In the news ...

exactly, RudimentalDrummer, most people fail to see the offence as an outrage of modesty, instead as some disturbing fetish, a social disease. Perhaps the reason why most people here think otherwise for the sentence, is well is it because they see do not see this 'group' of people as equals?
Personally i do not see anything insensitive about the idea of mental asylum or retards. Because these are inherently neutral ideas or concepts. If you find it insensitive or offensive, perhaps, it is because you have developed negative associations with that place or that group of people?

Regarding that OCT case. condolences aside, it is a preventable death. Those who've been thru ns, officers or not, should know that it is ones responsibility to look after his or her well being.
a sentence does not depend on OPINION. a sentence does not depend on PASSION.

a sentence does not hinge on what the PEOPLE think. that is called the jury system. and the jury system caused men charged with murder to walk free during the maria hertog riots. the jury system was partly the reason why former singapore chief minister david marshall got 99 acquittals out of 100 murder cases he defended. according to AH GONG, it doesn't work.

and he was right, because our society is not capable of having the responsibility to judge. when it comes down to the wire, things like RACE and RELIGION, among many others, will forever divide singaporeans. this is because, in our version of harmony, we suppress our differences rather than eliminate them. this has already been proven by the line prejudice tactics used by lawyers during the days of the jury system.

a sentence only depends on the FACTS, and PRECEDENT. that is why lady justice is BLIND

the more we deliberate, debate, rationalise and compromise, the more distorted our reality will be
well said, shinobi. Though, if anything, it doesn't mean we can't hope for change in society. It'll just take longer, and for more of a better union amongst us. Sadly, after decades of independence, I doubt we are close to ready for that.
well said, shinobi. Though, if anything, it doesn't mean we can't hope for change in society. It'll just take longer, and for more of a better union amongst us. Sadly, after decades of independence, I doubt we are close to ready for that.
change is the key. if you would agree that the society that we dream of will be radically different from what we are in today, then you will realise that it takes time. also, 'hope' could arise from discontentment, and the need for change. the fact that we are constantly unsatisfied will be the driving force for change

anyway, the courts and prisons are not there to rehabilitate offenders. the sole purpose of the law is to protect the greater society from offending individuals.

it is the same as saying, the government is the government only because they have control of the police and armed forces, i.e. the monopoly of legitimate use of physical force

Monopoly on the legitimate use of physical force - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I agree with most of what you said, except that prison is not just there to protect the greater society. Even with capital punishment and harsh stance on many things we have, I don't think even the government sees the prison as just a device for punishment. Why do we have DRC and halfway houses then? We could just lock them all up,

Rehabilitation is key so that an offender doesn't rescind. It also makes sure the millions of dollars that the government has set aside for the prison system and its campaigns aren't going to waste. The quality of prison in a country says a lot about it's government and people.

haha, 'legitimate use' of physical force is pretty much bullshit most of the time anyway. It all depends on context.
SINGAPORE: A combination of rising costs — fuel, parking and Electronic Road Pricing — has made senior sales executive Darrell Choo think twice about turning the ignition key in his car.

While he still drives to his office at Suntec City, the 30—year—old has turned to public transport, especially trains, when going out to meet clients. "My trips are usually short so I can still stand the crowded trains and buses," said Mr Choo.
Rising costs for motorists is partly why rail ridership hit record levels for the second time in less than six months. SMRT, which operates the North—South and East—West lines, saw commuters making 41,964,448 train trips last month — a 0.08—per—cent increase from its previous all—time high in January.
SBS Transit, which runs the North—East line, saw some 10,540,700 passenger trips last month. It has seen ridership climb from a daily average of about 285,000 last April to over 340,000 last month.
Both operators say the hike can be attributed to many factors, such as a change in travel patterns, population growth, employment growth and the government’s push for more people to take public transport. "The rise in petrol prices could also be a contributing factor as some motorists switch to public transport," added SBS Transit spokeswoman Tammy Tan.
With more passengers, have train rides and loads become unbearable? SMRT says the addition of over 500 train trips last month on weekdays — just before and after the morning and evening peak hours, lunch hours and evenings — has been effective in reducing the average train load to "not more than 1,200 passengers".
Regular train commuters that TODAY spoke to say the increased frequency would be more useful during the peaks themselves. They also suggested more train trips during weekends and holidays.
With taxi fares rising, store manager Liu Zheng Yi noticed that trains are "quite crowded" with families heading out at weekends. He said: "While we may not pay for the extra comfort, you also don’t want trains to be packed, and with kids crying loudly."
Some relief could be in sight. From Saturday, commuters travelling on weekends can expect SMRT trains to arrive every five minutes. This means up to 106 more train trips on Saturdays and up to 65 more on Sundays, SMRT added

