madmonkeykungfu said:
carebears should die. Madmonkeykungfu is a collective of individuals who think the local scene should open their eyes and ears rather than carebear whoring. Sorry we rather be hard.
Actually this "carebear whoring" is more of a problem rather than a "local scene" problem.
- A majority of posters here are young and relatively new to the scene. Thus some tend to have an "inexperienced" (a more appropriate word would be childish) view on things and thus the quality of posts here reflect that. I can't remember the number of times I've slapped my forehead in exasperation when I see senseless topics in the Kopi-Tiam section. Not to mention the amount of "me too" replies in many topics.
- Perhaps to some musicians, is all they have as a means to communicate to the local scene. So carebearing is inevitable, when someone from the "outside" comes in and says something that is perceived as an attack on the institution. Its not so much the moderators (AFAIK, there's only James doing the moderating) but also the numerous "yes men"
- Its easier to be nice and say "wow i like it" because thats all you need to say, rather than "I don't like it ..." and then feel obliged to write a 1000 word essay to justify your dislike.
This topic can talk until the cows come home, give birth and die. Ultimately, mr. madmonkeykungfu, though your views are valid and I do very much feel your pain, we have to understand that young people read and post here. Older, and hopefully wiser, musicians and people in the scene have to lead by example to the younger ones by posting responsibly and appropriately, and I hope that along the way, those values will rub off on them on them.