DeathCubeK , i think at the end of the day u knew what u were gonna get when u signed up to be a Spec. NO ONE can force u to be a spec.
U have to choose if u want to go to command school or not . If u ask around during BMT or friends/familiy who have been thru NS there are a lot of stories that specs get most of the saikang, ,duty and shit filtered down to them and they are the lowest life form in the command hierachy.
Of course i agree that in NS the work distribution is crazily bad ( that's something u should blame the top guns of the military , not chaogengers) , and that's where u have the luck of the draw , or u can force yr own luck. U can't blame the chaogengers when i've seen my CSMs/Warrant Officers etc etc all having a jolly good time at the camp pubs etc.
One more thing. I've been in both combat and service positions for almost a year each so I feel I can comment fairly on both sides of the coin . I had a goal for NS and that was to either be a 2nd LT and sign on with my degree , or to get into MDC for production.
I worked hard at BMT , lost 12 kilos and got Best recruit, and even then i couldn't get into OCS (went to sispec) , so my thoughts were that if the military can't appreciate my "leadership talents " too bad. SISPEC was a miserable time as there were alot of wayangkings around and unfortunately I got injured badly (slipped disc, thanks to ill treatment by my Platoon sgt ) while i passed my BSLC ,i OOCed straight away at my ASLC course ( signals ) because i was in and out of hospital frequently. I applied for MDC while my PES status was pending. In the meantime i found something really productive to do during signals which was graphic design for the Unit and was even offered a slot as a graphic designer , which i declined as my MDC application was approved , and thanks to my warrant officer i was released.
Honestly , MDC has done wonders for me and my career and i've met some super talented people along the way( Huron Low, Filmaker/magician) ( Dharni ng ,SEA no. 1 beatboxer ) ( charles wong , sg idol ) ( Xiao An [ bboy on here is a pretty sick guitarist ] ) to name a few and learnt alot of skills from my bosses. I also had the time of my life when we all flew over to Australia to perform for 3 weeks. Even after NS , I'm thankful I have so met so many contacts and bros that have helped me along the way with the bond we had.
bf0502tr , U're totally right on the money . I was hugely inspired to go into MDC after watching them at recruits evening and they brought a smile to everyone's face ( mostly cos of the 'hot' dancers/singers

) I remembered one of my 2LTs at BMT saying that we could dream on if we wanted to go into MDC ( which is regarded as ' Heaven ' in SAF ).
Long Story cut short , If u have the musical talent / acting/ singing or production chops then u should go to MDC if u can instead of wasting yr talents elsewhere.70- 80% of the people there are aspiring professionals and have a great mindset towards the arts.
and honestly , you make yr own luck.