Muslims and alcohol

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the ads were an idea by a British Indian comedian, sheila something I think, supported by Richard Dawkins.


Yup, they wanted 5500 quid, but they raised around 5 times that amount.
Drop this muslim and alcohol thing will ya. Its up to individual to think and make worth of their believes! Wether to drink or not to drink! I believe every religion forbid lots of bad stuff and this is one of it. Just drop this topic alright. Talk of something else.. like Michael Jackson maybe...
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All the media does is to poison people's brains showcasing Islam as a barbaric, unreasonable religion. I bet priests still molest kids and its not even published anymore. Coz the trend now is muslims. muslims = bomb, explosion, terrorism, extremists, barbaric punishments. Interesting to read what. How bout the reason y such individuals exist? Like y would they resort to suicide bombing, anti-USA shit and all? because their families are massacred by the US soldies due to some freak accident or maybe with intent for all u know and these kind of shit aint appear in no media man.

Then when there is media to showcase such "terrorism" , they step in and ban the media.

I think no link ah to ur post fgl but dont you think its quite uneccessary for such articles to be published?

If u ask me, i think they deserve it. They got caught so too bad lah. Like in NS what, no.1 rule is dont get caught. get caught confirm kana charge one la. lan lan suck thumb as the saying goes.
All the media does is to poison people's brains showcasing Islam as a barbaric, unreasonable religion. I bet priests still molest kids and its not even published anymore. Coz the trend now is muslims. muslims = bomb, explosion, terrorism, extremists, barbaric punishments. Interesting to read what. How bout the reason y such individuals exist? Like y would they resort to suicide bombing, anti-USA shit and all? because their families are massacred by the US soldies due to some freak accident or maybe with intent for all u know and these kind of shit aint appear in no media man.

Then when there is media to showcase such "terrorism" , they step in and ban the media.

I think no link ah to ur post fgl but dont you think its quite uneccessary for such articles to be published?

If u ask me, i think they deserve it. They got caught so too bad lah. Like in NS what, no.1 rule is dont get caught. get caught confirm kana charge one la. lan lan suck thumb as the saying goes.

panz3r, please at least make an attempt to justify what youre saying. Priests molesting kids and newspapers not reporting? Where the hell did you get this piece of information from. Terrorist bombings as an act of vengeance? Please do remember that 9/11 is what triggered such widespread anti-islamic sentiment.

Nobody can deny the barbarity of Sharia law.

* Adulterous couples are stoned to death, prostitutes are hanged in public, and women in the company of men who are not blood relatives are executed.
* Rape victims are punished.
* "Zina laws" prohibit adultery, prostitution, and rape. Punishment is execution or amputation of the hands. This is done to the victims as well.
* Women cannot vote or get elected.
* Husbands can beat up their wives at their heart's content.
* Women cannot do anything outside of the house without the father or husband's consent.
* Women cannot get custody of their children.
* Women are banned from a number of fields of education.
* Women must wear the hijab when outside of the house.
* In more extremist countries like Iran, a woman arrested for wearing make-up is forced to clean up with cotton balls rolled in broken glass.
* In Pakistan, insulting Mohammed is punished by death (Contempt of Prophet's Act)

How do women escape a religion that gives them no rights? For most muslims in countries such as Pakistan and Saudi Arabia, they are born into their religion. The tradition and law that binds them is ironclad. I can tell you without a doubt that if any of them tried to convert, they would be an outcast at best and dead more often than not.

So please don't give any bulls*it like "oh if you dont like the religion just change lorh" because it just doesnt work like that and some of you guys should be more well-prepared when giving your arguments
I think no link ah to ur post fgl but dont you think its quite uneccessary for such articles to be published?

You have to read my comments at the bottom of my orignal post, dude - to see that this is my point of view on "Malaysia boleh" rather than talking about it as a religious issue - FYI my original title of the thread was "Malaysia Boleh" before it was changed by the mods.

I think we have already gone thru the entire gamut of issues in this thread so no need to flog an already dead horse, ok?

Maybe the mods should step in (again) and lock this thread .... IMO politics & religion should NOTbe "debated" here in soft.
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some of you guys should be more well-prepared when giving your arguments

Practice what you preach.
I'm not even Muslim and I can tell you straight up that the points you have raised are either wholly or partially incorrect.

