madmonkeykungfu - good for the local scene or not?

no, the whole idea is not calling everyone here to be hard, but just telling some people that hard comments are still comments that may be worth considering.

a little OT: Threads can always be locked, and warnings can always be issued (in public not private), but deleting negative(or perceived unnecessary) posts like they never happened is just about the lamest thing I have ever seen here.

There is no need to call for any revolution. People in this forum just need to learn that there are different opinions in this world, and no one is obliged to agree with anybody. Nobody needs to agree with Madmonkeykungfu. Madmonkeykungfu need not like you at all. So? Life goes on. Somedays we agree otherdays we disagree. Welcome to the real world.
after reading the entire thread of this discussion so far and whatever that's before which led to the start of this thread, i must say that i'm on madmonkeykungfu's stand.

the collective's motto/sign-off might seem scorching to some, but i feel that their comments & intentions are beneficial to the local music scene. because out of this amicable forum, is the harsh world whereby criticisms come in hard cold slaps in the face which are easily gazillion times more ruthless than madmonkeykungfu(if you consider him cutting).

let's not talk about madmonkeykungfu's way of composition in their replies(everyone has their own writing styles), but rather the essense of their points, which are undeniably constructive(to me). i feel that in order for any individual/entity to improve, there should be an open mind to receive all sorts of comments/criticisms/advises which will aid an eventual growth. and not how quick to retort and see who has nothing to say last.

and since madmonkeykungfu is a proclaimed commodity which represents various voices in one identity, actively involving themselves in the exchange of this forum, they should more or less be people who really bother about the local music scene. if you track all the messages left by them, you will rarely find negative remarks that are fight picking.

to me, they are just unpretentious bunch of people who genuinely has good intentions to help to improve the music scene with their opinions.

i agree that madmonkeykungfu's motto can be offensive to some, but i can't deny the underlying truth of it, that is if you know what they are driving at.

on a side note, does ShredCow represents james? it seems like he's speaking a lot for him when james can actually voice his say. but i've heard little.

i don't disagree with madmonkeykungfu, but he seriously doesn't sound geninue when he speaks in a third person perspective.

madmonkey suggests that carebears should "die". Well, would anyone claim to be a carebear? It's as good as saying "idiots should know better". what madmonkey is driving across seems to be lost in translation, particularly when it doesn't sound pleasing to the ear of any recipent at all.

forummers should instead of saying what is good or bad, say why it is good or bad.
madmonkeykungfu, i think we all want to use SOFT to help bring awareness to music making community in singapore. it is just the way we differs in presentation.

i like positive, encouragement and foul-free language. it is in me, i am brought up this way and i am already 35 this year. sometimes, i myself feel uncomfortable in a group where people like to be negative about everything and foul language is the style. i walk away.

though i cannot expect everyone to be like me, i do not want SOFT to become something that I want to walk away from.

as the person in charge of running SOFT, i have my responsibilities and i have to make sure that SOFT will continue to grow.

regarding editing/deleting away post in the forum. usually i do it to foul language, really bad comments about shops/owners, political issue, race issue, sexist and personal grudge between members.

madmonkeykungfu, i feel you are a very intelligent person and have good knowledge in many topics. i cant find any fault with you on that. the reason why i started the thread is because i want to listen to how fellow members feel about madmonkeykungfu's motto. i have requested you to tone down on the way you comment but you might have misunderstood me as wanting to oppress your opinion.

madmonkeykungfu, continue to contribute in the forum. i treasure every SOFTie who sign on as member and spend time with each other in this little virtual space.
here is my collective entity thinks; and this includes my anus, my nose, my nose hair and my chao chee b**.
NOTE: My point of view is REALLY important so I will proceed to write a quite long controversal post with enough areas for pseudo debate and talk cock sing song intellect. hur hur hur. Oh yeah my girlfriend gets wet easily.

1. madmonkeykungfu. you are ireelevant
2. will continue to be irrelevant if all it does is house people who proclaming the good and the bad and the ugliness of the scene, without actually going out to do their own sh*t.
3. 99.95 of the nation doesn't f*ckinng care. and the last 0.05 percent are divided. so in other words, whatever strong opinions we have here are of no concern to the general public who'd rather listen to black eyed peas anyway, sadly.
4. i have an itchy anus
5. i have cable tv and i watch E! entertainment news the most often
6. just like points 4. and 5., all comments posted in this thread are totally unrelated to actually doing any good for anyone.
7 . i like to talk cock and sing song.
8. please visit for good porn

for once, i am not going to edit/delete this post just to bring to everyone's attention why i edit/delete post sometimes.

kissyourmother, thanks for helping me make my point but still I do not condone.

kissyourmother said:
here is my collective entity thinks; and this includes my anus, my nose, my nose hair and my chao chee b**.
NOTE: My point of view is REALLY important so I will proceed to write a quite long controversal post with enough areas for pseudo debate and talk cock sing song intellect. hur hur hur. Oh yeah my girlfriend gets wet easily.

