Muslims and alcohol

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As ur name suggests...u r, in a state of slumber...u r not being honest or strahghtforward bro as u suggests...look at wat u typed and u r being INSULTING and OFFENSIVE...

U said that "since I'm a Malay, I feel very disgraced and shamed of such laws"..only MALAYS are MUSLIMS? get ur facts...

U said "It's like we were not given to think by ourselves what is right and what is wrong, instead we have to follow some book an arab guy wrote in a cave a long time ago( i'll get beheaded for saying fer sure)"
- GOD (if u believe in whichever god) gave u BRAIN to think wats right and wrong...the QURAN is a guide since YOU cant think for urself
_ MUHAMMAD S.A.W. (peace be upon him) didnt wrote the QURAN in a cave (or maybe your monkey brain and eyes saw him wrote it in there?)

Religion is something u BELIEVE in...theres nothing to PROVE

HOW DO YOU NOE YOUR MOM GAVE BIRTH TO YOU? BY A PIECE OF PAPER (birth cert)? You have to BELIEVE that she gave birth to you...just like how you HAVE TO BELIEVE in RELIGION and GOD

Firstly, it is just a name. Secondly, most Malays are muslims. Thirdly, the prophet get the verses in the cave if i'm not wrong, but even if I am, it still doesn't change anything. Thirdly, true about the brains thing. He may gave us brains, but what's the use if the koran is the one decides what is(right or wrong). If I think that eating pork is ok, I'm a sinner ( in fact even my ustaz said the koran just said it's wrong for no reasons whatsoever) so to hell with my brains if im following the book.

How do i know my mother gave birth to me? If she didn't I won't be here. And unlike God, I can run DNA tests and prove that yes, I am her son.

If you saw a David copperfield, would you go, " that is a very nice magic trick, I may never know how he does it, but it is cool" or would you go "OMG thatt must be sattan's work!" My friend, even if it's only you in this thread, I am content If you would learn not to believe just about anything.

@ Tim, thanks, I'll listen to your advice, next time :-D

Chill. I suggest you ask several Ustaz about Islam. Be it Sharia Law, Science or whatever. There is no harm learning more about it.

End of the day we are nearing to death. If there is a creator, isnt there something to guide us? Learning is never ending. We only can believe until we see the truth. And it may differs for individuals.

Thus please learn more, I am no expert. I hope you will be in the right path before its too late. All the best bro.
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you've no religion and youve lost faith.
then just forget it?
whatre you so mad at?
dont post stupid things on forums and tarnish the image of other muslims yeah?

This thread is a godforsaken, utter, disrespect. Including a lack of respect for the peace and the way things have been for many years.

I assume the person who created this thread in the first place should assume the mantle of blame for this utter bollocks, flame inciting, bullshit topic.

I'm no good Muslim, practising or otherwise, though I try as I might. But I don't go around asking Catholics why they are drinking, eating pork, lovelovelovelovelovelovelove other women like how I know some people do. Let alone make up a thread inciting these ill feelings as you all have seen on this thread.

I advise for this thread to be shut down and the creator of this thread to be properly advised.

Look at thyselves in the mirrors before proclaiming curiousity and judgement on other's inadequities. May you be wiser in your future pursuits, but MAY YOU be wiser in your own spiritual growth more than anything else.
i have my opinions i wanna say but since this is a public forum i will not voice my opinions out and cause disharmony. that aside, many people here have a damn dumb mindset, period.
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you've no religion and youve lost faith.
then just forget it?
whatre you so mad at?
dont post stupid things on forums and tarnish the image of other muslims yeah?


This response isn't only directed to the quote above, so no offence to the original poster.

If I'm not wrong, most religions teach of tolerance, understanding, faith and good will, be it Islam, Christianity or otherwise. I don't see this from either side of this argument.

I'm a theist. I bind myself to no religion, but I believe in God as the Creator of all things. However, I do not go about insisting that one religion is 'more right' than the other, or that one is a better Muslim or Christian than another. To insist otherwise would be borderline hypocrisy that directly goes against the spiritual and intellectual teachings of the religion itself.

Religion is a deeply personal thing. And as such, let us refrain from the whole gimmicky 'I'm a better (fill in the blank) than you', 'You have lost your faith!' and other primitive and counter-productive accusations. If you want people to respect your religion, carry yourself with some intellectual integrity and tolerance for alternative points of view that are in contrast to your deeply personal ones. Convince others through mutual understanding, not harsh spiritual blackmail.

After all, isn't mutual respect and love for your fellow man as much a part of Islam as it is for any major religion of the world?