And if you disagree, please justify your argument.

This is a public forum in a multi-racial and multi-religious country and the least we can do is exercise some tact when dealing with other people.
MEDIA MEDIA MEDIA....thats what happens when the only outlet u can go to is them...u watch tv report ...u believe...u read papers...u believe...thats what GOVTS wan u to believe...

9/11...its COMMON SENSE that ISLAM or TERRORISTS have nothing to do with it...i can write 10 pages of COMMON SENSE that ISLAM/TERRORISTS have nothing to with it...

funny how on a single day...2 planes made history (pentagon and the one at the field) pulverized leaving no plane parts and bodies cuz JET FUEL burned it all up..
and on a single day..2 STEEL REINFORCED concrete buildings that was build to withstand multiple plane hits...that burned abt an hr each ..made history.."collapsed" due to JET FUEL...when the US have 100% track record of intercepting planes in their airspace....

and a passport of the ALLEGED terrorist..(MADE OF PAPER)..flew out of the burning building and land on the convenient...

like i say i can write 10 pages of common sense but i'll stop

but then again EVERYBODY saw the PLANES on MEDIA that it hits...and EVERYBODY believe...

oh ISLAM is bad? dun forget the CHRISTIAN CRUSADES when millions were killed cuz they wont accept christianity..

so HII...get ur facts right...b4 posting bout SHARIA LAW...cuz i can post bout the christian laws and the 10 commandments...


JAMES pls delete this thread b4 it gets politically or religious...tanx
Yah,convert to islam la,join us. Faizal will teach you moonwalk,FGL teach u to bite the guitar strings and i teach you how to blow your balloons before it burst! hahaha..
Yah,convert to islam la,join us. Faizal will teach you moonwalk,FGL teach u to bite the guitar strings and i teach you how to blow your balloons before it burst! hahaha..

donno about the moonwalk bits but Im ok with the bite and blow suggestion though .. ;)
Chritianity and Islam has been going at it forever with the Jews pissing on you guys. It's not gonna stop so might as well forget about fighting for your own beliefs in needless countless debates as eventually, you're gonna die and the cleric/priest probably wouldn't really give a shit.

IMHO.......teh tarik is better.

Bro, some of your comments about islam law is truly misunderstood and some are wrong. just all stop this thing before it really gets personal. Coz believe everyone has their own religion to believe in, let this rest. Even so, HUMANS has their own individuality of what they wish to do and believe. None concern about religion of what people did bad. PLease let this rest.
Interesting thread this but at the end of the day, its really about whether your religion is the right one, the truth. Because if God had commanded you to do something, would you do it? Would you need more proof that he is God? Would you ponder about it hoping someone else would do it so by the time it gets done you wouldn't have to do it?

Muslims worship the God of Abraham, Moses and all the prophets. We believe that the Quran is His divine word and we have been convinced enough that whatever is said in it as ludicrous as it sounds, we would believe it and obey to the best of our abilities. Its that simple. If anyone has issue with whether the Quran truly is the word of God then go find out for yourself because Muslims know that there is nothing in the Quran that is against humanity.

The gripe I read supposedly was the stoning to death punishment in Sharia Law. Most people forget that according to the bible the adulterer and the adulteress shall be stoned to death. The difference is that most Christians neglect this aspect of their scripture. So if this was truly God's prescribed punishment why do you take offence at the Muslims who do nothing but adhere to God's laws?

The Muslim understanding of this punishment is that if you undergo this punishment in this life and die from it, you are cleansed of your adultery and hence do not carry this sin with you on judgement day. And here's the thing Shariah Law prescribes stoning to death ONLY for adultery which is a Huge sin in the eyes of the God of Abraham, Noah, Moses and all the prophets.

One last difference is that Muslims are told that God Almighty does not beget children and is blasphemy to say so in Islam and that Jesus Christ is merely his messenger. That is what our religion tells us so if there is any issue, it would most likely be one of those I mentioned above.
hii... y so serious? why is this suddenly bein a hated thing? why suddenly turned to 'against muslim'?

chill la...

no point debating again n again. Muslims bros have their views, Christians bros have their views too... Jew bros have their views too... and so does the rest of the bros, babes and bapoks.... so fcuuk it la...

i gotta clear my hangover now n go drinking again tonite. and i am a muslim. so dun shoot me. i got my views too :)
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