Manchester United 2008-2009 Season Thread

my favourite goal was the 3rd one. super fast counter attack and that pass from park to rooney was just perfectly aimed.
Ronaldo's free-kick was. SPECTACULAR. now thats Ronny alright.

Pity Fletcher has to miss the final..

One more game to be the first team to retain the CL back to back!
Ronaldo's free-kick was. SPECTACULAR. now thats Ronny alright.

One more game to be the first team to retain the CL back to back!

Oh yeah!! Ronny's goal from that free-kick was ... fan-f******-tastic! It was so good I jumped out of bed, stood on the floor & chanted wildly at like 3 in the morning. Lost 2 hrs of sleep but oh! It was SO WORTH IT! Yeah, I think we'll be the first team in 20yrs to retain the CL trophy back to back!
GLORY GLORY MAN UTD!! To Rome we go!

Just watched a replay of the tackle by Fletcher. It wasn't a foul.... Fletch first made contact with the ball. It was a brilliantly executed tackle. Both tumbled afterward because he got a shock he was tacked, so his legs tangled with Fletcher's legs.

For anyone who missed the game, here is a very very thorough video showing every single highlight.

I thought Ronaldo's free kick was outrageous, really speaks volumes about both his confidence and ability. When Ronaldo is at the top of his game, really, it is hard to dispute him being the best in the world.

And I must admit, although I am a very avid Darren Fletcher hater, his tackle was really well executed and he didn't deserve the red card at all. And he seemed to have played quite well in this game so, yea I really feel for him.

LOVE THE THIRD GOAL. Absolute masterclass in counterattacking football. Many Arsenal fans say they are good at counterattacking, well that is just how it's supposed to be done. Brilliant play.
oh yea baby, man utd vs the almighty barcelona for the finals.
it's going to be a blast.

not sure which team im rooting for though as im a fan of man utd and barca.but
i got this feeling tht barca will emerge as winners.come on man, barcelona = beautiful attacking football = pure visual orgasm.
Ooh, I think I'm soooo gonna love the CL finals. Barca & Man Utd squaring it off in Rome. Woo! Awesome! Obviously Útd are going to lift that trophy yet again. I dare to say this coz this thread is "supposed" to be filled to the brim with fervent Utd fans!! GO MANCHESTER!! Go break another record! :p
Barca to beat u loot inthe CL final - HENRY to score the winner .. its all fated lah ..... ALL FATED ALREADY
Barca to beat u loot inthe CL final - HENRY to score the winner .. its all fated lah ..... ALL FATED ALREADY

Eh my brudder FGL, please lah, don't come to the Man Utd thread to diss us, can? I'm very sure you're very welcomed to do that in the Liverpool, Chelsea & Arse thread! Damn, I thought you were nice leh? Aiya. :p
LOVEHURTS- mornin dahling .... I am nice ... dissin is what its all about in each other threads mah .... :-D

when u joining the FGL KKNers? :cool:
screw the dissing lah.

i'm just happy we have a deserving opponent in the finals.

(haven't been on this thread in awhile, hehh)
LOVEHURTS- mornin dahling .... I am nice ... dissin is what its all about in each other threads mah .... :-D

when u joining the FGL KKNers? :cool:

Morning dear. Oh no. It's mean lah, to come here & diss my team. It's shall i put it? Erm.....ungentlemanly of you seeing as how you're supposed to be a really nice guy? :p The other threads will welcome you with arms wide open! (Now don't be thinking corrupted, ah!)

How to join your KKNer when no one has volunteered to give me a crash course as to what it's all about? Lovehurts is an apprehensive gal, ya know? :cool:
How to join your KKNer when no one has volunteered to give me a crash course as to what it's all about? Lovehurts is an apprehensive gal, ya know? :cool:

hmmmU r rite .. we had better meet up in person at YJ 2nite for me 2 give U a breakdown on joinin the FGL KKNers .... say around 945pm :mrgreen: 1st drink on me

and dun bring your husband or bf - if any :-p .. this kinda of thingy very private one ...
hmmmU r rite .. we had better meet up in person at YJ 2nite for me 2 give U a breakdown on joinin the FGL KKNers .... say around 945pm :mrgreen: 1st drink on me

and dun bring your husband or bf - if any :-p .. this kinda of thingy very private one ...

*Buaya alert acknowledged*

You're swell, FGL. Just swell, i tell you. Just for the sake of argument, how come only the 1st drink is on U? Shouldn't they all be on ya? And I'm starting to wonder how a crash course can be classified as "a very private kinda thingy" LOL! You make me morning lah, FGL dear! :p
*Buaya alert acknowledged*

You're swell, FGL. Just swell, i tell you. Just for the sake of argument, how come only the 1st drink is on U? Shouldn't they all be on ya? And I'm starting to wonder how a crash course can be classified as "a very private kinda thingy" LOL! You make me morning lah, FGL dear! :p

1st drink lah - baskey if all on me -BANKRUPT LIAO ..

hahahaa ... but seriously do say hi next time U come to YJ - - the 1 drink offer stands non the less despite your club affiliations ...
1st drink lah - baskey if all on me -BANKRUPT LIAO ..

hahahaa ... but seriously do say hi next time U come to YJ - - the 1 drink offer stands non the less despite your club affiliations ...

Ok, i shall think about whether or not to waltz up to stage & say HI to you. Haha. Let's hope you remember me :???:

Wah, not bad ah. Your 1st free drink offer still applies to this Utd fan. Aiya, you wouldn't go broke. I don't drink much. :mrgreen:

Oh yah, when's the CL finals?
hello bendtner!


edit: oops i posted wrong thread. but its still funny. hahha
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