madmonkeykungfu - good for the local scene or not?

Personal vendettas are Dhalif and I. :twisted:

Ugh... I am so gassing for a new skreddy pedal, I feel like leaving work, sell some stuff, and ordering it now. NOW.
I think freak show is 11/8 not sure...but he has been experimenting a lot on odd time signatures of late...but he just makes ti sound normal everytime...only when u work out the rhythm can u see that its not....
HE USE COMPRESSION 8O ??HOW DOES HE PLAY WITH SO MUCH COMPRESSION??damn... :cry: I got such a long way to go...
Ahh.. yeah yeah, i think its 11/8... the weird time signatures thing has got me thinking about ... i tried to work some simple 7/4 stuff in the last OM... very basic. Its very difficult to get into the weird timings. :( Your hand is just so used to playign in 4/4, esp when soloing, all your accents are in 4/4 time.

Well, he doesn't use compression per se. but try out an Evo bridge. Its uber compressed on its own... then he uses a DS1 (more compression) or TS9DX (still some compression) and adds on the wah (totally compressed). The Evo neck is a totally different animal lah, its got good dynamics. Its what got me thinking on different approaches to dynamics and phrasing...

Eh, you dun need to work ah?
hehe i study at NTU,but am doing my internship at citigroup....hehe ya man i should probably work...hehe ya i am currently trying to work on an 11/8 myself but its too difficult to make it sound normal...I dun want the prog DT sound to the song.....
bluepowder: which country you from, man?
FYI, I got elusive light and sound for only 20-odd bucks! at sembawang music!

and you've got another version of Lotus Feet? Send me PLS PLS PLS PLS!!
dustbinhead said:
on a side note, does ShredCow represents james? it seems like he's speaking a lot for him when james can actually voice his say. but i've heard little.


I wonder who is the true Jekyll & Hyde.....dutbinhead....intro is on another thread.....not here
Aiya look on the bright side. At least he died with his guitar. So now the family no need to burn for him paper guitar.

no matter how sad the story is, this dude is one stupid idiot.
I am a rock guitarist. Just like other rock guitarists, I enjoy jumping out windows with my guitar strapped on.

someone posted the above comment in the 16yr old falls out of window when playing guitar

should i edit/delete it?
IMHO its a little insensative... but its their opinion... and i don't believe the family comes to soft just to check whether we make insensative remarks on their son... although this is the first time i've heard that someone actually managed to do that... maybe high on drugs? =X
I'll say its up to you james.

These kind of posts do more harm than good most of the time... and yeah, they really have no good in them.

Really does not matter if you take it off.

I doubt monekey and water will reply to you.
I think you guys should lighten up abit. The posts in the 16 year old thread might be crude and untasteful to some, but they are just comments on a topic/subject, which is about a boy falling off a window with his guitar while rocking it out.

deletion in my opinion is always uncalled for. No one should unwrite what has been done/posted other than the original poster.

Surely there are people who empathise with the accident,
and surely there are people who think otherwise. So why get stressed over maintaining "acceptable" and "unacceptable" comments. If you think things had gotten out of hand you can always lock the thread.

my 0.1cent
Heh. Then later seditious comments how? :lol:

James, at the end of the day, an opinion is an opinion. There's a difference between that and a decision. Opinions tend to come with much less consequences than decisions. I believe you should use your personal discretion, and what is best for the forum, and do what you think is right.

Don't try to please everyone either. Listen to the opinions if you want to, but you don't have to agree either. by listening to you is he pleasing you?? :D psyche...just kiddin bro...hehe....yea i think James should just do what he has done all along...simple enought 8)

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