Muslims and alcohol

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NJ kids with Nazi-inspired names removed from home

AP - Thursday, January 15 HOLLAND TOWNSHIP, N.J. - Three New Jersey siblings whose names have Nazi connotations have been placed in state custody, police said. The children, ranging in age from 3 to under 1, were removed from their home Friday. They drew attention last month when a supermarket bakery refused to put the name of the oldest _ Adolf Hitler Campbell _ on a birthday cake.

State workers didn't tell police why the children were taken, police Sgt. John Harris said.
A spokeswoman for the state Division of Youth and Family Services, Kate Bernyk, said she would not comment on any specific case, but she said the state would not remove children from a home simply because of their names.
A family court hearing is scheduled for Thursday. Court officials said the matter is sealed and they could not release information about what might be decided at the hearing.
The other two children, both girls, are JoyceLynn Aryan Nation Campbell and Honszlynn Hinler Jeannie Campbell.
The father, Heath Campbell, had no comment when contacted by The Express-Times of Easton, Pa. The Associated Press could not locate a working telephone number for the family Wednesday.

Yeah read this news over at yahoo a few days ago. I'm puzzle why it is always the kids that has to suffer.

If the parents love the name, why not change their name to it?!
Why must they put their children to shame and more when they grow up?

If I'm a judge in their country, I will haul the parents arse and will change their name legally to the names that they loved so much! :twisted: :twisted:
they should change the topic title to just "Religion and Humans" or something like that...

bro -they shud just change it back to M'sia TakBoleh & well all discuss the drawbacks of drinking in certain states there - as how I first envisioned the thread to be ...
bro -they shud just change it back to M'sia TakBoleh & well all discuss the drawbacks of drinking in certain states there - as how I first envisioned the thread to be ...

i agree coz it seems to be more like a ehwal islam session.
and i feel like there are anti muslims around... and some are very pious type.
then the debate will nvr be on topic
This thread is actually about 2 muslims in malaysia caught drinking beer and was given the cane but somehow ... people goes off topic.

Donno leh..

To me, yah the thread started with the article then along the way people started to ask some questions or said somethings that inevitably led to the current state of discussions but the fundamentals are still there whaaaat, I think.

2 Muslims
drink beer
Muslim country
Cos drink beer prohibited in Islam

Still on the same road what. Never went off wrong exit to KPE or AYE what.

Still on PIE to Changi Airport whaaat...

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Donno leh..

To me, yah the thread started with the article then along the way people started to ask some questions or said somethings that inevitably led to the current state of discussions but the fundamentals are still there whaaaat, I think.

2 Muslims
drink beer
Muslim country
Cos drink beer prohibited in Islam

Still on the same road what. Never went off wrong exit to KPE or AYE what.

Still on PIE to Changi Airport whaaat...

Still on PIE or now on KPE/AYE is hard to say :mrgreen:.

From what i read throughout these thread it start from 2 muslims drink beer kena cane to the death penalty to stoning to underage bride to terrorism :mrgreen:.

I mean when was the last post actually about those 2 muslims in malaysia kena cane? :confused:
fgl, do you know if there's any religious law against singapore's muslims drinking alcohol?
fgl, do you know if there's any religious law against singapore's muslims drinking alcohol?

Boss, I think we need to consult other scholars and experts on this.

All I know is that drinking is frowned upon in Islam but I dont see MUIS officials goin around busting Muslims drinking in all the dangdud bars.

Never saw anyone or been been busted myself for Khalat activities either :mrgreen:

Come to think of it - the Muslim organ donor thingy (Where Muslims had to opt in rather than opt out) also got "changed" .. :confused:

so ... hard for me to say ...ley... :???:
Boss, I think we need to consult other scholars and experts on this....:

Wow, FGL!

