My custom pedal has arrived!

blueark, can i be your dodgy pedal dealer and distributor? i'm sure i can make you millions of rupiahs with my marketing skills!!! :twisted:
mrmisse said:
blueark, can i be your dodgy pedal dealer and distributor? i'm sure i can make you millions of rupiahs with my marketing skills!!! :twisted:


I see that this will be a hit. We had a big meeting just now about this pedal. I'm quite sure this will be a success story like the RC booster. Niche but well-loved...
couldnt help checking it out. nice stuff, would have been more evident if u turned the pedal on after a few lines to show what it does to your basic clean tone. thanks for the clip.
at which sec was the pedal on haha.. i cant tell any diff maybe slight boost mid way?

wow..... it does infinite sustain too!!!!

dammit... blueark... it didn't sound like this that day!
what a dodgy clip! but feel da warmth everyone!!! and I dig the sustain! when can I get on the waiting list? confirm by now its a 16 week waiting list man.. 8)
no la.. everyone was praising it.. saying how good it is.. but yeah.. to me.. well.. good effort ark.. 8)