madmonkeykungfu - good for the local scene or not?

borrowing basshole's words, may i add.... least clean up the 'area' decently if one shd wanna expose it cos no one likes a 'dirty' one.
to summarize, we should give feedback in a proper manner to help the other person improve.

** my comments **
1. some of the comments are personal attacks - this is a big no no.
2. some of the comments are based on your dislike for the genre - unless you are giving constructive feedback else refrain from saying "[insert genre] sux!"
"Summarize", what a strong word. Well aint we back to square one again? :lol:

It is funny for one to use my signature as a topic for discussion when clearly nothing in the discussion had gotten into the head.

I foresee several paul lampards loading their guns already. :lol:
ShredCow said:
In anycase, I see madmonkeykungfu as a rebel force in SOFT. His supporters use sarcasm and strong criticism on the way SOFT is run, rather than voicing it in a proper manner. Intolerant and impatient they are...
madmonkeykungfu, "Summarize" is a strong word?

well, i dont know, maybe you would like to start a madmonkeykungfu website to spread what you preach? i dont mean to be rude but i dont appreciate the negative vibes you are causing. that is why i started this thread to see if you have anything to say but you keep coming back with the "I am madmonkeykungfu, I say you sux. madmonkeykungfu is helping the local musician."

this is a formal note to madmonkeykungfu.
hmm... interesting post i mist say... :lol:
soft said:
to summarize, we should give feedback in a proper manner to help the other person improve.

** my comments **
1. some of the comments are personal attacks - this is a big no no.
2. some of the comments are based on your dislike for the genre - unless you are giving constructive feedback else refrain from saying "[insert genre] sux!"

i dun really understand the motto fully, i probably sux in my language...
this so call signature definitely doesn't sound like a "feedback to help the other person improve"... at least not to me...

bias, yes it is... ambigious, maybe?
but well, how many % of "feedback in a proper manner to help the other person improve" posts do we actually find here...

oh and BTW, summarize is indeed a strong word in this context... cos you probably think this whole thing is so simple cos its simply nonsense to you that you actually "summarize" it with those few words...
in mathematical form, dun understand =/= simple (it juz mean u got a simple mind :lol: ),
thus summarizing something u dun even understand = WHAT?!?!,
thus contributing to the "strong-ness"

is this another post you would categorize as another personal attack?
try reading it wif an open mind, you probably would be surprised

James... just... forget it lah.

Stillwater and Madmonkeywhatever, are just out to pick a fight with you.

stillwater said:
is this another post you would categorize as another personal attack?
try reading it wif an open mind, you probably would be surprised

Then you wrote things like this.

stillwater said:
it juz mean u got a simple mind :lol:

The whole tone of your message is just so insulting. :roll:
Or maybe... since james isn't as proficient in English as the monkey and water, why can't the two of you nutheads explain it properly and clearly to James.

Did either of you even bother to call James up and talk to him?

Stupid "oh-you-don't-understand0my-cryptic-writings-so-you-are-just-simple-minded" attitude.

Go start a Hard.
Hey Madmonkeykungfu, I have been wondering how many people are in the collective? How many people do your postings represent?

And what benefits do you see in being a part of a collective rather than voicing individual opinions?
madmonkeywhatever, why don't you go pay for your own domain and start something you think is worthwhile, instead of stooping so low and having the cheek to actually bitch and moan in someone else's website that you are attacking. You're not making yourself look credible at all. Sheesh....
getting funnier by the minute.

Formal note as in formal warning eh? LOL. You can ban madmonkeykungfu for all we care. The people who could think logically could see for themselves what the thread is all about. You wanted the carebears to round us up. Then you realised you just opened a can of worms.

The threadstarter opened this thread to start a discussion based on our signature. Sure thing, we don't see it as a bid to attack the signature. Discussions are healthy, yet I do not see any discussion from the threadstarter other than a "summary".

You had just shown everyone what you are really.
Still proud and stubborn to call up James and sort it out properly. And even better, jump to a conclusion that James started this thread to pick a fight... Ugh.

You speak of all the changes but do nothing but type lots (and lots) of sarcastic words.
Its no wonder your tag line will never take place. You simply don't do it the proper way.
we don't have to voice out what we do or have done for the local scene. This ain't no competition to see who has done more or less.

The thing is, why must things be settled privately with the PMs and phone calls? Isn't this a public forum and all should see what is happening and decide for themselves.
I'm not asking for behind the door settlement and what not.

I'm saying, do it properly.

I know you want things to happen. I know you want changes.

But in a forum with just the voice-less words, you are talking about trying to get a message across to very different individuals. In your case, you want James to do something.

James didn't get it.

So what? So how? Just continue being sarcastic?

I say call James and explain it properly.

You can't do what you want alone. Its got to be a revolution, something big.
You can use SOFT as a starting ground and why not get James to understand you? (I'm talking purely James and you)

Please, at least do something like that so that we can get started on something?
And yes, this isn't a competition to see how has done what for the local scene.

But we know the local scene needs to be purged of (most) carebears and thats not a task for your collective group alone, unless you are telling me that your group is big enough to make a difference right here, right now.

You need to convince the locals to change. Like duh... I know. And you're not helping your cause by doing this whole stick up thing.
I don't know about you, but in my opinion, I would NOT want people to come in, check on my idea, and let them interpret it as they like, esp when my idea is something worthy, something that makes sense, something that should be done.

I would want the idea to strike hard, and only mean what its supposed to mean.

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