In the news ...

[please stop posting, you're making yourself look silly with your insane diatribe[/QUOTE]

haha.. looks who's talking about looking silly.
Alterations were made to the original post to avoid future references being made to the accused's " mental condition". I should have edited it out in the first place, lest it be used as cannon fodder.

No you should not have. It is not your work, and not your intellectual property.
Maybe you would like to ask the writer of the news article if it's ok to arbitrarily edit his/her work and rob it of context.

in any case, there is nothing wrong with the original phrase "mildly retarded".
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Ya the term 'mildly retarded' is ok lah

Cos its more of a medical condition than a joke, unless you're too immature and see it as the latter
there is something wrong with the sentence.
the guy is not in full control of his actions and probably not even aware of the consequences.
the extreme sentence meted out will most likely be the fullstop on any chance of societal integration he might have had.

i'm sure everyone is aware that ignorance of the law excuses no one.
I'm not certain as to where the boundary that separates ignorance and retards lies, but i do strongly believe he does not fall into the category of 'retards' when it comes to law.
how do you know if he is not in full control of his actions?
He would have been sent to a mental asylum long ago, if his intellectual ability was that bad .
If you had a chance to visit one of the Gardens Schools, you would have realised that the students, at the very least, have the basic ability of understanding the feelings of others.
Now this guy here is more intelligent than them,so there is absolutely no reason for him to go violate , not just 1 or 2 women, but 23 women , without being consciously aware that he is hurting his victims or without knowing that it is wrong. As you can see, there is a criminal intent here.

If you disagree with the sentence, i would say you are not just questioning the decision of the judge, but you are also questioning the expert psychiatric opinions that was referred to in this case.
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Where in the article did it state that the judge is acting solely on expert psychiatric opinion? Just to clear things out.

And hifi_killer, how do you know that HE IS in control of his action? It's just like how would you know that a man is a kleptomaniac.

And sorry but your quote on him being in a mental asylum earlier if his mental condition was that bad is somewhat insensitive, i'm sorry. It might just be a personal thing but like some of us here, i know people who are of "special needs' and in fact, had the pleasure of helping them out on a weekly basis for a few of years now. Whether he is better or worse than the people i work with, i've come to learn that whatever it is, their mental disabilities may manifest itself in various ways and MAYBE for this guy, it is through his fetish. I'm not too sure about this, i'm much of an armchair psychoanalyst as the next guy. But whatever it is, we don't just go around saying, "He would have been sent to a mental asylum long ago, if his intellectual ability was that bad". (Read:"If he was that crazy he should have gone into IMH earlier!") We can't just make these assumptions, you know?

That being said, i'm pretty much trying to seat on the fence on this one as best i can. Sorry if i offended anybody. Very tricky thread we're dealing with.
This thread is seriously turning into a joke.

Guys, why take things so seriously?

Instead of debating about the word "retard" and how sarcasm should be employed, aren't there more things in the world to care about?
I guess it mattered how the word "retard" was used because the subject of this thread could in fact be one, and it is somewhat insensitive to flippantly use it as a derogatory term given such a context, sarcasm or without. But yeah, i guess we may have overkill'd THAT discussion. :)
Recent NS deaths

SINGAPORE: With the recent sudden deaths of two seemingly healthy national servicemen during training, some pre—enlistees are asking if more information on the demands of National Service could be made available.

Currently, the public can log on to NS Portal for a slice on life as an NSman.
Other information sources available include the recruit handbook, public exhibitions and quarterly visits by polytechnics and junior colleges to the Basic Military Training Centre.
But one pre—enlistee said he and others like him want to know more than just anecdotes about life as an NSman.
Joel Han, a student, said: "I think I need more information about training schedules and what’s the routine like."
Parents have expressed confidence in SAF’s medical screening process, but like Joel’s parents, they are still inclined to get a more comprehensive second opinion.
Patricia Lim, mother of Joel, said: "My boy has actually gone through the pre—enlistment health screening by the army. However, I find that it may not be enough because when I run through the medical items, certain items are not included."
In addition to pre—enlistment health issues, parents are also concerned that their sons might be inclined to lie about the true state of their health during National Service due to pressure from their peers or platoon commanders.
They are suggesting that health checklists be given out prior to each training or exercise, so that national servicemen can give a more honest, but less public, self—appraisal
hmm, the way i see it. its up to the individual.
its either you up for it or not.
if you know you cant make it, then report sick.
so what if the instructor or your peers 'jeers' you.
no poin if you die.
ok i may seem stupid here.
but what did 'precious little' in the article refer to ah?

and regarding the NS thing.
NS has gotten hell lot more relaxed compared to last times alr.
and the thing is... yeah i agree w Aki.
the point is if yr not feeling up for it, why go ahead w it?
but yeah. parents are getting way too protective of their kids in recent years.


P.S. sorry if i offended anyone yeah?

edit: and btw, not knowing what 'precious little' is referring to, but how is 14years and 18strokes in favour of Ariffin?
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OK! Arguments aside.. I'm dam upset my brother got caught this time! :(

In the mean time, i'll continue to terrorize the aunties and ah lians under my block! I like shaven armpits best. The worst is kena those shave last week then spikey spikey now. Jialat man.

Hahaha. Kidding kidding. But all of us should just take things less seriously, lighten up a bit, chill and watch the grass grow, watch the taxi driver dig his nose at the traffic light, etc.. The world will be a better place! :mrgreen:
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i saw you were the last guy to post on this thread and i was about to ask if your related.. haha

guess theres no need for that
and regarding the NS thing.
NS has gotten hell lot more relaxed compared to last times alr.
and the thing is... yeah i agree w Aki.
the point is if yr not feeling up for it, why go ahead w it?
but yeah. parents are getting way too protective of their kids in recent years.

ya lor... nowadays damn good... got food catering and all. training not so tough.
haiya... to me its ok to be protective la but it's fcukin NS sial...
why nid to be too protective...
Hahaha I don't think he has been penalised because of "Smelling Armpit"..but on account of Molesting which is a serious offence here in Singapore.

PS: - So generally all round the world, a female have a upper-hand, if they accuse us of molesting...wah chai-lat man, we 're dead.

Hm.mmmm - So next time I wanna hold a girl's hand, I will say " Can I hold your hand please? " ...(to me - wait she complain me Molest I die kenna rottan) but (if she thinks otherwise, wah this is a Gentleman) and she says "Can, sure why not" ..... That's winning the initial part of the battle.

But of course dont ever ask a female - "Can I make Love with you" (that's stupidity - cause she will definetely say NO, because of her Natural Ego Conscious as she is a female mah ) -

Just ask - " Can we have dinner cum supper cum breakfast ?" when you're out on a date with her that evening, and If answer is a yes - you got it man....cheers.
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my deepest condolence to the recruit and OCT tt died, but seriously, i dun see anything wrong with our SAF training has been improve a hell lot compared to last time when my father and ur father when thru instead of askin the SAF to keep doing this and that...maybe we can ask ourselves...what have the kids now a days becoming to...? too comfortable in our little comfort zone maybe?
ok NS my time alr super relaxed.
last batch of 2.5yrs.
edit: btw i'm.... feb 04 enlist.
2 yrs 4 months.

and yes... what's 'precious little'? someone... please. haha
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