Manchester United 2008-2009 Season Thread

nothing is won yet till the fat lady sings....

i just hope that Arsenal will win...then on the final day Liverpool win the title and pipping that Old Trafford outfit...

i do not support any teams or club in particular but i do not like Man Utd...what a joke..

i lost all respect for that OT outfit when years back..they put that baldie keeper to play on the left wing against our national team...what's that ???

Man Utd = HArlem Globetrotters wannabe..
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COOLHAND: well, ya know what they say...people hate those who are the best...:mrgreen:
And for any other team besides Man Utd winning the BPL title this season, don't kid yourself, dude!

RYANZ: WOOOOOO!!! It's time to collect more silverware to add on to the 3 we already have! *high 5*
shit i just woke up.

wah lao argue argue. the table speaks it all. we have 1 point left to becoming champions. like it or not we're the best.
DUDELOVE: no lah, who likes to argue? I believe in making peace, not war...Just woke up? How come you're sleeping at such times of the day? Aftrnoon nap ah?
man utd the best ??

sorry to break your bubble but Liverpool have won 18 titles and 5 European titles..
the best ?? that would be Arsenal's invicibles..having gone thru an entire season without losing...

man utd lucky..that i i am an ex-fan of the Red DEvils..yes i like the team of Giggs, Cantona and so on but the way things are now..I sincerely do pray that Liverpool will beat 'em for the title..most of the new Utd fans now i believe are jumping on the guys are probably too young to know players like Lou Macari, Alan Brazil or Norm Whiteside..

sooner or's gonna be like the scottish league..only Rangers or Celtic win year in,year out...boringgggg...

beat 'em Gunners...
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COOLHAND: Relax...There's really nothing to be defensive about. I'm happy for you that you've found a team/club that you feel so passionately about/for. Not everyone will love Man Utd. Not everyone will love Pool/Arsenal/Chelsea. It's just personal opinion. So, it's all good... :) As long as you're happy, I'm happy for you.
DUDELOVE: Aiya dudelove, you & i both know what we know about Utd & that's sufficient. Let the rest form their own opinions. We on the other hand know what we've got to prove & to whom. It's all good.. :)

Sleeping since 6am??? Why? That's tooo much sleep! WOI!! Man Utd's win was like a lullaby, right? Put you straight to sleep :)
Sleeping since 6am??? Why? That's tooo much sleep! WOI!! Man Utd's win was like a lullaby, right? Put you straight to sleep :)

actually 6 am till 3 pm. thats 9 hrs sleep. thats very decent actually. HAHAA

to be honest i fell asleep while watching the first few minutes of the game, this just goes to prove that when i'm not watching man u play like crap. once i was wide awake for the 2nd half. 2 goals! i loved both goals. they were both beautiful.
DUDELOVE: 9 hours is a bit excessive, ah?? Haha...nebermind, as long as you're happy. ya i admit also the 1st half was pretty dry. The 2nd half was a blast, especially in the dying minutes of the game when we were looking to score a winning goal to bag those 3 points.
man utd the best ??

sorry to break your bubble but Liverpool have won 18 titles and 5 European titles..
the best ?? that would be Arsenal's invicibles..having gone thru an entire season without losing...

man utd lucky..that i i am an ex-fan of the Red DEvils..yes i like the team of Giggs, Cantona and so on but the way things are now..I sincerely do pray that Liverpool will beat 'em for the title..

So are u going to be a Man City fan next season? Club Hopper.. :rolleyes:
That has to be the ugliest looking jersey that you could wear in the modern day.The V thingy just doesnt work.

Coolhand how about you chill man.This place for Manchester United Appreciation.If you wanna hurle insults then its better you take it somewhere else where we United fans here dont have to deal with any of it.
man utd the best ??

sorry to break your bubble but Liverpool have won 18 titles and 5 European titles..
the best ?? that would be Arsenal's invicibles..having gone thru an entire season without losing...

man utd lucky..that i i am an ex-fan of the Red DEvils..yes i like the team of Giggs, Cantona and so on but the way things are now..I sincerely do pray that Liverpool will beat 'em for the title..most of the new Utd fans now i believe are jumping on the guys are probably too young to know players like Lou Macari, Alan Brazil or Norm Whiteside..

sooner or's gonna be like the scottish league..only Rangers or Celtic win year in,year out...boringgggg...

beat 'em Gunners...

is it my fault that i'm too young to have supported the red devils of old? i knew them since i was 8 back in 1997, is that not good enough? i can't stand it when everyone generalises that new fans are senselessly jumping on the bandwagon. isn't it the same with music and bands?

*sheesh, okay now that i've let off steam....*

c'mon, devils supporters unite! one...more...damn...point!