Les Paul or Strats??

Les Paul or Strats

  • Les Paul

    Votes: 79 54.5%
  • Strats

    Votes: 66 45.5%

  • Total voters
Lester Paul hands down !! haha the tone that comes from the combination of the weight , glued on neck and power of that beast hahah . Oh its also sexy with the curves and all . I named mine Amanda.
i find it sexy i dont know why.
from the head, to the neck, to the lining of the body.
its sophisticated in a way.;)
Ermm, I'll go with the Les Paul. Its just a very versatile guitar. The only model that interests me from Fender is the Telecaster...

Like wat paganified said, yeah...its damn sexy as hell....

U like Burger King or Macs.

I prefer KFC...

But I digress...

It's strats all the way for me... Nothing else comes close. Not even a Les Paul with bells ringing... A good strat will sound amazing and make you play more and more and more... I can't seem to get the same buzz from an LP no matter how hard I try...
Hard choice, I find Les Pauls just too bulky, but I like humbuckers. On the other hand, I like Alder. So yeah, I voted on the strat, but a HSS, or even better, HSH, and hardtail bridge.

Hard-put la.. I'd combine both if I could. Strat with Les Paul humbuckers and tune-O-matic bridge. Just that this concept is already existing, so I guess my next guitar will be neither. Hardtail superstrats / fatstrats FTW!
Yeah, bring back A&W! I haven't seen a single A&W in Singapore for so many years. I saw some outlets at New Zealand, though :rolleyes: Singaporeans too health conscious so they closed down LOL.

A lot of strat owners mod their strats, haha. I don't often see modded LPs.
Yeah, bring back A&W! I haven't seen a single A&W in Singapore for so many years. I saw some outlets at New Zealand, though :rolleyes: Singaporeans too health conscious so they closed down LOL.

i only remember the outlets at Science Centre and the one at Clementi.
woah shiok.
Yeah, bring back A&W! I haven't seen a single A&W in Singapore for so many years. I saw some outlets at New Zealand, though :rolleyes: Singaporeans too health conscious so they closed down LOL.

A lot of strat owners mod their strats, haha. I don't often see modded LPs.

Some LP are set neck, its difficult to mod an LP. Unless, ure a pro! But still, STRAT IS THE BEST!!:p
I'll go with LP.

i think it's sexy... curvy... hahhaa!!!

no but seriously i prefer the sound of an LP.

just my personal opinion though :)
it's the single coils vs humbuckers..lol

Not really lei... it's more of a form factor debate... You can load a strat with humbuckers, and an LP with single coils, but they're still worlds apart. It's more about the scale/construction/wood/tilt angle thingie...
haha well i still prefer strats to les pauls, more shred friendly. But i wouldnt mind owning both.

Superstrats just dont cut it for me, esp a certain brand that uses basswood bodies.....tonal-wise. Personal preference i guess.
haha well i still prefer strats to les pauls, more shred friendly. But i wouldnt mind owning both.

Superstrats just dont cut it for me, esp a certain brand that uses basswood bodies.....tonal-wise. Personal preference i guess.

I HATE les pauls... with capital letters... I hate the way they feel, I hate the way they play, I hate the way they sit on the lap, I hate the way they're balanced on a strap. hate hate hate... I'm not even that hot about how they sound...

I only semi-like the way they look...
yeah the body shape of strats (double cut, reasonably thin) makes soloing easier. However i find that the strat works better with pedals than a les paul, like my ocd, awesome for single coils, not too great with humbuckers. i guess it comes down to what type of pedal we like to use.

Me too. basswood = :(
The reason why i picked a mexican strat over a japanese strat (apart from price)
I like the alder bodies.
i think strat stands out more to people who's influences are back in the 70s and 80s.

i think strat stands out more to people who's influences are back in the 70s and 80s.


Actually, twang to me is more of a Tele thing... Strats have more chime, quack and pop...:twisted::twisted:

I never bought my strats for any amount of twang...:mrgreen:
actually for me its in between.the sound of the strat is really hard to describe.like sharp,woody something or something like that.

Strats RULES!!!

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