Manchester United 2008-2009 Season Thread

I will join up faster than you can say YelloBananas if you would just tell me what KKNer's is about!

ok ok ok ..

longtime back me, vickomaniac and many other online friends here used to 'chat" in various posts (much like what we are doing now) ... these chats were a combination of farce, humour and basically friendly in nature .. Soft boss had instructed us not to post frivourlessly so thats when I came up with the FGL Kaki nagers thread - Its a thread / group where everyone can talk about anything under the sun any order. It has already hit almost 1300 pages ...

Over time many KKNers have also met up via the FGL football gathering, Soft vocalist hang outs, Soft jam sessions & of course the YJ hang outs...sometime KKNers - on the spur of the moment - just ctc each other here to have a quick link up dinner or supper of whatever ...

So .... thats FGL KKNers for you .... :D
Did you see that brilliant goal from Tevez? Damn! Unstoppable! Poor Shay didn't even have a chance!!
Yeah, it would be awesome to keep Tevez but he is rather costly & even if we do make him a Red Devil, he will have to resign to the fact that he will not be given first team football. We still have Berba & Rooney afterall. But it''ll be a pity if we have to let him go. By scoring that superb goal last night, I felt Tevez made it known just exactly what Utd would be missing out on. I guess that's why we're trying to nail Ribery?

Anyway, only 3 games to go. All we need is to pick up 4 points along the way! WOOOOO!! Good that Chelsea has broken Arsenal's spirit....AGAIN. It might make things easier for us when we extend a "warm" welcome to them this wed. :mrgreen:
damn it lah, just let CR go, no point keeping him.there're lots more proven talents who are better than him...always keep losing possession during the match, banyak complain, even the man utd veteran players dont complain tht much.
damn it lah, just let CR go, no point keeping him.there're lots more proven talents who are better than him...always keep losing possession during the match, banyak complain, even the man utd veteran players dont complain tht much.

Boy, was Ronny pissed as hell! He kept shaking his head while seated. I guess being at his young age & being world player of the year & becoz the BPL season is coming to a close, he wants to play in ALL of our remaining games. He probably feels he's up for it physically & mentally. But as Fergie says, he needs to see the bigger picture. He has to conserve his players' energy wherever & whenever possible.



OEI! FGL D, why are you being mean today ah? I mean, I know your ARSE team lost like 4-1 last night but if you want your TLC, don't diss UTD lah...KK, you don't diss UTD, I will try not to diss ARSE. Deal?
For a moment i tot we wld see vintage stuff from scholesy, wat a run but the finishing part really showed his age.

Yeah, agreed. Scholes is definitely not what he used to be in the prime of his Utd career, but nevertheless, he still has some amazing contributions to offer UTD. And also, his years of exeprience is priceless.
ronaldo seemed to be a better player when he first joined man utd.
maybe he needs that flying boot treatment just like beckham received in the past.
ronaldo seemed to be a better player when he first joined man utd.
maybe he needs that flying boot treatment just like beckham received in the past.

Oooh yeah...For a long time now I had conveniently forgotten about that flying boot incident. Yeah, Ronny's starting to evolve somewhat into like a Beckham, just before Fergie kicked his ass out. Perhaps he was just really disappointed at being substituted when he felt he still had the stamina for the game & still had alot to offer on the pitch? I don't like dissing my own Utd boys...
Heya Dudelove! How have ya been? Yeah, what Ronny did was uncalled for. He should have know that the whole world would be watching his every move. His actions yesterday are already splashed all over the papers! I woke up this morning to seeing it on the New Paper.
hi lovehurts!!

its been bad! my internet at home is down till wednesday. i can only use internet in sch...

i didnt even know arsenal lost 4-1 till just now.. :(