Muslims and alcohol

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This thread is a godforsaken, utter, disrespect. Including a lack of respect for the peace and the way things have been for many years.

I assume the person who created this thread in the first place should assume the mantle of blame for this utter bollocks, flame inciting, bullshit topic.

I'm no good Muslim, practising or otherwise, though I try as I might. But I don't go around asking Catholics why they are drinking, eating pork, lovelovelovelovelovelovelove other women like how I know some people do. Let alone make up a thread inciting these ill feelings as you all have seen on this thread.

I advise for this thread to be shut down and the creator of this thread to be properly advised.

Look at thyselves in the mirrors before proclaiming curiousity and judgement on other's inadequities. May you be wiser in your future pursuits, but MAY YOU be wiser in your own spiritual growth more than anything else.

Dude, and the other guys who said you agree with him, don't bash on the TS. The TS didn't even write this title, and a religious debate was NOT something he even intended. It was a mod who changed it. Don't anyhow make such strong statements against someone when you barely even read the thread.

clearly defending our point of view has become a religion here..

Lol yes it has.
You guys are crazy over something thats really almost infinte and intangible.Why argue?Enjoy life.

Dime, most people argue because they feel that the other party is almost insulting their beliefs and ultimately how they have lived their lives. You can't deny that most people (who practise their respective faiths) have in fact centered their lives around their own religions, cultures, traditions and beliefs all their lives.

So, to criticize a religion is akin to criticizing the very essence of one's life.

Personally, I admit to not knowing much about my own religion but I know enough not to question other's beliefs and ridiculing them. If you do that (question and ridicule), you are contradicting your own beliefs most probably, because I know that most religions preach tolerance and love for your fellow man, no matter what race, colour or religious beliefs he has.

The violence that you see in the world, has mostly political motives behind it rather than religious.

So, as somebody rightly put it here - 'religion is very personal'.

The smartest thing to do to a religious bigot is to ignore him or her, because rarely have I come across one who argue and debate with substance and solid proof behind their tirades. Can't help it, there's usually one or two threads in almost every forum. They are sometimes quite entertaining to read, especially the posts by clearly delusional people who obviously aren't capable of engaging people on the cerebral level. They will quickly degenerate into name-callings before you can even say 'Osama Bin Laden'.

These simians are practically everywhere. ;)
Hecklerloch bro - agree with you but the way people are talking here its getting more general and that its just a tug of war for pretty much nothing and something that can really turn out bad.

So everybody cool down.Let us emerse ourselves with our own beliefs and continue life.
WOW..u started sumthing sensitive and now u say ignore wat u said? well done...

U said "I'm a theist. I bind myself to no religion, but I believe in God as the Creator of all things"
...boy u r really lost and CONTRADICTING ureself...i dun blame u since u didnt find out about ur faith enuff or just hear a one sided story from ur "ustaz" and decided to abandon ur faith...

Islam was made to be a simple religion..but i guess u cant comprehend simple things...

Please don't get me wrong. I apologised because I insulted Islam itself by accusing it as wrong. What I still believe is the freedom of a person. I take back what I said about the Prophet and his religion. But I am still against this discriminatory law against my fellow Malays across the border.
laws for countries like malaysia is a must cause majority there are muslim. in singapore its not cause chinese are the majority. thats why the muslims here have more chances of breaking the law to drink and to do what other muslims in other countries dont. if the muslims here are born in arab, definitely there's a higher chance they wont be breaking the rules in the religion.
it jus depends on where you are. we're from singapore we cant judge how they run malaysia, the us, uk, or even iraq. and no one can judge us. u cant judge cause u dont actually know the situation unless you're really in it.
take for examples singapore death sentence to those drug traffickers. bush, saddam, britain,italy,spain soccer rivalries, racism in certain places. its just one of those things why outsiders cant understand.
laws for countries like malaysia is a must cause majority there are muslim. in singapore its not cause chinese are the majority. thats why the muslims here have more chances of breaking the law to drink and to do what other muslims in other countries dont. if the muslims here are born in arab, definitely there's a higher chance they wont be breaking the rules in the religion.
it jus depends on where you are. we're from singapore we cant judge how they run malaysia, the us, uk, or even iraq. and no one can judge us. u cant judge cause u dont actually know the situation unless you're really in it.
take for examples singapore death sentence to those drug traffickers. bush, saddam, britain,italy,spain soccer rivalries, racism in certain places. its just one of those things why outsiders cant understand.
well dubai is whorehouse central usd$100-250 easy ruskies, prc, latinos, etc... and u can booze there as well.

this is just a flamebait thread just close this getting annoyingly pointless
i have my opinions i wanna say but since this is a public forum i will not voice my opinions out and cause disharmony. that aside, many people here have a damn dumb mindset, period.