I too have stopped taking cabs every morning from my place to work - I save a fair bit butthe dammm trains are packed like sardines every morning!!!!!!!!!!
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Erp Up Again!!!!

SINGAPORE: About half of existing ERP gantries islandwide will see their rates increase from July 7.

The electronic road pricing (ERP) rates for 32 of 65 gantries will increase by between 50 cents and S$2.00. The gantries are primarily in the Central Business District (CBD) and Orchard Road.
Five new ERP gantries along the Singapore River will also be activated on July 7.
Traffic in the CBD is slowing down, said the Land Transport Authority (LTA). So in January, as part of its Master Plan, the LTA came up with a new way to measure speed.
It is called the 85th percentile method — this is when motorists experience smooth traffic at least 85 percent of the time on roads that have ERP gantries.
Another new LTA initiative is for bigger ERP rate increases because, LTA said, motorists are less sensitive to the existing rate structure.
In addition, ERP operating hours in the CBD will be extended by one hour on weekdays — from 7pm to 8pm — while gantries in the Orchard Road cordon will start an hour earlier on Saturdays, at 11am.
To reduce congestion further, LTA is putting in five new gantries along the Singapore River.
This essentially divides the CBD into two parts — the predominantly shopping—commercial district around the Bugis—Marina area and the office—based areas in Robinson Road.
LTA hopes that these gantries, which run from Eu Tong Sen Street to Fullerton Road, will cut down on what they call "through traffic".
LTA’s chief engineer for transportation, Dr Chin Kian Keong, said: "The gantries along the Singapore River will deal with traffic passing through. They (some motorists using the roads) are not destined for that part of the city, but merely passing through to get to other parts of Singapore. If we can discourage some of these trips from city roads, traffic levels on these roads will become better."
Currently, a third of all traffic in the area is what LTA calls "through traffic" and LTA hopes to cut this by half, with the new ERP gantries.
Five of these gantries — at Fullerton Road, Eu Tong Sen Street, New Bridge Road and South Bridge Road — will operate on weekdays from 6pm to 8pm daily. Motorists will pay S$2.00 from 6pm to 7.30pm and S$1.00 from 7.30pm to 8pm.
Two of the gantries — at Fullerton Road and Eu Tong Sen Street — will also operate on Saturdays from 12.30pm to 8pm, and motorists will have to pay S$2.00.
More changes may be coming up. In November, LTA will again use its new criteria to review gantry rates within and up to the outer cordon. And in February next year, LTA will look at all other gantries islandwide.
The question many motorists may have is "why is the government increasing the ERP rates now?", considering that there is a freeze on all government fees till the end of the year.
The Transport Ministry said things like the ERP rates are excluded from the freeze and that traffic congestion, left unchecked, will have a negative effect on the economy.
Mars lander finds salty environment in taste test*
By ALICIA CHANG,AP Science Writer AP - Friday, June 27 LOS ANGELES - The Phoenix lander's first taste test of soil near Mars' north pole reveals a briny environment similar to what can be found in backyards on Earth, scientists said Thursday.

