I Photoshopped My Dad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

heh thanks people :D

hullabalooeeks: i didnt cut his hair.. jus dye for him.. wouldnt dare to so do.. hahahaha.

input_output: yeah i'll try it on myself.. cus i'm fat.. so i'm goanna make myself slim.. HAHA.. bleah. Hmm that will be considered.. but first of all i need to be good enough.

pepper-: OH NO! Dont blackmail my dad! NOO he is 50! NOO.

sfz: cus my dad promise to let me play with his hair if i help him to dye black. hahaha.

tany: HAHA he would be happy to hear that. :)

alifzaini: thanks thanks

Frummer: yes photoshop is great! if your photo ugly you can jus edit it.

ItAcHi: HAHA i dont wanna get killed by him. hmm maybe i can use photoshop and add a lil highlight.. haha i'll try :D
nak: Sure you can add me in msn and send your photo over! :D

Mobius: HAHA.. oh my mum said "die lor, so young wait china girl go find your dad how?" HAHA.. erm i said that "papa no money, nvm one lah, china girl wont want him". My mum said that dont dye his hair for him nex time. lol. :lol:
candie: hehehehe... yeah i'm wicked.. in a good way.

Tribalcast... hahaha my dad wasnt a gangster but he use to look like one.. with mustach and those middle long 80s hair.. bellbottom pants and so on. HAHA my grandpa wasnt too sure about him, so for the sake of my mum, my dad shave his mustach on their wedding.

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