I whole heartedly agree with Lady in Tears & up ur pts!
Allow me to clarify some misunderstandings to Sharia Law. As in all subjects or studies related to law, ie civil law, criminal law, a practitioner does need some form of tertiary qualification in order to allow him to fully understand and utilize the different aspects of Sharia Law itself.

As I have made known in my earlier posting in this thread, there are several different school of thoughts in the administering of Sharia Law. Basically there are 2 different camps within the Islamic world and within these 2 camps; there are at least 16 different schools of thought (4 for the Sunni camps and 12 for the Shias)

The misunderstanding arose when you have practitioners who are charismatic and influential, whose words are deemed “it is the law”. This scene would usually occur in backward areas ie..the tribal areas of Pakistan and Afghanistan where usually the brightest students are sent to madrasahs in the city area, upon which, after finishing their studies, would return and serve their respective community/tribes. These newly minted leaders/teachers are often looked upon, regretfully, with awe, fear etc etc..

With the knowledge that they possessed, sometimes, certain fatwas or guidelines/edicts are nothing more but to fulfill one selfish need

It is hotly debated here about the barbaric elements within the Sharia Law. Do allow me to correct the misunderstood.

For example, the crime of theft is punishable by amputation of the hand that was used to commit the crime. Nevertheless, this form of punishment is only meted out to repeat offenders after several attempts are made to rehabilitate and ample warning given. Likewise, this process is also applied here, in which case, it is commonly known as Simple Theft, Sec 379 Cap 224. Usually for first offenders, within a certain value, a stern warning will be issued.

Sharia Law itself states that the punishment should be that equal to the offence committed. Logic and consequences are usually taken into account when a punishment is meted

In the case of adultery, usually the punishment is a fine and a stern warning in most OIC nations, plus some counseling sessions involved. Nevertheless, we would read reports that extreme form of punishment is being carried out. I do not deny that such situations exist however, please refer to my earlier posting about practitioners serving their own needs.

In most religions, pre-marital sex/adultery is frowned upon. The complications or usually the aftermath, as most of us here are mature enough, would result in issues that I need not indulge further.

Kelantan, a PAS govern state, does not fully apply and implement the Sharia Law although it has govern the state for a good 19 years. Why ? It is because application and implementation of Sharia Law is a very complex process, it is not like here whereby you have a sitting, law is debated and it is then passed with majority vote.

The onus of the council governing the Sharia Law is to ensure that the law is applied fairly and just to all, which is not an easy task.

Singapore do have certain aspects of the Sharia Law applied here, under the purview of the Sharia Court, powers given under AMLA (Administration of Muslim Law Act), which was passed by Parliament.

Alcohol consumption, in the beginning of early Islam, was not an outright ban. An incident occurred when an Imam, whilst leading a congregation in an intoxicated state, recited a verse wrongly and which would create disharmony among other faiths in Medina. The prophet came to know about this, reprimanded the imam concerned and henceforth, consumption of alcohol was banned. This was done to avoid unhappiness and uneasiness among other faiths.

As in the words of a certain departed pop icon

“ We are the world, we are the children..."
hmm eh bobby. alright maybe i phrased it wrong? but im refering to personal thinkings of religion & they should not be posted up here on forums as some of the people out here might not be able to take it.
Yeah. I agree. Religion, Politics & Sexual Orientations (well, especially religion) should not be allowed to be up for discussion here on SOFT.
wth i thought we have already established that this thread died 5 MONTHS AGO. whats up with all these loser diggers who simply disregard this fact in order to post their useless opinions.

just for that, i will go on to say that this thread is better closed because its only an opportunity for people who are insensitive/oversensitive or have absolutely no capability of handling issues such as race and religion due to their own lack of interaction with people from other races and religions, probably people who do not even speak english on a regular basis. get off these forums and go find some minorities to hang out with man. or maybe channel 8/suria/vasaantham has some interesting shows u ought to be watching
Yeah. Lock this thread, man. And do it for good too...We don't need to see a ressurection of this thread 2 months later.
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