Finally an avatar that's actually a picture of you! :mrgreen:

You must don't like me that much huh.. go all the way to post a picture of cockroaches.

well i am an expat living in KL now. been at it for 1yr+ so far so good. khalwat also never catch me, drinking also never kena caught b4.

the police in kl busted a sex party tho, bummer :(. honestly religion and all that tough love here in KL. please... its all about $$$$$$$$$.

u love to speed on yer souped up car? simple prepare $50 can settle. kena caught khalwat, mind u the mat rempit here can fu ck anywhere and everywhere! They dun catch them cos the mat's got no $$$$$. they raid hotels where folks got $$$ go to khalwat LOL.

i am muslim, and sad to say i got issues *grinz*, i got tattoos and what not. so they see me are they going to canned me everytime? mind u tattoos is more serious offend than drinkking i think lah.

a friend make an illegal u-turn, no $ to pay cops end up bribing him a pack of mentos, a friend caught drunk driving and the cops want her to give them blowjobs.

my friend got caught with ganja in KL give the cop $100 and he turn away and took the stash prolly smoke it with his mistress/gf/scandal.

in malaysia is all about quantum. u take care of them, give them $$$, talk nicely. u can get away with murder and ppl actually did get away with murder.

i hang out with a bunch of royalties. they drink like fish...

u act like so smart, so big shot, argue with them. u will kena canned over a canned of beer.

its all about quantum and value ;p. so chilled ;p religion is just an excuse.
Wow, FGL!

Finally an avatar that's actually a picture of you! :mrgreen:

You must don't like me that much huh.. go all the way to post a picture of cockroaches.



i WONDER .... ??????


i WONDER .... ??????



Without cockroach on it, ok?!

wow interesting discussion so far....

the detained S'porean suspect in Indonesia...I knew him on a personal and a professional level..

personal level-we were childhood friends,we grew up together,went to religious classes together,etc etc etc..all the enjoyments of being a kid back in the days..

professional level - he was on the other side of the fence, I was on the other's damn heartbreaking when the persons you're after are those close to you. Nevertheless his younger brother..another good friend was caught...

I have seen 1st hand what narrow-mindedness of an interpretation of the Quran and Sunnah can do..

yes..consuming of alcohol is forbidden Islam but to those who knew...why was this ruling study and learn why was this began with Surah Al-Kaafirun..
prior to this incident,consumption of alcohol was frowned upon only...

Alcohol consumption vs mindless killings ?? Islam forbids the act of self-martyr. Life is of utmost value and importance...nevertheless false ulamas have issued fatwas that allowed self-martyr...and makes a big hoo-haa over an issue of alcohol consumption...

The very act of self-martyr was never done in the time of the prophet yet false ulamas have claimed they adhere to the Quran and Sunnah...if there was an act of self-martyr..the 1st persons to do this deed were probably the Sahabats but yet none did...

..Sahabats refer to close friends of the prophet...the sad state that we, Muslims are in,being ostracized by western world daily, we have no one else to blame but ourselves..pointing a finger whilst your other remaining fingers pointing back at you..

even within PAS..Parti SeIslam M'sia,they are 2 different camps with 2 very different agendas...

so if you ask me...I'll take alcohol consumption anytime than being drunk with greed,power and religious zealotry...
well i am an expat living in KL now. been at it for 1yr+ so far so good. khalwat also never catch me, drinking also never kena caught b4.

the police in kl busted a sex party tho, bummer :(. honestly religion and all that tough love here in KL. please... its all about $$$$$$$$$.

u love to speed on yer souped up car? simple prepare $50 can settle. kena caught khalwat, mind u the mat rempit here can fu ck anywhere and everywhere! They dun catch them cos the mat's got no $$$$$. they raid hotels where folks got $$$ go to khalwat LOL.

i am muslim, and sad to say i got issues *grinz*, i got tattoos and what not. so they see me are they going to canned me everytime? mind u tattoos is more serious offend than drinkking i think lah.

a friend make an illegal u-turn, no $ to pay cops end up bribing him a pack of mentos, a friend caught drunk driving and the cops want her to give them blowjobs.

my friend got caught with ganja in KL give the cop $100 and he turn away and took the stash prolly smoke it with his mistress/gf/scandal.

in malaysia is all about quantum. u take care of them, give them $$$, talk nicely. u can get away with murder and ppl actually did get away with murder.

i hang out with a bunch of royalties. they drink like fish...

u act like so smart, so big shot, argue with them. u will kena canned over a canned of beer.

its all about quantum and value ;p. so chilled ;p religion is just an excuse.

yup sounds just about right to me! :mrgreen:
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