Live 'n' Loaded Episode 8 - 19 Mar 11pm

i'm with dearxarson on this. seriously. integrity over performance. If the performer is really as good as what he is perceived to be. then there shouldnt be a need for lip-syncing/miming. people pay to watch and listen to the real deal, not some record. can do that from home. sigh, what this is what happens when music resorts to auto-tune for it's supposed stars.
Yes Paul Twohill was indeed lip-synching. I was right there in the front rows. He stopped moving his mouth at different points while the music was playing, and that made it clear he was not singing at all.
Review of Live N Loaded Episode 8 by Samuel C Wee

Hi Kevin & Samuel!

Thanks for always coming down to check out the show and also the weekly reviews that is more often than not... very well put into words from the audience point of view.

Some audience will complain the house mix sucks, and that's probably because they are standing at the least optimal spot where the house speakers radius are missing them. Some audience will say that it was swell, but bottomline is, the soundcrew still put in effort to get a good mix each week.

With regards to the ongoing concerns about "quality control", i think most of the performers in question are usually those that come under the VIEWERS' CHOICE segment, which honestly, is beyond the producers' control. The votes on the website is audited and when the No.1 rated performer is so-and-so, we are obligated to put them on the show. So perhaps you'll say that there's a flaw there in this online rating system, well... we'll have to tweak that for Season 2 if there's even gonna be one.

Paul Twohill... ahh... yes..... the boy was not really miming, he was singing and his live voice was mixed into the backing track which so happens to have a lead vocal & backing vocals fully mixed as well. So that makes TWO Paul TWOhill singing leads, and a few other Paul Twohills doing backing vocals & harmonies. There. Hope that clears everyone's doubts. It was his minder's decision to go with this. *shrugs*

That said, it's really a pity that two bands who we looked forward to performing in Episode 9, Muon & Force Vomit, had to pull out of the slot due to scheduling problems with their band members. Nonetheless, Episode 9 is still going to be awesome with The Stoned Revivals, Tokyo Square, Tiramisu and DJ Inquisitive with Dharni!

SUPPORT LOCAL... on TV for the next 2 weeks!
That said, it's really a pity that two bands who we looked forward to performing in Episode 9, Muon & Force Vomit, had to pull out of the slot due to scheduling problems with their band members. Nonetheless, Episode 9 is still going to be awesome with The Stoned Revivals, Tokyo Square, Tiramisu and DJ Inquisitive with Dharni!

SUPPORT LOCAL... on TV for the next 2 weeks!

but i will still come for eps 10
rubbish... have some integrity

Do you mean Twohill should have some integrity, or in general?

For him - what's the hope since here's someone who bothered to jump through the hoops of being on a TV Idol show? And is prepared to suffer the indignities of horsing around on telly? And the thing that seals the deal here: that he does as a 'minder' says?! Wow. Who knew what puppets these people are prepared to be? Amazing. What's happening, is the minder is concerned about sales of Mr Twohill's record or something? What a sad guy if he's that desperate. Pity too since he's probably better than most. But I don't want to enter any kind of discussion about whatever the local idol show he came from was called

Kudos to the Producers for not making performers to mime on LnL - even though it would be an easier option for soundmen (and some viewers). Not naming names, but have they ever been tempted i wonder.

And those upcoming shows look attractive from here.
Some audience will complain the house mix sucks, and that's probably because they are standing at the least optimal spot where the house speakers radius are missing them. Some audience will say that it was swell, but bottomline is, the soundcrew still put in effort to get a good mix each week.

But... but... I was purposely standing right smack in the middle between the two stages as I wanted to judge the house mix leh.. If thats not the "sweet spot", then can advise where is it? :rolleyes:
Now I read back I see I wasn't clear.

I'd rather see mime-alongs to nicely done pre-recorded tracks than be reminded how shoddy some bands are even if their hair is perfect (oh hazard a guess)... and as long as some rock bands and rappers and such like get on too, everybody's happy.

... as in: performers get to choose. The show would be useless if it was just bands making pretty to backing tracks. I didn't want to suggest that.

Having little princes and princesses doing a token performance to a backing track is also a superb way to contrast and compare. I've been in a TV studio where -can we name names?- some rich-kid who packed in dabbling with being an alt/underground/whatever guitarist (album appearances and all), was plugging his next move: trying to be all soulful and pop*

This really provided an atmosphere of super-sterility that only made it more of a real jolt when the shows other guests started to play. Live. With amps on. And guitars plugged in. For all the marketing and major label campaign the the wannabe popstar got, guess which of the two guests on the show got more recognition and actually sold albums to people who wanted to buy them and, to whatever extent, are actually remembered to this day?

And guess which one's cassettes can be found under a layer of dust, still selling in a corner of a shop in Chinatown only me and the shop's Auntie have ventured into?

No surprises I am sure. No the wannabe pop star fatboy richkid.

It's natural Rock n Roll should live, because it's not scared to breathe.

(* which completely undermining his future attempts to be edgy, for me ... but no-one else seems to care)
Pay No Mind; Pay No Minder

It was his minder's decision to go with this. *shrugs*

Thanks for keeping us posted LiveNLoaded. I don't envy your job. Hopefully you get a laugh out of some of the characters you must run into. Like 'Minders...'

This is educational to me. I assumed that if you were in showbiz and have a Minder: they're meant to be someone who does thy bidding. You send them over to tell Axl Rose you're going to kick his ass; or to tell Noel that Liam Gallagher writes better songs than him any day. They go and get you the girl in the third row. And a solid gold paperclip. M&Ms with all the brown ones taken out... You bully them. You don't let them bully you. Not into losing your band to singalong to backing track.

I've never seen Twohill's minder around when I've seen him on the bus though. Or not being well in a nightclub's public toilet.

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