The finding raises hope that the Martian arctic plains could have conditions favorable for primitive life. Phoenix landed a month ago to study the habitability of Mars' northern latitudes.
"There's nothing about it that would preclude life. In fact, it seems very friendly," mission scientist Samuel Kounaves of Tufts University said of the soil. "There's nothing about it that's toxic."
Phoenix so far has not detected organic carbon considered an essential building block of life. Last week, the lander found evidence of ice below the soil. Scientists generally agree that liquid water, a stable energy source and organic, or carbon-containing, compounds are required for a habitable zone.
The latest experiment was designed to test for minerals that do not have carbon in them. Earlier this week, Phoenix's 8-foot-long robotic arm delivered a pinch of dirt dug up from near the surface to its onboard lab.
Like a chemist, the spacecraft mixed the soil with water brought from Earth into a beaker the size of a teacup and stirred it. Sensors inside the beaker detect the soil's pH and probe for traces of the nutrients.
Preliminary results showed the soil had a pH between 8 and 9, researchers said. A pH less than 7 means the solution is acidic, while a pH over 7 means it is alkaline. Phoenix also detected the presence of magnesium, sodium, potassium and chloride in the mixture.
"It's very typical of the soil here on Earth minus the organics," Kounaves said during a teleconference from Tucson, Ariz.
On Earth, asparagus, green beans and turnips could be planted in such an environment and chemical-loving bacteria would thrive there, he said.
Planetary scientist David Paige of the University of California, Los Angeles, said it is too early to tell whether the minerals found in the soil could support life. Paige, who had no role in the mission, said the find was not surprising because rocks weather over time and bits of minerals mix with the soil.
"There are a lot of outstanding questions about the composition of the soil," he said.
Mission scientists said another experiment that heated the soil to high temperatures and sniffed the gas found traces of water vapor.
"This soil clearly has interacted with water in the past," said William Boynton of the University of Arizona, Tucson.
The heating experiment, which was designed to look for organics, did not yield conclusive evidence of carbon. Scientists planned to study another soil sample taken from further below the surface.
Yesterday's news.......Ah Gong says the opposition will ruin S'pore in 5 years time if they are in power. Don't know why he said that. Maybe the recent election results in M'sia got the cheng-hoo thinking (or worried)? Anyway, let's see Ah Gong's theory is correct or voting the opposition in the next election. ;)
Single mom selling Fla. home and heart on Internet*
By KELLI KENNEDY,Associated Press Writer AP - Saturday, June 28 PALM BEACH GARDENS, Fla. - She's tried night clubs and online dating sites, but now a 42-year-old single mother is looking for love where everyone else's heart is breaking _ the real estate market.