If we spent more time learning to understand and respect others, rather than judge them, then perhaps the world wouldn't be in this state of flux right now. Unfortunately, religion, of ANY sort, often causes as much disharmony to the world as it does unite us. It is not the fault of the religion itself but the judgmental ways of Man on each other.
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yeah i agree with you that we should be counter arguing with tolerance and all.

however, IMHO, this kind of personal thinking shouldnt be posting them up here right? theres no right and wrong, once again its your belief. its his mindset but i just think it'd be better not to talk about it here and on other forums, perhaps he should just keep it to himself or maybe talk it out with a friend. the consequences it may bring about could be dire. =\ thats all.

religion is a sensitive topic. and it takes people to be open min
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I just re-read my replies and realised that I have been very emotional and insensitive. I apologise and admit that I chose such harsh words to express myself. I think in the end, we should just respect each other and leave other people to their beliefs and not force it upon them. Just like the OP's example, I am no different than those extremists by forcing my belief to other people. I think my one and only point is this ; People should be free to choose what they want to belief, and that religous law should not be enforced by the authorities as a person's faith is personal. Ignore everything else I said.
Hey guys!! James or whoever!! Just help us close this thread alright!! This is getting way out of hand from just a stupid alcoholic drink to this debate about religion! I respect whosoever with any religion but this is absurd!
yeah i agree with you that we should be counter arguing with tolerance and all.

however, IMHO, this kind of personal thinking shouldnt be posting them up here right? theres no right and wrong, once again its your belief. its his mindset but i just think it'd be better not to talk about it here and on other forums, perhaps he should just keep it to himself or maybe talk it out with a friend. the consequences it may bring about could be dire. =\ thats all.

religion is a sensitive topic. and it takes people to be open min

Well, isn't your reaction to his personal thinking kind of based on your personal thinking as well? Does this mean that you shouldn't be allowed to post your response? You used 'In My Humble Opinion' and followed it up with 'this kind of personal thinking'. Aren't your opinions a personal way of thinking too? I'm not defending his post though. Just trying to keep things in a neutral and fair perspective. :)

P.S. I like the Ricola ad at the bottom of this page!
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I just re-read my replies and realised that I have been very emotional and insensitive. I apologise and admit that I chose such harsh words to express myself. I think in the end, we should just respect each other and leave other people to their beliefs and not force it upon them. Just like the OP's example, I am no different than those extremists by forcing my belief to other people. I think my one and only point is this ; People should be free to choose what they want to belief, and that religous law should not be enforced by the authorities as a person's faith is personal. Ignore everything else I said.

WOW..u started sumthing sensitive and now u say ignore wat u said? well done...

U said "I'm a theist. I bind myself to no religion, but I believe in God as the Creator of all things"
...boy u r really lost and CONTRADICTING ureself...i dun blame u since u didnt find out about ur faith enuff or just hear a one sided story from ur "ustaz" and decided to abandon ur faith...

Islam was made to be a simple religion..but i guess u cant comprehend simple things...
I believe religion is created by ancient civilisation who had nothing and kept wishing they had these and that. Thus forming sculptures . Praying to it thinking that maybe they can get something back in return. From then onwards, people made it so complicated like what it is today. I was born to live my life. For my parents. Cos all these while , they're the one who're taking care of me. They're the one granting my wishes. giving me happiness. My happiness is them. Not god. I believe only what i see. In my terms , god = parents. I'm sick of rules of religions. I dont really call myself as a monotheist , obviously not an atheist. Well , i'm a muslim if you didnt know. but i dont see myself as one. well , its my point of view. just believe in what you believe. dont believe in what ur forced to believe in. :)
mods. this thread shld be closed or locked b4 it gets way outta hand.

just my opinion. i dunno the proper simile/metaphor. i'll just say it in my own words:

one matchstick or lighter can cause a catastrophic forest fire. lol.

so yeah. for everyone's sake this should not go on or there might be actions taken against one another which would defeat the purpose of this site(eventhough this is the kopi-tiam section) which is to connect people through music i think. not really a frequent user so yeah... sorry for my ignorance if there is any..

just chill and practise whatever it is you practise. be it in terms of religion or instruments or even studies.

have a gd nite all or maybe morning. lol :D
James (mod) u there? thread need to be locked/deleted....

The thread title is already offensive and sensitive

Oh and arguing in here is like taking part in the special olympics...
I'm the theist, not Slumber. You quoted and responded to the wrong guy.
I personally have nothing against Muslims, Christians, Buddhists, Voodoo Witches or Pokemons. I am, however, against unfair judgment of others' faiths because I believe that the fundamental goodness in all accepted religions is the teachings of tolerance for our fellow man, woman and child. And that includes Islam, a religion which I admire and respect. But I believe it is the responsibility of those who have faith in it to represent themselves to others in a way that shows a mutual respect for another's point of view. And so that others who may be reading this thread do not associate personal anger and careless accusations with their broader understanding of the religion itself.

Tolerance is the key word here.
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You guys are crazy over something thats really almost infinte and intangible.Why argue?Enjoy life.
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