In the news ...

Wylde: I dunno how else to put this to you, but I find no offence in Dir's remark. He was obviously taking a swipe at the judiciary system.

The part where he says "we should lock up more of the nation's retards!" is his take of what the judiciary system was thinking when the sentence was passed ie that the judiciary system has such narrow sense thinking that they think that the problems casused by this the mentally-challenged "retard" can be solved through jailing and caning, instead of putting him through professional help.

That remark does not reflect Dir's OWN personal opinion of people with such disabilities.

I saw the article online as well, and I was taken aback by the word "retarded" being used by in it.

Bravo to the media!
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chill. i have a mildly retarded neighbour- i quoted dir's sarcasm and even he found it funny.
there is nothing wrong with the sentence
How much do you think he can get away with if he has violated 23 woman.

so if some 'mildly retarded' guy murder one of your family members. You're gonna make the same sarcastic joke?
i'm abit confused here, so are you are AGAINST giving special rights to the mentally challenged?
there is something wrong with the sentence.
the guy is not in full control of his actions and probably not even aware of the consequences.
the extreme sentence meted out will most likely be the fullstop on any chance of societal integration he might have had.
Once I and my peeps went to a friend's new house late at night to chill and play videogames and his two cats were forcing each of their faces into both of my armpits.

As in I saw them sniffing around my armpits and then I 'closed' my armpits and they were like really jamming their faces into my armpits, one cat each left and right.

Why ah?

I asked my friend he said he didn't know but we had a good laugh about the crazy cats.
14 years jail, 18 strokes for smelling armpits even though the culprit is retarded.

3 to 6 months jail for taking away innocent lives because of reckless or drink driving. But no jail term if you have some "standings in the society" or some sort of elitist, can afford high priced lawyers, and able to sway the judge by showing "remorse".

In another words.....Singapore's judicial system stinks like armpit!
Dir, listen up. U r entitled to ur opinions as all of us here. However, there is a fine line btwn being sacarstic n just plain rude. I suggest u be careful what u post online cos there have been cases of ppl gtg into trouble for saying things without much thot. Just becas it is a forum, doesnt mean u wont be held responsible for wat u say. And dun use religion to cuss cos that landed someone in trouble too. If u have a problem w something, deal w it directly. Watch wat u say cos ppl are watching u.

what are you, a communist?

edit: here's a link to the original 'uncensored' article.
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not all of them were Taliban. I'd hate to be in Kandahar right now!

also good to see relief money being well-spent!
Come on FGL, why make your own alterations to a news article which is meant to be taken in its entirety and offers context?

Alterations were made to the original post to avoid future references being made to the accused's " mental condition". I should have edited it out in the first place, lest it be used as cannon fodder.