After a year of trying to sell her four-bedroom home and eight years of singledom, Deven Trabosh is offering her South Florida home and a shot at marrying her on the Internet.
"I figured let's combine the ad because I'm looking for love and I'm looking to sell the house," said Trabosh, a Barbie-esque blonde who teeters around the nearly 2,000 square-foot house in patent leather heels.
"Marry a Princess Lost in America," Trabosh wrote in the ads she posted on eBay and Craigslist last week. She describes a life of romance and travel and a home decorated with vaulted ceilings, upgraded tile and a soaking tub in a gated community with a pool and tennis courts.
Trabosh, a licensed real estate agent who hasn't practiced in years, knew she would struggle to sell the home in the troubled real estate market, but insists her fairytale ad isn't just a sales gimmick.
"I'm struggling...I don't want to lose my house and I want to find somebody," said Trabosh, who changed her name in the ad to Traboscia to keep people from finding her in the phone book. "So I came up with this dream plan because I've always dreamt about being a fairytale princess."
She listed the home for $340,000 on a sell-it-yourself web site, but upped the price, adding a $500,000 shipping fee to include her companionship on eBay.
Trabosh says eBay removed her ad, though she planned to change the wording and repost it. Under the site's prohibited services policy, eBay does not allow the sale of human beings, body parts or relationships, spokeswoman Catherine England said Friday.
Trabosh hasn't received any serious offers, but says she's had nearly 500 responses, mostly positive, including one from Ottie of Surrey, England, who e-mailed to say, "You are offering the perfect life with the perfect American princess."
She whips out her laptop to show off a picture of Claudio, a handsome Italian wine and cheese taster, who she's been corresponding with since he responded to the ad. Seated on a white leather love seat in her living room, she giggles almost girlishly about him. They're hoping to meet in Miami in a few weeks.
She's gotten criticism too. Her 21-year-old daughter Haley says she just wants her mom to find love, but her 14-year-old daughter says her mother is embarrassing her. Other have e-mailed to say she's selling herself short.
"I'm not selling myself. I'm selling meet that true love," Trabosh says. "Of course, it's gonna take more chemistry and connection. It's not going to be instantaneous that I'm just going to be automatically for's a package deal for true love."
Trabosh isn't the first to use the Internet to hawk the unconventional. A heartbroken Australian man recently tried to sell his life online, including his house, job and friends. Others have sold body space, promising to display advertisements for the highest bidder.
"There is a plethora of quirky ads on craigslist that pop up on craigslist every day, and this appears to be one of them," spokeswoman Susan MacTavish Best said in an e-mail. "Scads of couples have met and, thus, married through craigslist over the last twelve years sometimes marrying the person who bought their tired couch."
Ideally, Trabosh hopes a European man will close the deal and says she's willing to move overseas.
"I know I'm putting myself out there. I'm sincere. I believe in true love," she says. "I want to get married again."
this piece of news is dated a few says ago. it struck quite close to us, could have happened in SOFT. If you read up his posts in the forums, you see that its one brilliant scam.

Taken from ST

$10k Net scams: British man held

THE police have arrested a British national who they say is a suspect in a series of Internet scams that cheated members of an online forum of more than $10,000.
The 36-year-old was picked up on Wednesday evening for overstaying, the police said in a statement yesterday.

Officers said they received reports that a man was offering computer hard disks at an electronics website, But after the victims forked out money, the disks never arrived.

Administrator of the online forum Evan Yeat said dozens of members placed orders for the hard disks, which were advertised for about $250, $100 less than the regular price.

The suspect is believed to have been staying with his girlfriend, a Singaporean, at her flat in Ang Mo Kio Avenue 2.

Police asked anyone who has placed orders for hard disks via the forum and did not receive them to make a police report immediately.

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Jolie / pitt has twins ....

By COLLEEN BARRY, Associated Press Writer Sun Jul 13, 5:59 PM ET

NICE, France - Brad Pitt was emotional but calm, Angelina Jolie laughed and chatted. The world's most famous celebrity couple were joined in emotion during the birth of their twins — a boy and a girl — and all "are doing marvelously well," the doctor who delivered the babies in a seaside hospital on the French Riviera said Sunday.

