madmonkeykungfu - good for the local scene or not?

i think when someone posts an om it's either to show off, seek advice or honestly share their music. again there'll be ppl who post and don't expect any comments. their mindset is i'm better than you..don't teach me how to play guitar. anyways i think wad madmonkey said really does make some sense
what's the problem?

just speak your mind, and add a smilely at the back.
subtle sarcasm is still healthy; he spits, you spit back accordingly.

an exchange of wit livens up the forum. not a duel, an exchange.

ps: sorry doubleblade, i've always been more blatant than anything else.
I believe comments should be as honest as possible if not then it defeats the purpose of asking for feedback.

I just absolutely cannot stand people who will go like "Why dont you show us your work before you start to critisize xxx" or something similar.

Its retarded... and very juvenile...
encouragement is what youngsters and newbies need to move on. so why not just be a 2 header where one you are a carebear and at the same time give constructive comments on that piece of music.

encourage the person that he can do better, and tell him at which area did he excel. and at the same time give honest comments.

he will then know that he's improving and at the same time knowing where are the areas he can improve on to become a better musician.

i see this whole thing as a mutual respect situation. giving comments like 'awesome, sweet' will encourage the person. but too, i think that this forums have the lack of criticisms. when you post up a piece of something you created, be prepared to get criticism. if you can't take the criticisms, don't put it up. and stay put at your level, and always think you are the ultimate supreme.
seekz said:
I believe comments should be as honest as possible if not then it defeats the purpose of asking for feedback.

I just absolutely cannot stand people who will go like "Why dont you show us your work before you start to critisize xxx" or something similar.

Its retarded... and very juvenile...

in this context, yes - i don't think music should be played for only people who play music - we should appeal to people who don't play music as well. (genre preference, is another different matter altogether.)

if you post a OM and get criticism, you're free to choose whether to agree with the advice or not. So no problems there.

on the converse, criticisms should at least be backed up with what can be done to improve on the song.

SO the actual crux of the problem is not about carebears or hard handlers, it's more really about giving advice that can actually benefit people. Neither carebears nor hard handlers will improve a player without stating a course of action for the player.
AvonRellets said:
madmonkeykungfu said:
carebears should die. Madmonkeykungfu is a collective of individuals who think the local scene should open their eyes and ears rather than carebear whoring. Sorry we rather be hard.

Actually this "carebear whoring" is more of a problem rather than a "local scene" problem.

- A majority of posters here are young and relatively new to the scene. Thus some tend to have an "inexperienced" (a more appropriate word would be childish) view on things and thus the quality of posts here reflect that. I can't remember the number of times I've slapped my forehead in exasperation when I see senseless topics in the Kopi-Tiam section. Not to mention the amount of "me too" replies in many topics.

- Perhaps to some musicians, is all they have as a means to communicate to the local scene. So carebearing is inevitable, when someone from the "outside" comes in and says something that is perceived as an attack on the institution. Its not so much the moderators (AFAIK, there's only James doing the moderating) but also the numerous "yes men"

- Its easier to be nice and say "wow i like it" because thats all you need to say, rather than "I don't like it ..." and then feel obliged to write a 1000 word essay to justify your dislike.

This topic can talk until the cows come home, give birth and die. Ultimately, mr. madmonkeykungfu, though your views are valid and I do very much feel your pain, we have to understand that young people read and post here. Older, and hopefully wiser, musicians and people in the scene have to lead by example to the younger ones by posting responsibly and appropriately, and I hope that along the way, those values will rub off on them on them.

+ 69, you sexy beast you.

Screw all this talk. It's all a waste of time. Instead of just talking on an internet forum, if you really have something to contribute, just go ahead and do it. If it's possible, try it. If not, think of something else. Internet forums should just be a place to talk cock...

Honestly, how many projects which the softies have thought up of have ever taken off? I can't think of many, if any. Dun raise ppl's expectations to blow it all outta the stratosphere.

Secondly, like what AvonRellets said, ppl here are young. But that is not an excuse

Thirdly, James knows this on how all of us at the OTHER forum feels about Sembawang Fest. The entire thing was a flop. This was the only forum which I've read good things about it. Did the ppl here who said good things about it pay for the tickets? I hardly doubt so. Most of the bands I know are never going to work with the organiser again. He's conned them pretty much. And his holier-than-thou attitude really pissed a lotta ppl off. So many bands pulled out of the event. If you have not realised, the line-up was revised 5 times and it was revised yet again on the day itself!

Enuff cock from me... Back to Bangkok Rock Fest!!!
i respect this discussion thread and the replies in which maturity and respect for one another is shown.

in my personal opinion, until anything is in effect, this discussion is nothing more than just paying lip service.
Construtive criticisms is always good.

Only with criticisms will there be improvement.

The problem IMO that i have seen/encountered in the Music scene so far is

1) More often than not, criticisims is hurled in the form of

XXX band sux, i just think they sux lah.
Very boring lah the music.
xxx band like act rockstar so commercialise, sux lah i dun listen to their stuff.

(i) Sounds familiar? (/I) Irrelavant & erroneous way of critics.

This point, the defandant need to come to an understanding on the criticisms whats naught n whats factual.

2) The reactions:

U think u so gd, u come n play lah
can play then criticise me lah
or some incoherent ramblings.

N of course not forgetting the fans/supporters of the musicians.
How often have you not come across...

Eh, i doubt u can even strum a chord, u got the cheek to say xxx band not gd.
U sux lah, u can even play meh?

Musicians in turn NEED TO learn how to accept opinions. Good or Invective , Construtive and Inconstrutive. There is no need for defence. I can be criticizing xxx band in a very childish n irrelavant way. The band instead of jumping in defence on my every words can spend the time doing things which they deem as more construtive. and a person do not neccesary have to be able to cook nasi lemak to be able to tell whether a plate of nasi lemak is tasty or vice versa.

Only with a balance from both sides, can there be improvement in the music industry.
Every softie is entitled to his or her say, as long as he doesn't infringe upon certain basic rights of others.

Moderation should only be done when necessary, and to ensure a healthy environment for local music is achieved.

Quality Control of comments is not a pre requiste to be able to post something on soft. Who then decided how 'good' you must be before u're entitled to say 'awesome', or 'good'? And how gives that person that right?

why should be comment contain something constructive? can't i just praise someone because i think he's come a long way in improving? granted he doesn't sound like DT. but can't i allow him to savour that hard earned praise?

the problem starts when 'the person who knows best' talks down to the others and wants something done 'so that its better'. like this post of mine. it shouldn't be taken as the way you act. you should consider the merit and detriments, and extract what you feel relates to you and applies best.

I say everybody on this forum is taking themselves too seriously. the purpose of this forum is to complement your music. So make it so. i've heard some good music by twoteaspoon today!
with freedom of speech comes the social responsibilty of knowing and understanding that what you say can and will affect others.
theoretically, you still have a right, but the person whose nose you brush has every right to retaliate as well.
that would be anarchy, dear Sir :)
Precisely what is happening between Denmark and the Arabs now. Everyone is free to say whatever he wants and anyone is free to retaliate.
Not wise.
My point exactly. But between measured, thoughtful criticism, and vitriolic raving, people are of course inclined to take the former more seriously :)
A man who does not respect himself deserves no respect from others.
And that's all I have to say abt this.

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