actually, i slept early ytd and didnt tune in, was too tired to pry open my eyes.
arina! yes, no wonder your name sounds familiar
i have yet to watch the show, but i came across a few reviews about the show in general. this particular one... i dont know to be happy or just scratch my head in confusion. good use of english words, but i say, this review is neither nice nor nasty. be clear next time, i dont think this was written from a music critic of any sort, its more of a "what i feel" post.
his other LnL reviews are pretty biased i'd say...
"Next up was Aurigami, a self-proclaimed psychedelic pop-rock band who turned in a decent, if not exactly brilliant, performance. One has to wonder why on earth the vocalist of a psychedelic pop-rock band is yodeling away with madcap country glee, though."
-Samuel C Wee
"decent"... tv mah, cencorship brother...
why must wonder? psychedelic means hallucination, or in simpler terms, DRUGSSSSSS MAAANNN. i definitely enjoyed myself and felt as if i was high on some unkown substance.
yodelling away with madcap country glee... dude, country yodel different lah, much more difficult to master, not my level.
different strokes for different folks!
who is Samuel C Wee anyways?