The newborns — Knox Leon and Vivienne Marcheline, born one minute apart Saturday evening — are the ultimate million-dollar babies, with experts estimating their first photos will fetch a fortune.
"In the celebrity world, it seems to be the double second coming," said Darryn Lyons, owner of Big Pictures, a photo agency in London.
For now, mother, father and newborns are resting out of the public eye on the fifth floor of the Lenval hospital, behind blue mirrored windows that provide sweeping views of Nice's sun-drenched beaches, but specially treated to deflect the prying lenses of paparazzi.
Jolie's obstetrician, Dr. Michel Sussmann, said the 44-year-old Pitt was at Jolie's side during the delivery, looking on as the doctor performed a Caesarean section to deliver Knox, weighing in at slightly over 5 pounds, and Vivienne, who weighed 5 pounds.
"He was my assistant," Sussmann joked.
"He was very happy. ... The emotion was very strong for him," Sussmann told reporters on the hospital steps. "I felt the emotion of both the mother and the father. Angelina Jolie was speaking, was laughing with her husband. They were happy."
"The mother, the babies, the father are doing marvelously well," he said.
Sussmann said the Caesarean was moved forward from its originally planned date "for medical reasons" so the babies could be born "in the best conditions." The doctor did not elaborate.
He said Jolie, 33, is expected to stay in the hospital for a few more days and that she now needs rest. The four other Jolie-Pitt children — Maddox, 6; Pax, 4; Zahara, 3; and Shiloh, 2 — have not yet seen their new sister and brother, he said.
The doctor said he believed the baby girl's middle name was chosen in honor of Jolie's mother, actress Marcheline Bertrand, who died in January 2007 after a 7 1/2-year battle with cancer.
News of the births attracted a small crowd of fans hoping to snap a photo of Pitt — or any of their celebrity friends stopping by to pay a visit. None appeared, but the mayor of Nice delivered the twin's birth certificates, which he later displayed to reporters, with the family's approval, showing Pitt's scrawling WBP, for his full name William Brad Pitt.
"The father is having one of the happiest moments of his life, like any father, especially when they have the joy of having two children from such a wonderful wife as Angelina Jolie," Mayor Christian Estrosi said after the brief official visit, which spared Pitt the gauntlet of paparazzi that would accompany any trip to City Hall.
"The mother is doing fine. She is smiling a lot. She is as happy as the father," Estrosi said.
The twins' arrival has spurred a rash of speculation about the price of the first "official" snaps.
Nice Matin, the hometown daily in the Riviera city in the south of France, put the worth of the twins' photos at more than $11 million. It first broke news of the birth and reported Sunday that the couple have sold the rights for the first photo of their newly expanded family to a U.S. publication, which it did not name, and that the proceeds would go to charity.
"I've never known a set of pictures to be worth this amount of money," said Lyons, the owner of Big Pictures. He estimated that the twins' official photos will be worth between $15 million and $20 million.

The only other photos that "would possibly come that close is Britney Spears giving birth to an alien," he said.
Veteran London-based celebrity publicist Max Clifford estimated the first photos could fetch 10 million pounds — roughly €12 million or $20 million, "which would make it the biggest baby deal ever."
"These kind of pictures sell lots of magazines," he said. "It's a 10-million-pound ($20 million) gamble as to whether the ends justify the means. But obviously it's a very calculated risk because whoever lands the photos will have a lot of experience with the popularity of mum and dad." Paparazzi have been following the couple through southern France since the Cannes film festival in May, snapping shots of the family on an outing to Eze beach and sticking close as they set up household in Correns, 60 miles from Nice. But so far the couple has evaded the paparazzi when it counted, arriving undetected at the Lenval clinic two weeks before the birth.

OH WOW YAY...:rolleyes:
batman busted!

Christian Bale questioned by UK police: reports

Reuters - Wednesday, July 23 LONDON - Christian Bale, star of the latest Batman blockbuster, has been released on bail by British police after being questioned on allegations of assault, media reported.

The reports could not be independently confirmed by his U.S. representatives, who did not immediately reply to messages. But when asked if Bale had been arrested and released on bail, a police spokeswoman said:
"A 34-year-old man has been bailed to return to a police station on a date in September."
The wording is the usual tangential way that British police have of confirming news about well-known personalities.
The arrest follows an allegation of assault made by his mother and sister, British tabloid Sun newspaper said.
It came the day after Bale attended the European premiere of "The Dark Knight," the latest in the Batman franchise also starring the late Heath Ledger as the Joker.
Ledger died of a drugs overdose shortly after completing the filming of Dark Knight, which took record box office receipts on its opening weekend in the United States.
Its tally of around $155 million worth of tickets during its first three days across the United States and Canada eclipsed the previous record of just over $151 million for "Spider-Man 3" set in May, 2007.
The studio behind the film, Warner Bros Pictures, which is part of Time Warner Inc., was not immediately available for comment.
Bale was on the red carpet with co-stars Michael Caine and Maggie Gyllenhaal in central London's Leicester Square on Monday night.
A martial arts enthusiast and environmental campaigner, Bale has also appeared in "Batman Begins," "American Psycho" and "Empire Of The Sun."

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