Like previous people said, its like a coke or pepsi thing? For me, coke, more kick...

Well, back to guitars, I think both have their pros and cons.
For me, I think different types of songs and genres call for different guitars. The Les Paul has that crunchy, biting, roaring sound. The strat has the sweet, twangy, round sound. But somehow, I lean towards the strat as it is very very comfortable to play, (maybe cos my hands a tiny...) and the sound is just great! On brands, their all about money, business is about making money. But to win over guitar business is to produce quality guitars, not how many famous players endorse the brand. IMO, Gibson, makes SOME (well, very little) quality guitars, and their waaaaayyy overpriced, their build is too costly. Fender on the other hand, not all their products are of great quality but I say their more standardized. Their constant in their work. And the strats are just very playable, you can mod it, relic it, play it and it costs much less than the les pauls. Just my 2c...