Mass Order Gotoh FR Anyone?

kahuna said:
sorry my first time gonna get a flotd rose guitar...i know how to use one but dunno much bout one...does the gotoh one come wit the arm?wad is the diff between top and bottom?and wad is a lockin nut or nut?and wad size does a dean ML NOIR XT use?can anyone help?

Yes with arm

Locking nuts:Read pg 9
kahuna said:
wad size do u tink a dean ml noir xl uses?

for your FAQ:
have you read around pg 9?
best to put in some effort and just read the whole thread

Nut measure to find out.
Gotoh has 2 size. 41 & 43mm
If you really want to join, read my disclaimer too... :lol:
and add yourself to the list ASAP hopefully by today.
we have been waiting for too long already... :?
Cosmo Black
1 j_b_g (cosmo black)
2 quantumvortex (cosmo black, GHL-2)
3 penguin (cosmo black)

4 shredcow (CHROME, GHL-2)
5 bluepowder (chrome, GHL-2)
6 penguin (chrome)
7 Gr3y (chrome, GHL-1)
8 dric (chrome, GHL-1)
9 VG2021 (chrome, GHL-1 )
10 FGL (chrome, FGR-1)

Black with locking nut:$132
Chrome with locking nut:$127

Black w/o locking nut: $115
Chrome w/o locking nut: $111

Check the list!
fgl said:
alright, so now how do we meet? I propose Sat at G77 after 1pm...?

I thought it was aggreeable that we all do online transfer?
I don't want to arrange another meeting. Its too difficult.

I called up DBS and was told that transfer done by ATM will only be reflected on my transaction as ATR, and I would not know who have transferred. Dric take note, for ATM the transferee's no will not be reflected.

However, if you all transfer via iBanking you must fill up "My Initials",
best to enter your nick so I will know who.
Also is my correct POSB a/c no.
Does everyone use DBS iBanking?

another simple alternative, just give us yr dbs / posb a/c no Johnny B - we transfer by atm point also can la...

But I still like a meet - if at all posible - so we can meet each other face to face and see who is actually who ..... I havent many many softies yet...

Ultimately up 2 u guys... just cfmn & let me know

My items all ok
fgl said:
another simple alternative, just give us yr dbs / posb a/c no Johnny B - we transfer by atm point also can la...

But I still like a meet - if at all posible - so we can meet each other face to face and see who is actually who ..... I havent many many softies yet...

Ultimately up 2 u guys... just cfmn & let me know

My items all ok

Do NOT use ATM transfer
only DBS iBanking.
All can meet during collection :lol:
Reservist from 16 - 31 Oct
Don't know my schedule yet

kahuna pls comfirm by today cause I have to email the final list to supplier
ShredCow said:
I don't use I Banking, but I'll see what I can do.

I could just drop by your place anyway. Save you the trouble.

JohnnyB - I also dont use I banking
Emailed the supplier our final list.
Have to make sure, so waiting for the reply. Hopefully by monday.
Because I'm not sure of my schedule yet.

I'm thinking providing 2 options:
1: meet up
2: transfer

Those who cannot meet up will have to do the DBS iBanking transfer
Once I get me schedule, hopfully by mon will arrange a meeting.