Dir, while I can totally understand your need for sarcasm and humour (as I am a pretty humourous person myself), I cannot accept the use of that "word" in your line which in my opinion refers to the mentally disabled" in a degratory way.
Potential new weapon against TB: free cell minutes*
By JAY LINDSAY,Associated Press Writer AP - Saturday, June 14 CAMBRIDGE, Mass. - Researchers at MIT believe they've discovered a new weapon in the battle against tuberculosis: For years, doctors have struggled to get some TB patients to take all their medication, which generally involves a six-month regimen of multiple drugs.
Now a student-led group at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology has developed a way to use cell phones to let patients test themselves. And if the tests show patients are following doctor's orders, they get rewarded with free minutes.
"We're piggybacking on one of the bigger rollouts of infrastructure out there, which is wireless technology and telecom technology," said Jose Gomez-Marquez, one of the project's leaders.
The system works like this: Patients test their urine using a strip that reveals a numeric code if it detects TB medicine. They then text message the code to their health care provider and get credit toward incentives such as free minutes.
The in-home tests also eliminate the need for health care workers to make several patient-monitoring visits a week, a routine that is often impractical in remote places, Gomez-Marquez said.
Mobile phones are good tools for the project because they are common in the developing world, where it's often cheaper to erect cell towers than miles of poles and wires, Gomez-Marquez said.
Dr. Mario Raviglione, director of a World Health Organization program to fight TB, called the MIT idea "creative." But he said personal visits must continue because systems that depend heavily on patient self-reporting have often failed.
"I would think it's a dangerous game to rely only on incentives," he said.
In 2006, the most recent year statistics are available, 9.2 million people worldwide were diagnosed with tuberculosis and 1.7 million died.
The disease can be cured with a steady regimen of drugs. But many patients start feeling better and stop taking the medicine too soon. Others abandon the drugs because of side effects such as nausea, fever and rashes.
If the drugs are taken only sporadically, the bacteria build up resistance. The WHO estimates that 5 to 10 percent of TB deaths are patients who stop taking medication properly.
The MIT group _ which originally included five students _ took on the TB problem in 2007 as part of the university's annual "IDEAS competition," which challenges participants to solve various world problems.
Under the TB treatment system used by the WHO, the relationship between the patient and health care worker can get adversarial, said Elizabeth Leshen, an MIT junior working on the project.
"We wanted to do something that takes the health care worker out of the supervisory role and puts him or her back into the patient care role," she said.
Cell minutes were chosen as an incentive because patients want them and phone companies are willing to give them out, said Gomez-Marquez, who added that other incentives and reporting methods can be tailored to different regions.
A small study of 20 patients in Nicaragua last year indicated the MIT system could work, and a larger study in Pakistan is planned for this summer. The team is trying to raise the $200,000 for a full-scale clinical trial.
The WHO's Raviglione said the MIT group's program could be an asset, particularly in developed countries, where people are more familiar with technology. But he said it must be combined with regular visits from health care workers or community leaders who can ensure patients take their medicine.
Before personal visits became routine in the 1990s, death rates from tuberculosis were estimated at 40 to 50 percent, according to the WHO. After officials began making visits as part of a broad strategy to fight TB, that figure dropped to 15 percent.
"Human contact is essential for people who have to take drugs for a long time," Raviglione said

OK ppl - take your crack at this one...
fgl, are you referring to the word 'retard'? I don't see anything wrong with it, sure others have used it as a word to attack others, but even doctors and such use it to refer to the mentally disabled.

Lastly my original post here was never intended to make people laugh, it was a bitter response to the cruel irony of the justice system. I shan't post here anymore if you think I was being derogatory though.
wah? ive only been gone one day and i missed so much action.
but seriously ive seen alot of dir's comments.
surely he was jesting guys.
why get so worked up.

and seriously the sentence on the poor chap doesnt make sense.
his almost of 'unsound' mind. and if i remembered correctly.
if proven of unsound mind you cant really charge a person as guilty.
you'll be sent to IMH for treatment instead.
dir: Yes, I do take offence to the word being used obviously along the line of popular Western Culture - is degratory to mentally handicapped people. Unlike you, me and probably many others, there are softie bros & sis here who have relatives with this affliction and may they take serious offence to that word. IMHO terms like that are no diffirent from degratory names the west have come up for certain ethnic groups or religious backgrounds.

Thank you for understanding the sensitivities of certain softie members.

Sorry bro, the last thing I wanna do is preach .... this is my last say ion the matter.
i don`t speak for myself only,but for the others here. bro FGL has a point.
think before you type...
thank you
dir: Yes, I do take offence to the word being used obviously along the line of popular Western Culture - is degratory to mentally handicapped people. Unlike you, me and probably many others, there are softie bros & sis here who have relatives with this affliction and may they take serious offence to that word. IMHO terms like that are no diffirent from degratory names the west have come up for certain ethnic groups or religious backgrounds.

Thank you for understanding the sensitivities of certain softie members.

Sorry bro, the last thing I wanna do is preach .... this is my last say ion the matter.
it's alright, I just don't understand the fixation over a particularly well-accepted word.

and I know lots of people, friends and family alike, who are mentally handicapped. So I do take slight offense at your assumption there.

and betsy, that's an astute observation!

i don`t speak for myself only,but for the others here. bro FGL has a point.
think before you type...
thank you
please stop posting, you're making yourself look silly with your insane diatribe
ouh come on guys, lets all just swallow our pride and apologise.
spread music, not hatred..
(did that sound right)

and seriously i do apologies if any of my posts on any thread till thus far offended anyone.
Okay, so now, people here are arguing like retards.. I didn't know this plight is capable of spreading itself through computer screens... -_-"

This whole thread's filled with misunderstanding! Argh, there's nothing wrong with anyone's post here. No malice was intended to anyone, the only thing mocked about was our nation's judiciary.

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