Mass Order Gotoh FR Anyone?

bro johnny - just a thought but wouldnt it easier if the supplier took yr order by means of credit card? saves a lot on bank charges, commissions, TTs etc...

I normally do internet orders by credit card and mostly no hassles leh

my 2 cents... :lol:
that's is their decision, not mine. if they are a retailer, then we won't be getting this price. Thats how the world works

manufacturer -> wholesaler/distributor/sale agent -> retailer -> Customer

thats how they do business and its easier for them. I can't influence them to change that policy. 10 sets is like bulk for us but to them is still a small order. We should be grateful that they actually entertain us.

we skipped that retailer mark up. We are like a retailer now :lol:

pay by credit card at online store - US$165

that's my 2c...
Still waiting for reply...

Hope you all will have no more changes from now on

I start telling them we require

8 sets,
then 11 sets
then 11 sets but less chrome set, and nuts required
then 10 sets...

maybe I keep changing my order,
so now still waiting for their reply

No more changes, its very difficult for the supplier and me.
Once they reply, I will just collect the money and we go ahead with it. :wink:
send them a final email to say this is your confirmed last orer - no more changes lah.... so that they wont think there would be further changes...

just a hypothetical question - what IF you order as per the last cfmn order but when time to collect $$$ ppl say - eh cancel lah...dowan already etc etc... U gonna absorb cost ...

just curious..
NO. everyone pay up then I transfer. I won't absorb any cost. I'm not retailer. I might as well order 10 then sell you all at $200. I'm just doing a favour for you ppl.

And won't look good on those no backbone ppl backing out.
No more backing out. only firm decision maker as mention earlier. don't make it difficult for ppl leh!

Just 100++, so no more crap pls, i'm assumming the rest have the maturity to understand what mass order is all abt.
guys lets all relax, i'm sure jbg will get back tous immediately once he receives a reply from the supplier. :D
sorry but i feel fgl quite gan jiong spidey~ hahaa..
bet ur army nick name is spider rite? haha.. ok no offence ah~ :lol:
edder said:
fgl said:
so whats the latest?

bro patient lah bro... if he's got anything he'll announce one lah.

Tekan him so much for what...

edder - huh? where got tekan? Only want to know wats up leh?

Anyways I'm not kan cheong to get it coz the project Im getting for dont event have pups and needs a fret job too so its a long drawn out project...
Yes, they reply

The Locking Nut is not included

Gotoh will take a while to complete our order, probably by mid Nov.
They also raise the price of the FR and the delivery charges with the locking nut

I worked out so now

Black with locking nut:$132
Chrome with locking nut:$127
Abt $16 more than previous quote (locking nut + delivery)

Is the nut price reasonable?
Is the Gotoh Locking nut critical?
Can I use my old nut?

I'm thinking of not getting the locking nut
Black: $115
Chrome: $111

Any advice?
In my experience with the Gotoh trem unit, the WHOLE set.


Well made. Sturdy. I'm still using it.

Of course, if you know your trem and wish to shave that mere $16 off, then by all means.

I want the WHOLE SET.
Cosmo Black
1 j_b_g (cosmo black, GHL-2)
2 quantumvortex (cosmo black, GHL-2)
3 penguin (cosmo black )

4 shredcow (CHROME, GHL-2)
5 bluepowder (chrome, GHL-2)
6 penguin (chrome )
7 Gr3y (chrome, GHL-1)
8 dric (chrome, GHL-1)
9 VG2021 (chrome, GHL-1 )
10 FGL (chrome, FGR-1)

Black with locking nut:$132
Chrome with locking nut:$127

Are you all still up for this?
johnny_be_goode bro i opt out the locking nut for both piece
As mention, the order probably be completed by mid Nov,
so when do i need to pay?...if its by Nov...then i can use the funds for something else..

BTW thank you for the updates!!!:)
ok, opted out, the rest of you?

they mention earlier, will take 2 to 3 weeks, complete by mid nov meaning we pay then they make for us, Gotoh is make to order,

so that means we pay now, they start making and complete by mid Nov.

there will be some waiting after payment.