1. madmonkeykungfu. you are ireelevant
2. will continue to be irrelevant if all it does is house people who proclaming the good and the bad and the ugliness of the scene, without actually going out to do their own sh*t.
3. 99.95 of the nation doesn't f*ckinng care. and the last 0.05 percent are divided. so in other words, whatever strong opinions we have here are of no concern to the general public who'd rather listen to black eyed peas anyway, sadly.
4. i have an itchy anus
5. i have cable tv and i watch E! entertainment news the most often
6. just like points 4. and 5., all comments posted in this thread are totally unrelated to actually doing any good for anyone.
7 . i like to talk cock and sing song.
8. please visit for good porn

dustbinhead said:
on a side note, does ShredCow represents james? it seems like he's speaking a lot for him when james can actually voice his say. but i've heard little.

:) No no.. just trying to figure things out
I have been reading this thread for some time now...and i just wanna say....WHERE ARE THE MADMONKEYCAREBEARS??? :lol:
hehe....i have always been someoen who believes that the minute u let compliments get into your brain u r lost as a musician...they should go from one ear out to the other...just to give u momentary joy...I posted one OM on S.O.F.T a long time back...and i liked that was one of my first and written for a very special lady.... :oops:
I got a lot of 'well done' and 'nice melodiy' comments...and i loved them..i truly this world where u r not even a speck on the map of guitarists...appreciation is mandatory....but somehow the only comment i remember someone..i gues he was a jason becker fan...and he said my shred has absolutely no that point of my playing i could not relate to what he was saying but a good long time later i understand....but tahts not to say it didnt deter me..... 8O

It is a double edged should use it wisely.....

Secondly,I dont think anyone on this website has the right to come and talk to James in the way that was done,simply running SOFT he has done more for the music scene locally than most collectives have collectively.....

Madmonkeykungfu...your ideals are admirable but thats all they are...I might agree with your principles but you have brought about your own undoing by the pride you seems to me that forming your collective has given you the opinion that you are on a higher plane than most mere mortals...or atleast thats the impression you give off....which is something only u have control over :!:

And you did bring up a valid point,welcome to the real world....thats right....and the real world does not consist only of computer algorithms to point out how u can improve but a lot of motivation.....after all...we were all nooobs once!!!!But to get an ad space adn put up your motto in such simplistic terms is only making a mockery of something so dynamic.....yes its true that all music requires critque but critque requires humility.....the humility to take a stand and not need the attention that it draws to take that stand :roll:

A musicians biggest driving force is his own ego,which must be continually fed and never broken.....that is what forces someone to get personal....if one must criticize....he should definitely include how the criticized must improve.....otherwise the comment if just a reflection of the critics own lack of common sense. :wink:

How many times have people gotten comments like...oh thats a vai lick,that song sounds like its taking from a satriani song.... :evil:

How many times has a shredder come up and say oh that acoustic ballad sounds kind of boring.... :evil:

How many times has a classical guitarist come and said oh that metal piece isjust noise or that jazz piece seems out of key!! :twisted:

Ive seen that enough on all these forums...the progressively beneficially nihilistic Western forums that everyone loves.... 8)

So if you are a musician who knows he is good enough to criticize the newbies on the forum without wanting to portray the grandeur of the knowledge of a superior musician,and who also has the necessary knowledge to help him improve after you have shattered his self confidence...and do this all with the humility and goodwill of a mentor...then step forward and criticize....

hmm did this get too long:)...i guess im jobless at work :D
no la he's not a collective
just a small boy who needs the backing of his imaginary friends
like that if i get my grandma sit next to me and ask her watch me type, then i shall call myself "madmonkeykarate", then ask her go cook dinner for me afterwards. all so i can use the 'us' instead of the 'i' and puff up my small di*k by several inches from 2 to 4.
quite lazy to explain,

when I use "We", it means a common opinion
when I use "I", it just refers to the opinion of the current person using this shared account.

To bluepowder, this wasn't about whose opinions are higher than whom at all.
And about the ad space, we had no idea why it was there.

while you are of course entitled to your opinion, my take is still that a mere simple "I don't like your music" by someone else is also an opinion. If music is supposed to be emotional and an expression, then many things need not go into the technical specifics other than Like or Dislike. Things like "cool" and "rock on" are just sitting on the fence comments. Like passing wind.

