I have been reading this thread for some time now...and i just wanna say....WHERE ARE THE MADMONKEYCAREBEARS??? :lol:
hehe....i have always been someoen who believes that the minute u let compliments get into your brain u r lost as a musician...they should go from one ear out to the other...just to give u momentary joy...I posted one OM on S.O.F.T a long time back...and i liked that song....it was one of my first and written for a very special lady....
I got a lot of 'well done' and 'nice melodiy' comments...and i loved them..i truly did....in this world where u r not even a speck on the map of guitarists...appreciation is mandatory....but somehow the only comment i remember is...by someone..i gues he was a jason becker fan...and he said my shred has absolutely no feeling...at that point of my playing i could not relate to what he was saying but a good long time later i understand....but tahts not to say it didnt deter me..... 8O
It is a double edged sword....one should use it wisely.....
Secondly,I dont think anyone on this website has the right to come and talk to James in the way that was done,simply because...by running SOFT he has done more for the music scene locally than most collectives have collectively.....
Madmonkeykungfu...your ideals are admirable but thats all they are...I might agree with your principles but you have brought about your own undoing by the pride you show....it seems to me that forming your collective has given you the opinion that you are on a higher plane than most mere mortals...or atleast thats the impression you give off....which is something only u have control over :!:
And you did bring up a valid point,welcome to the real world....thats right....and the real world does not consist only of computer algorithms to point out how u can improve but a lot of motivation.....after all...we were all nooobs once!!!!But to get an ad space adn put up your motto in such simplistic terms is only making a mockery of something so dynamic.....yes its true that all music requires critque but critque requires humility.....the humility to take a stand and not need the attention that it draws to take that stand :roll:
A musicians biggest driving force is his own ego,which must be continually fed and never broken.....that is what forces someone to get personal....if one must criticize....he should definitely include how the criticized must improve.....otherwise the comment if just a reflection of the critics own lack of common sense. :wink:
How many times have people gotten comments like...oh thats a vai lick,that song sounds like its taking from a satriani song.... :evil:
How many times has a shredder come up and say oh that acoustic ballad sounds kind of boring.... :evil:
How many times has a classical guitarist come and said oh that metal piece isjust noise or that jazz piece seems out of key!! :twisted:
Ive seen that enough on all these forums...the progressively beneficially nihilistic Western forums that everyone loves.... 8)
So if you are a musician who knows he is good enough to criticize the newbies on the forum without wanting to portray the grandeur of the knowledge of a superior musician,and who also has the necessary knowledge to help him improve after you have shattered his self confidence...and do this all with the humility and goodwill of a mentor...then step forward and criticize....
hmm did this get too long

...i guess im jobless at work