Recent NS deaths
SINGAPORE: With the recent sudden deaths of two seemingly healthy national servicemen during training, some pre—enlistees are asking if more information on the demands of National Service could be made available.
Currently, the public can log on to
NS Portal for a slice on life as an NSman.
Other information sources available include the recruit handbook, public exhibitions and quarterly visits by polytechnics and junior colleges to the Basic Military Training Centre.
But one pre—enlistee said he and others like him want to know more than just anecdotes about life as an NSman.
Joel Han, a student, said: "I think I need more information about training schedules and what’s the routine like."
Parents have expressed confidence in SAF’s medical screening process, but like Joel’s parents, they are still inclined to get a more comprehensive second opinion.
Patricia Lim, mother of Joel, said: "My boy has actually gone through the pre—enlistment health screening by the army. However, I find that it may not be enough because when I run through the medical items, certain items are not included."
In addition to pre—enlistment health issues, parents are also concerned that their sons might be inclined to lie about the true state of their health during National Service due to pressure from their peers or platoon commanders.
They are suggesting that health checklists be given out prior to each training or exercise, so that national servicemen can give a more honest, but less public, self—appraisal