While on the internet, many things can be taken with a grain of salt, it is a platform where many could voice their most honest thoughts without the backlash from a communal society. Forumers who already revealed their real life identities are less likely to say negative opinions. Hence we rather use a shared account. The scene is so small, and people are very likely to link a person's view with that of the entire band, and thus biasness will occur.
madmonkeykungfu, hanah hanah, sibei loooooo soooooooooooooooooooooooo.

i ask my grandma cook beef noddle for u come my house eat ok?
then we can sit and talk cock.

no wait
I can sit and talk cock, you can communicate to me via keyboard mouse and monitor. cause that's what you do best, or they, or them, or whatever :D


case closed
You need not climb a mountain to see the sun rise....what you say and what you have us believe may be two different things...depending on how well u understand our perception of events.....

As for the right to say i dont like ur music...thats a whole another story from I dont like the way u play...if someone put up an OM of hillbilly rap...u wont see me posting my comments...because i 'dont like themusic'...however i am not qualified to judge it.....hope u understand my meaning....that its easier to point out flaws than to motivate..and its easier to motivate than to teach....
bluepowder said:
You need not climb a mountain to see the sun rise....what you say and what you have us believe may be two different things...depending on how well u understand our perception of events.....

As for the right to say i dont like ur music...thats a whole another story from I dont like the way u play...if someone put up an OM of hillbilly rap...u wont see me posting my comments...because i 'dont like themusic'...however i am not qualified to judge it.....hope u understand my meaning....that its easier to point out flaws than to motivate..and its easier to motivate than to teach....

that is a selective choice, whether to choose to listen to/preview a song based solely on a genre they fancy or not. There are people who listens to songs, regardless of the genre. The thing about music is, one needs not know the history/culture or the technical knowledge of playing the song in order to know whether they like the song or not. However stupid a forumer might look when posting comments, don't they have the basic choice to decide whether to post or not?
finally we both walk on the same path...if a forumer decides to post a comment on an OM without knowledge of the genre or the technicality required....Its worse than a 'carebear' as u call it...and if someone must do so without the you endup posting a 'hillbilly rap' as an OM which i have no knowledge of....I have no right to worst i can just commend u on your effort to play a genre which i do not follow..and hence do not understand....madmonkeykungfu doesnt always work
bluepowder said:
madmonkeykungfu doesnt always work

agreed. Nobody can be right all the time. The world cannot be just consisting of just a single type of person. We have many different types of people, just needs a balance.

in the process of debates or rebuttals where questionings occur, it can only mean either we become more convinced of our own standpoint or we become swayed over to the other side.

about the carebear part,
which is worse actually? For one who doesn't like the music but choose to carebear it and mislead the bands or one who doesn't like the music and choose to diss it? Do you choose poison over a quick death? Note: death in this case doesn't really equate to physical death, but "deaths of ego" which can be resurrected the next round.
And who will keep this balance....??you??I dont think so my friend...

If one does not know....he should keep quiet...but in all this pandemonium one has forgotten the ego of the forumer himself....everyone likes to post and give their in that case...would you have an unqualified forumer criticize and talk crap or just say well done and move on...I know my choice....
just because the music scene needs some criticism doesnt mean everyone lets the red devil sit on their shoulders.....there are very few qualified enough to write a critique let alone post it in public.....if one is not qualified but still wants a say....better to say something nice and move on....than to say...hillbilly rap sucks and have a long abusive discussion about it....otherwise the whole purpose of your collective itself is destroyed....which is to better the music scene...
bluepowder said:
If one does not know....he should keep quiet...

should. Not must. The thing is, what is with the qualified or unqualified forumer? Everyone has a pair of ears (most of them working) no? Isn't it in this case you categorise people into qualified and unqualified forumers who should or should not comment/critique a song? So who is seeing things on higher ground?
U contradict yourself....sort out your confusion before you take such a stand...

You want to help musicians in the local scene by criticizing them.....but then u say that an ignorant must also critique a musician...liking a genre or a song is totally different from the musician and his abilities...

Coming to the question of who is qualified and who is not....If steve vai comes and tells me the melodies in my song are lackless would i tell him fuck u why dont u play it better???Or for that matter many in our own SOFT community are known to be great players...comments from paul danial,dhalif etc...(pardon me if i missed out any good players...i definitely dont have the time to name everyone here who is good)..will always be taken as teachings rather than pointless ranting.....

As for who should and should not should know on his own whether or not he should or should not criticise based on his own abilities....and thats where the problem lies....cos many people are nto capable of included...hence its better to just postless harmless comments....karma goes a long way in increasing spirit...good karma that is...
bluepowder said:
U contradict yourself....sort out your confusion before you take such a stand...

confusion? dude have u read all my posts in this thread (not what people claim about us or what we aspire to do)? Please read if you haven't, if you still insist we contradict ourselves in the post.

bluepowder said:
You want to help musicians in the local scene by criticizing them.....but then u say that an ignorant must also critique a musician...liking a genre or a song is totally different from the musician and his abilities...

Since you didn't get it,
I meant that a music fan/lover's opinion is no less important than that of a musician. You do not need to be a director to critique a film, nor do u need to play music in order to comment on a song.

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