friend? The courage to let people listen and openly comment?

With this attitude you're never gonna be welcome here, or in the music scene in general. So either you clean up your act, or pack some shit into your mouth and carry your sorry arse elsewhere.
pooo said:
First Gruel, then man_kidal, then you? Man this never ends does it. People who just love sowing the seeds of discord. I only have got to say one thing. These guys have the courage to post their works up, regardless of whether they're pros or not. And for that i RESPECT ALL of them.

Honestly i would like to hear what sort of music you have up for offer. Record something and post it here. Have you got that courage my friend? The courage to let people listen and openly comment?

With this attitude you're never gonna be welcome here, or in the music scene in general. So either you clean up your act, or pack some shit into your mouth and carry your sorry arse elsewhere.

Let some other people hear you play and have the balls to put it up lah, don't talk but don't walk.

Btw, pooo, I'm agreeing with you, not flaming you. Lol. :lol:
thanks guys.

bt the thing is that, if u read all his posts and my replies, u'll realise that this thread is aimed directly at my head.
satch said:
thanks guys.

bt the thing is that, if u read all his posts and my replies, u'll realise that this thread is aimed directly at my head.

Sad case eh? Don't worry man, you've got the backing of so many others!

wangdexian: hehe i know.
everyones in it together. all the recordings and stuff put up here shld be well appreciated. takes courage to share your stuff with others n all, not knowing the response u'll get. we're all here to improve together anyways. all the recordings shld have views and opinions yea, whether gd or bad. but in friendlier n pleasant way. and in a way that shows gd intent for the person to get better. and not like this definitely. this is just wrong man.
suffocate him with the bucket...i am sure he loves the smell of kentucky fried chicken. :D

Anyway guys , soft is a place where people share music they record to receive comments from others even if its positive and negative....of course there should be a balance between the point trying to promote singapore music but shooting down young players...defeats the purpose.
hey satch at least when u ask me to listen to ur pieces i got gif not say positive comments, but constructive criticism rite?

its stil IN YA FACE, but its contructive, :P
guys !!

this dude is the synthman , saxaphonman ... dude ... the one who kept spamming / creating trouble on SOFT with multiple accounts...

the same trick works for u always eh ?

dun bother bout him ... he just needs attention and is stirring up trouble for his amusement ..

James u knwo who i mean. pls ban him !
hey, tell us more about this guy man. erm........well if u guys know then gd lah.....but i dont.
In_ya_face, you shouldn't put people down like this. satch is trying hard, even if you'd think he'd didn't do quite well, just tell him privately, and comment him, i'm sure satch would have been more happy to receive comments on how to improve...
yea, jst as u reminded me, when i gave my stuff to jeremy, he had all kinds of stuff to say to me, my tone sucks, my playing wasnt smooth enough, bt hell, i took it and improved, changed my ep settings, practiced my lageto and stuff. it makes me wanna play better so as to shut him up. lol.

man...... i cant wait to hear the threadstarte'r's reply.

his point was to say that i suck at guitar bt yet he managed to skillfully point to towards the softies's comments on recordings.

nice try threadstarter, bt too bad.........
satch said:
yea, jst as u reminded me, when i gave my stuff to jeremy, he had all kinds of stuff to say to me, my tone sucks, my playing wasnt smooth enough, bt hell, i took it and improved, changed my ep settings, practiced my lageto and stuff. it makes me wanna play better so as to shut him up. lol.

man...... i cant wait to hear the threadstarte'r's reply.

his point was to say that i suck at guitar bt yet he managed to skillfully point to towards the softies's comments on recordings.

nice try threadstarter, bt too bad.........

hey i wasn't dat harsh, i blamed it mainly on ur zoom, hahaha