All the media does is to poison people's brains showcasing Islam as a barbaric, unreasonable religion. I bet priests still molest kids and its not even published anymore. Coz the trend now is muslims. muslims = bomb, explosion, terrorism, extremists, barbaric punishments. Interesting to read what. How bout the reason y such individuals exist? Like y would they resort to suicide bombing, anti-USA shit and all? because their families are massacred by the US soldies due to some freak accident or maybe with intent for all u know and these kind of shit aint appear in no media man.
Then when there is media to showcase such "terrorism" , they step in and ban the media.
I think no link ah to ur post fgl but dont you think its quite uneccessary for such articles to be published?
If u ask me, i think they deserve it. They got caught so too bad lah. Like in NS what, no.1 rule is dont get caught. get caught confirm kana charge one la. lan lan suck thumb as the saying goes.
panz3r, please at least make an attempt to justify what youre saying. Priests molesting kids and newspapers not reporting? Where the hell did you get this piece of information from. Terrorist bombings as an act of vengeance? Please do remember that 9/11 is what triggered such widespread anti-islamic sentiment.
Nobody can deny the barbarity of Sharia law.
* Adulterous couples are stoned to death, prostitutes are hanged in public, and women in the company of men who are not blood relatives are executed.
* Rape victims are punished.
* "Zina laws" prohibit adultery, prostitution, and rape. Punishment is execution or amputation of the hands. This is done to the victims as well.
* Women cannot vote or get elected.
* Husbands can beat up their wives at their heart's content.
* Women cannot do anything outside of the house without the father or husband's consent.
* Women cannot get custody of their children.
* Women are banned from a number of fields of education.
* Women must wear the hijab when outside of the house.
* In more extremist countries like Iran, a woman arrested for wearing make-up is forced to clean up with cotton balls rolled in broken glass.
* In Pakistan, insulting Mohammed is punished by death (Contempt of Prophet's Act)
How do women escape a religion that gives them no rights? For most muslims in countries such as Pakistan and Saudi Arabia, they are born into their religion. The tradition and law that binds them is ironclad. I can tell you without a doubt that if any of them tried to convert, they would be an outcast at best and dead more often than not.
So please don't give any bulls*it like "oh if you dont like the religion just change lorh" because it just doesnt work like that and some of you guys should be more well-prepared when giving your arguments