lowballers list


New member
hi guys - i have found the perfect response for lowballers:

1. decide that you don't want to accept the lowballer's
2. offer double the lowball offer
3. when he complains that its above the ad price - tell him he getz special price for lowballing
4. enjoy the reaction
5. publish his number on the lowballer list aka HALL OF JUSTICE


This is my point of view - doesn't mean that i'm right. You post stuff to sell on an open forum because you are looking for a bigger volume and network to sell your stuff as opposed to just the group of people you know personally.

With a bigger volume and network, lowballers and idiotic questions will arise: it's inevitable. And to add to that, these individuals have every right to ASK for a price they are comfortable with whatever that may be. It's not like they have a knife to your throat.

My view point is that if you don't want to deal with lowballers (as you would call them) or stupid questions, a) don't reply to their pms or smses, b) stick to the people you already know and don't post ads on an open forum.

I'm clenching my ass for flames. But it's really annoying to see these issues reccuring (for me at least). There are better things to do in life other than labelling people in a public forum as lowballers. Try doing a robot dance naked or go photograph elusive birds; i heard it calms nerves.
:evil: I'm kinda disagree w/ this kind of thread...it'll create hatred among softies...in fact isn't our lovely forum is meant for us to meet new friends who share the same interests/GAS and learning from others as a musician that always want to grow?

it's abt making LOVE bro :wink:
haha yeaaaa, its all about the love people. if the price isnt agreeable, wait for the next buyer or seller to come by, we're all fellow softies afterall :wink:
Very true kutacrusader, in a free open forum like this, there are plenty of ignorant people and people with poor upbringing around.

ignorant people - those who really don't know the value of the item. Annonying but understandable
people with poor upbrining - those who know the value and yet give a really low offer anyway

But the worst are those smarmy knowitalls who like to post stuff like
"Your price is too high because ..."
a) "XXX shop sells it cheaper"
b) "I bought it for $XX during a sale"
c) "I can buy at special $XX price cos I am leet"

Seriously, if someone is considering posting something like that, kindly save that 5 sec typing that out. If the price is too high, no one will buy and the price will go down evetually.
i honestly do not see the point of this thread. people can offer ANY amout of money that they want for a product, and the seller can give ANY response to that request.

if you think the offer is too low, a 1 line reply to the person would suffice and get your point accross, instead of attempting to start a thread about people who "lowball"
+1 to gargamel. it's just like how we go into shops to buy stuff. if we think the price is too high, just walk away.
This lowball thread is totally useless in my opinion. I`d say if anyone gets lowballers or jokers who play punk with the price, I`d say deal with them personally...theres no need to display their names whatsoever.

This is IMMATURE to say the least. Its like saying "Mum! Dad! The bully XYZ took my pen!!Wahhhh!!!! Boo hooo!!!"

My 3 cents of thought:

1. Face it. In Singapore, lots of people like to bargain and negotiate. And for good reason - economically saves money. If you're a seller, mark your prices up accordingly and try to eliminate lengthy discussions by throwing the lowest price whenever they bargain - with a no-deal for anything lower.
2. Stop putting FIRM on the ads if you're honestly not firm on the price tag. Such behaviour leads buyers to think that there's always leeways, and again, spoils the market (all sellers can negotiate even if they claim FIRM, since they lie). Use the term FIXED instead.
3. Just don't reply to lowballers. How hard is that?
4. If you're looking at X price, but still wanting to negotiate with the lowballer, quote X + (5 to 10%). Ignore his/her "my father is dying and I need to pay for his bills" excuses.
5. Use common sense. End of the day, you want to minimize your reputation being tainted as a seller even if you're not in the wrong.

i think starting a thread like that only makes things worse. why sow discord? man.

like hub4thailand puts it. start a highballers list. its more helpful like that
is this a parody version of fender ben's irresponsible buyer thread?

4) chan min
5) kennethC
6) nanoshred

we register got free gift anot?
Not a good idea to have such a thread. It is a form of flaming lah.

I think there're already enough of such discussions to send a message to the lowballers.

For me, i simply remove my sales ad, after finding out that the responses i got for my sales are all from lowballers. So, i rather keep my stuff. if lowballers want my gears, lowballers must pay the high price to get the brand new ones. If lowballers got no money to buy brand new ones, then, don't buy lorh, cannot own lorh, what to do? Lowballers don't wish to spend so much mah. With that, I think this will become fair to all.

Just ignore lowballers lah.

Btw, I myself is a lowballer, at times :lol: , so, if i had offended any of you, i'm sorry. Pai-seh ah... :wink: I've learned my lesson.

Also, to the lowballers, respect the product and its value lah. If you want a certain gear, and you really need it, plus you're able to afford it, just go for it lah, pay that kind of price for a brand new one, if you really see the value in investing in it. Be happy, own the gears you want, not relying on the 2nd hand market.

For e.g., I just got my Line6 Pocket POD, new from CityMusic. It's really cool (IMO), has great tones, easy to use, portable, cost me $196, and I'm happy about it.

For e.g., if you really want a Line6 Pocket POD, don't keep waiting for some seller to release this to the classifieds, then, when you see it, you lowball that seller, die die must buy it at 50% of the retail price, then telling yourself "yah, it's worth it, it's worth it, $100 is a good price...". Such mindset is really what i call: "sad..."

Then again, if you can't afford the gear, then, don't buy. I saying this to those kids especially. While you do not have earning power yet, and are relying on your parents for pocket money, pls don't become so materialistic, that you keep monitoring the classifieds, jump on generous sellers for low-price gears, or worse, start to lowball those kind-hearted sellers.

I've received so many reponds like:
1) pls, can you sell me your gear at this price, i don't have enough money.
2) i'm only secondary 2, i really really want to have your gear, can lower the price, pls?
3) can i pay installments? i'm only getting $50 for this week.

i was like... 8O

So, yah, kids, pls, be more sensible.

Pls note that I'm not referring to all kids.
There are rich kids (18 and above) who drove to my place to collect the gear i'm selling.
There are also uncles who drove BMW and Merce to my place, and lowball me on the spot.

So, there are all kinds of buyers and sellers out there. We've got to respect each other, in this musician community.

Heal the world (musical instrument market), make it a better place (to trade gears).:)


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